Genre? What’s That?

Writers and authors will hear this word more the longer they are in the book-writing business. Genre is a fancy word that English has borrowed from the French. All it means is the kind or category of book. As in, “What kind of book are you writing?”

And you say, “A memoir,” or “a Western,” or, “young adult.”

So, what kind of book are you writing? Publication Consultants has published poetry, history, fiction, drama, young adult, religion, children’s books, literary and scholarly works, theses, textbooks, memoirs, Alaskana, biography, family history, directories, brochures, catalogs, and Americana, for a start.

We do not publish anything with explicit erotic content of any sort. We’re just not that kind of publisher. That said, be assured we have a wide range of book experience behind us—as well as before us and right in front of us! We are always at work on manuscripts in all stages of publication.

Whatever the scope of your work, length of your manuscript, number of copies you want, quality of paper, type of cover, or type of binding, you’ll find we have the experience to produce a book you’ll be proud of.

We get many book submissions every week. We respond within ten business days of acceptance of your manuscript because we know you’re eager to get your book published and to market.

And what genre is your work? You might come up with a new genre; who knows? For example, you could present us with a young adult science fiction Western, and if it’s well written, we’ll be excited about it and pleased to work with you to get it off the ground.

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