Take Time to Lift a Young Writer

Take Time to Lift a Young Writer

Take Time to Lift a Young Writer

Posted on 10/17/2022 Evan Swensen
Take Time to Lift a Young Writer

An author never stands as tall as when he reaches to lift a young writer.

As you grow as an author, you may want to step up, reach down, and lift a young writer.

This is not in any contract you have to sign.

This is something we hope you will move into in your own way and time.

As we prepared today’s blog, we’re reminded about two authors, Becky Clement and Helene Dahlstrom, who created an Authors In Your School one day inspiring program for young writers. Unfortunately, Becky passed away, and Helene moved away, but their one-day-in-school program may be something you’d like to develop using your talent, skills, writing knowledge, and experience.

The flyer Becky and Helene created and mailed to schools and school districts contained these two paragraphs.

As a primary teacher for many years, I know what it takes to keep young children engaged in a topic. With the participation of the students and using my own stories, I demonstrate that it only takes a few familiar words to write a story. I will discuss character development, word choice, setting, and dialogue. The children will experience the rhythm of words and learn the songs from my books. I assure you my presentation will be age appropriate and leave the students with ideas for writing their own stories.

I love to share the joy of writing with students in a classroom setting. The session begins with a brief introduction of the books I have written and my involvement with Battle of the Books, sponsored by the Alaska Association of School Librarians. Throughout the presentation, the students engage in dialogue and activities as we review six traits of writing: ideas, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and creative conventions. The session concludes with a discussion about autographs and how the students can achieve their dreams.

We hope you become as inspired as these two authors and work this kind of teaching into your schedule.

Perhaps a school district near you is waiting for you, an author, to come to their school.

If you feel inspired and want a copy of Becky and Halene’s flyer to give you help-a-young-writer ideas, kindly contact us, and we’ll send you a copy.

You can inspire kids to become voracious readers and have the creativity to tell their own stories. In addition, you can help to teach them the craft.

There is a good feeling coming from helping a youngster. We think you’ll like it.

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