
McGee on Trial for First Degree Murder
McGee on Trial for First Degree Murder

McGee on Trial for First Degree Murder

Subtitle : The Greatest Risks of His Life
Author : Carl Douglass
ISBN No. : 9781637471326



Publication Consultants

Book : McGee on Trial for First Degree Murder

ISBN Number : 9781637471326
Book Name : McGee on Trial for First Degree Murder (The Greatest Risks of His Life)
Book Pages : 208

McGee on Trial for First Degree Murder is the eleventh book in the McGee & Associates Private Eyes series. The light and dark of the justice system enshroud McGee when he is accused of multiple first-degree murders with almost unassailable evidence against him. Federal courts, police and private investigators, biased cops, prosecutors, judges, drug lords, the Mafia, and his old friends, including the president, get involved. Finally, Joseph Patrick Aloysius Michael John McGee is found guilty and sent to live on death row until his execution. But is that all she wrote? You’ll have to pay attention to detail to determine the what and why of the fast-moving action, complicated trials (plural), and the testimonies of honest witnesses and liars.

Author : Carl Douglass

Author Tag Line : Neurosurgeon Turned Author Writes With Gripping Realism

Carl Douglass, a retired neurosurgeon and active storyteller, lives in a pleasant mountain neighborhood. He and his wife of sixty years delight in their progeny, good health, and safety and security afforded them in the great country in which they live and love.

Additional Information

Weight .32 lbs
Dimensions 7.81 × 50.6 in


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