How Do I Become An Author?

How Do I Become An Author?

How Do I Become An Author?

Posted on 01/29/2013 Evan Swensen

How do I become an author?  Is it something you’re born with? Does it happen by chance?

Kayla Hunt is one of our younger authors, and, at first, she hated books.

When I was seven I hated reading, plain and simple. There were better things to do like climb trees and play in the irrigation ditches. My parents struggled with me, trying to get me to read but all I did was look up and see the outdoors calling me.

My first-grade teacher took the time to find stories equal to the adventures I had on my family’s ranch. I fell into the magical world of literature.

In the fifth grade my passion had grown so much that I found myself wondering if I should start my own book. Why not? The authors I read had done it, how hard could it be?  How do I become an author?

I will not forget the fall day in 1995 when I came home to see an eight-page spiral-bound green notebook waiting on my bed.

I asked my mother, “What is this for?”

She stated matter-of-factly, “For the book you want to write.”

My future was decided right there. The stories came in waves after I set pen to paper. My imagination didn’t stop no matter what I was doing, sitting in class, climbing a tree, running across an alfalfa field or riding the bus to school.

You can find the rest of her story of becoming an author, and the true stories of 31 others in Becoming a Published Author, which you can get on our Web site, or on Amazon. We hope these stories inspire you and assist you to become the author you want to be.

Keep in touch.

Evan Swensen, Publisher
Publication Consultants
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