New Release! When Raven Dances

New Release! When Raven Dances

New Release! When Raven Dances

Posted on 11/12/2013 Evan Swensen

Polly Bigelow of Washington State has just released her first book, When Raven Dances

We’re pleased to announce Polly Bigelow’s new book, When Raven Dances. Polly and her husband put a lot of work into planning, arranging, and promoting her book release party at a local winery. All their efforts paid off.

Polly reports:

“Omigosh, we had such a great time! People came and went at a very civilized rate and stayed around to (drink) and visit—quite a convivial affair. Sold 54 books at least. People liked the wine so they bought, which made the winery happy—it just worked out all around.”

We believe one of the best estimator’s of a book is its readers. Here’s what some readers said about the book and its heroine, young Marisol.

“War disrupts a young child’s life when her father is killed in action.  As a result, her mother decides to leave the comforts of New Mexico to seek a new life for them in far north Alaska.  This story chronicles the ups and downs, adventures and misadventures in her life as she and her mother struggle to establish themselves in their new world.  This is a “feel good” book worth your time.  Read it.  You will be glad you did.” William R. Brooksher, Brigadier General USAF, military historian and author of Glory at a Gallop: 

Tales of the Confederate Cavalry

“Marisol is propelled into a world far different from safe, predictable New Mexico–one marked by snow, military residue, peculiar characters, and a bit of intrigue. With help from more supporters than she knows, she thrives and comes to adore her northern home. A charming and enlightening story of growing up in Alaska immediately following WWll.” Patricia Fry, Executive Director of SPAWN and author of Catnapped, a Klepto Cat Mystery

“[Polly Bigelow] is able to weave in the language and folklore of Native Americans and other early immigrants from Alaska to New Mexico.  Her descriptive writing style reminds one of Elizabeth Peters, author of the popular Amelia Peabody series.  Many details bring the 1940s vividly to life.  Most of us today are unaware of what sacrifices U.S. citizens had to make for the war effort. There are many suspenseful events in this novel that keep us turning the pages. Readers will be hoping for a sequel to learn what else happens to our gutsy heroine and her compatriots.” Patricia Cleavenger, teacher of English literature and Columbia Basin College librarian

It’s a good sign when your readers want you to write a sequel.


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Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

Publication Consultants
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