
A Hero’s Journey
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A Hero’s Journey

Subtitle : Life Lessons From a Dog and His Friends
Author : Valerie Winans
ISBN No. : 9781594339530



Publication Consultants

Book : A Hero’s Journey

ISBN Number : 9781594339530
Book Name : A Hero’s Journey (Life Lessons From a Dog and His Friends)

On this journey Remington Beagle learns life lessons from five famous canines: Balto, RinTinTin, Smoky, Barry, and Sgt. Stubby. As Remington travels in time and space to live as each of these dogs, the lessons he learns from them enables him to step into a hero’s role for himself, but he doesn’t make this journey or learn these lessons alone. He has help from his best friend, Rudy Carl the Rottweiler, Greg the woodchuck, Sophie the rabbit, Who the owl, and even a garden snake. Join me, Remington Beagle, on an exciting adventure around the world to live and view life through the eyes of talking animals who are teachers of virtue. Together we learn how thoughts and actions make habits and how habits effect our destinies.

Author : Valerie Winans

Additional Information

Weight .52 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 in


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