How Could That Happen

How Could That Happen

How Could That Happen

Posted on 12/22/2022 Evan Swensen
How Could That Happen

Years ago, John Pontius, author of Following the Light into His Presence: , attracted the attention of a narrow niche publisher. Their interest resulted in our selling the publishing rights of John’s book and releasing John from his contract so he could negotiate a deal with the new publisher.

Right after John’s first book with the new publisher was released, John called me. He was sick at heart. During the proofing process, he made notes for changes and corrections within the book’s proof copy.

When the book was released, none of his suggested changes were made—and his correction notes were printed in the book.

“How could that happen,” John asked.

“I don’t know, but I’ll bet your new publisher is asking the same question.”

Trying to lighten the conversation, I offered, “Save your copy of the first edition. It may be worth some money when you’re rich and famous.”

People who purchased John’s first edition may have thought the same thing.

John’s new publisher recalled the first edition and replaced it with a new second edition.

However, many purchasers bought a second edition—and kept their error-filled first edition. Consequently, the publisher sold twice as many books by making a publishing blunder,

John’s experience left me wondering; maybe this is a way to sell more books—I don’t think so!

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