Have You Been Burned By An Unethical Book Publishing Company?

Have You Been Burned By An Unethical Book Publishing Company?

Have You Been Burned By An Unethical Book Publishing Company?

Posted on 10/14/2022 Evan Swensen
Have You Been Burned By An Unethical Book Publishing Company?

One of the topics of most concern to writers has been how to find a reputable publisher.

It is an integral part of who we are to always treat our authors with respect and integrity. We know anyone can say these words, so from Bringing Your Book to Market, is Carol Weishampel’s horror story.

I contracted with a local Texas book publishing company to edit and publish a novel set in Texas, thinking that his hype about local promotion would be an advantage. I paid a fee for editing, printing, and promotion, but the first proof, which took several months, had excessive errors that were not my errors. I was shocked that my name had been misspelled. In addition, the cover did not match the plot.

I marked pages of errors and returned the proof. Promises of a cleaned-up proof dragged into two years of excuses. I took him to small claims court but settled in mediation. He would provide a new cover and make all necessary corrections. Many months later, the “new” proof was no improvement over the old. After three years of irritation, I took his company to mediation again and demanded my money back and all rights to my manuscript.

I received the rights to the book but no monetary award! I learned a very costly lesson: ensure the publisher and/or editor I chose was reputable.

I was born the same year the Alaska-Canada Highway was built, and I had always wanted to visit Alaska. So, I decided to drive the Alcan to celebrate my 60th birthday. This led to several visits to the Greatland and ideas for books.

Through my travels, I met another author published with Publication Consultants. She, too, was from the Lower 48 and explained that Evan would consider manuscripts with an Alaska theme, even though the author was not an Alaska resident.

I submitted the manuscript and was pleased with the reception I received. Evan asked for my input on the cover design. I sent him my ideas and liked his cover; however, he had a motor home in the design that was different from the one I described in the story, and I mentioned that a bear was prominent in the plot. Evan quickly tweaked the cover to an RV that matched the story and added a bear that “came out from the bushes,” I was most pleased.

A year later, Publication Consultants published my children’s book, Loon’s Necklace, which I had illustrated. Although we do not have loons, this little book has sold well in Texas.

Carol now has four books with us, and we invite you to look at them. We are pleased we passed Carol’s test as a reputable book publishing company https://publicationconsultants.com.

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