In the last post we talked about finding the topic to write about. Now that you have that “topic” to write about, how do you come up with WHAT to write about that topic?
This post will hopefully help you to generate ideas find new ways to research information.
Brainstorming.Try using family members, friends, or even other writers. Brainstorming cane be a great way to beat the dreaded “Writer’s Block”. Remember, brainstorming can be as much fun as productive. One of the easiest ways to brainstorm is simply sit and just start throwing ideas out, Another way is by putting ideas in a hat or bowl and asking people to write an idea down. Then read each idea out loud and watch for the reactions.
By adding other people to the process, will allow you access to ideas that you never even thought of. Their ideas and opinions will surely be some you never thought of.
Another idea is just to gather some people or even just one friend and start asking them questions about your topic. If you take the time to explain to the person what you are writing about and why, you will be surprised by what they then may have to offer.
Researching Ideas
Memories.Try writing down you childhood experiences. Try to remember specifically what you did, who were your friends, what did you like to play, what movies you liked, what foods you liked, your influencers in your life. You will be surprised on how this is a great way to gather new ideas for your eBook.
Another idea is try asking a friend or a colleague about their childhood experiences. You can be amazed about what type of backgrounds and adventures other people have had in their lives. As we all know, these can make some of the best books and movies.
Listening.Listening to other people’s chatter is another great way to build up ideas for stories. Next time you are at the water cooler, shopping mall, gym or waiting at the doctor’s office try listening to what people are chatting about. What topics are they talking about, what makes them happy, what troubles them, what is “news” in their conversations. This is a great and easy way to pick up some great story ideas.
Kids are also great resources for ideas as well. Because they are innocent, they can provide a sincerity that adults often can’t or won’t.
Classes:Other ideas include: attend a workshop, listen to a teleseminar or conference call, sit in on a class, do an interview. By surrounding yourself areas that will have information about your topic, you should be able to pick up new ideas and research.
Ask People.People love to help and tell their opinions. A great way to involve other people’s ideas and information is by having them answer a survey or poll. Obviously you can also ask them questions. Gather all of this information and for research for writing your book.
Now get out there and start your research today. For more help with your publishing needs, contact us. We would love to help you start you on the path as a published author.