Book : Andalusia Forest
ISBN Number : | 9781637470572 |
Book Name : | Andalusia Forest (The Curse at Torrens Falls) |
Book Pages : | 138 |
Book Size : | 6 X 9 |
Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found
Download File: Number : | 9781637470572 |
Book Name : | Andalusia Forest (The Curse at Torrens Falls) |
Book Pages : | 138 |
Book Size : | 6 X 9 |
Welcome to Andalusia Forest, a theme park that once bustled with excitement but now lies abandoned, steeped in mysterious legends and tales of hauntings. This once-beloved destination is still imbued with a captivating allure, a magnet for both treasure seekers and the curious. In this intriguing setting, a tenacious ghost hunter, Chloe Melbourne, teams up with the adventurous Iconoclast trio of Kat, Ken, and Bart. What starts as a straightforward mission to locate a missing friend quickly becomes an exploration of the forest’s deeper secrets. No longer home to the whimsical creatures that once danced in the minds of its audience, Andalusia Forest reveals chilling truths hidden in its shadows. Why not embark on this exciting journey? The gates are open for those willing to venture into the unknown. You’re invited to discover the enigmatic entities that inhabit these haunting woods. With a balanced blend of whimsy and reality, the tale of Andalusia Forest offers a thrilling yet measured experience. So, take a bold step, and let the answers reveal themselves through your exploration. Andalusia Forest awaits. Will you heed the call?
Meet Mary Ann Poll, an award-winning author often called America's Lady of Supernatural Thrillers. Her Iconoclast series is an extraordinary blend of the eerie and the uncanny, with a storytelling prowess that has won acclaim from readers and critics alike. Mary Ann's unique background sets her apart. Before becoming a renowned writer, she worked in administrative roles, honing skills that shine through in her well-organized and meticulously crafted stories. Her writings, often inspired by personal experiences and vivid imagination, offer a thrilling yet grounded journey into the supernatural world. Her books aren't just another ghost story; they are infused with values and emotions that resonate with readers. Her love for animals and family adds a relatable warmth to her tales, balancing the suspense with a sense of coziness. Mary Ann Poll's Iconoclast series is worth exploring if you're looking for a gripping series that combines spine-chilling suspense with profound insights. Her commitment to storytelling excellence and connection with her readers makes her work a must-read for anyone interested in supernatural intrigue. Dive into her world and uncover the awaiting mysteries. It's an invitation to explore the unknown, presented in a way that's both engaging and accessible.
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More than year ago… Publication Consultants announced Authors Campaign Method (ACM) for sales and marketing. Two recent Author Updates, October 4 and October 12) listed eight facets of ACM.
1. Release Party
2. Web Presence
3. Book signings
4. Amazon Author Page
5. Facebook Page
6. Active Social Media Participation
7. eBook Cards
8. Book Listing on Indibound
We recently read a marketing book for authors and recognized the author’s list for building an author’s platform paralleled and added to the facets of ACM. Additional items to our ACM list included:
1. Speaking Engagements
2. Emails
3. Building Relationships
4. Traditional Media
5. Endorsements
6. Internet Publishing
7. Promotions
8. Advertising
Together these 16 tools constitute areas Authorpreneurs should center their efforts in building an author platform. However, we doubt that an author can work all these, still write books, and have any personal life. It seems that an author should select only the ones they can manage and enjoys doing and not worry about the others. For us, the important thing is to only do as much as you’re able and enjoy as you connect with your readers. Of course more effort leads to better and quicker success.
We realize that an author applying these tools may not receive book sales for as long as 12 months, but we are convinced that applying these tools will result in long term success.
Publication Consultants’ Blog
Publication Consultants’ recent blogs, <> have been directed more to unpublished authors than to published authors. Heartbreaking, tragic book publishing stories come to us with regularity. Most of these could have been avoided if the new author had the information in these recent blogs: Questions to Ask a Publisher Before Signing Anything, What To Look Out For When Publishing Your First Book, Why You Should Approach a Consultant Before Trying to Get Published, How to Avoid Being Scammed by a Publisher, and Becoming a Published Author. We know that published authors are asked about their publisher by writers looking for a publishers. If you’re a published author kindly point inquiring writers to our blog. The writer you’re talking with will appreciate your concern.
Independent Book Stores
We recommend you put your books on the Independent Book Stores website. There are hundreds of ABA booksellers with websites and storefronts. These stores want to know about you and about your books. They welcome authors for book signings and will promote the author event if your book is listed on the ABA’s website. Here’s how to make sure your book is listed and is for sale at ABA member bookstores.
Adding titles or cover images to the ABA database:
First, log in to using your personal account. If you don’t have an account on, please create one at
Once you are logged in, kindly search for your title first, by ISBN, using the search form in the upper right of the site (13 digits only, no dashes or spaces). If your title is already listed, it does not need to be added. If you see that information is missing or incorrect, please email the necessary changes to (be sure to include ISBN and Title).
If your title (or cover image) cannot be found in the database, use the links below to add it:
1) To add a complete book listing, including a cover image, go to:
2) To add a missing cover image to an existing book, go to
Just enter your data, upload an image, and submit!
Please allow time for approval by someone at ABA. You will receive an email when your book is approved. Once approved, it can take up to 24 hours for your book to appear in search results and on, but it will be available on individual store websites, in book lists, etc. immediately.
Keep in mind that adding a book to the ABA shared database does not necessarily make the title available for purchase. If a customer clicks to purchase your title, they will be taken to one of the ABM member bookstores. It is then up to each bookstore to obtain the book for their customer. However, if a store cannot find your title available from the publisher or a distributor, they may inform their customer that the book is not readily available. The easier it is for the bookseller to find and obtain your title, the likelier that a store will fill an order for your book.
ABA also has an affiliate program where you can actually earn money for referring people to member’s stores.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Author Campaign Method (ACM) for Authorpreneurs
We take the quote by Marcella Smith, Small Press Business Manager, Barnes & Noble seriously: “The author is essential to the success of the book, giving energy behind the book to make it something that a customer will come in and ask for. That is what makes the difference in a book that sells, that develops legs, and has a life of its own. Otherwise the book goes on the shelf and stays there for three months. Then it gets returned.”
This is Publication Consultants’ motivation for constantly striving to assist authors sell and market their books. Author Campaign Method (ACM) of sales and marketing is Publication Consultants’ plan to accomplish this so that our authors’ books have a reasonable opportunity for success. We know the difference between motion and direction. ACM is direction! ACM is the process for authorpreneurs who are serious about bringing their books to market. ACM is a boon for them.
The seven facets of Publication Consultants’ ACM includes: a release party, web presence, book signings, Amazon Author Page, Facebook Page, Active Social Media Participation, and eBook Cards. We will be adding new facets to ACM as time goes by. ACM is a living, growing sales and marketing method for authorpreneurs.
Release Party
We’re the only publisher we know of assisting and supporting author release parties. Your Publication Consultants’ publishing contract includes our support of your release party. If you’d like more information about release parties, kindly contact us or see the Well Planned Release Party video on our website <>. A well planned release party kick starts the sales and marketing of your book, is well suited for authorpreneurs, and is essential to your ACM’s effectiveness.
Web Presence
We’re the only publisher we know of that creates a web presence for their authors by obtaining a domain name, creating a website, and establishing a blog. Your Publication Consultants’ publishing contract includes establishing your web presence. Keep in mind that your website will do little unless you feed and nurture it by regularly posting to your blog, keeping your events current, and promoting it in your social media offerings. A website will become a frustration or a great joy. It just depends on posting at least once a week.
Your fans want to hear from and about you. An authorpreneurs blog and other social media offerings meets their desires—and helps sell books.
Book Signings
We’re the only publisher we know of that provides authors with book signing opportunities. Book signing are appropriate for authorpreneurs. To schedule a book signing kindly go to our website, <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, and Author Services will take it from there. Once you’ve made the request you’ll receive confirmation that the request has been received. As soon as the request is approved by the bookseller you will receive notification from Author Services giving you details about the signing.
Amazon Author Page
An Author Page on Amazon Author Central is a authorpreneurs CM requirement. Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books, and view Customer Reviews and sales information for your bibliography. If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central. You can find out more at: or the help site A well maintained Amazon author page is essential for your authorpreneurs success. You should point all of your social media offerings to your Amazon author page. Your author pages makes it easy for potential readers to purchase your book.
Facebook Profile and Facebook Page
We hear authors complain about all the personal stuff on Facebook. Most of these complaints are because the author doesn’t understand the difference difference between a Facebook profile and a Facebook page. Simply put, a profile is for personal things for friends and family; a page is for business. If your book is just a hobby, then it’s fine to have only a Facebook profile and make your posts for friends and family; however, if you’re serious about your writing, and it’s a business with you, or you want it to be business, then you need a Facebook page as an author. It’s simple to tell if it’s a page or a profile. A profile shows how many friends and a page shows how many likes. Here’s a link <> to a straight forward description on how to set up your author Facebook page.
Active Social Media Participation
Social media marketing is a frustration for most authors. However, SMM is the authorpreneur’s key to success and the glue holding the other facets of ACM together. As a published author, you are a celebrity in the minds of your readers. They are interested in you and what you do and what you think. The proper use of social media gives you the opportunity to serve your reader’s desire to be a part of your celebrity status. You are a part of this way to reach readers. Traditional ways are changing at a high rate of speed. As an author, you can no longer be a spectator. If you want to advance your writing career, you must become the parade. Strong social media marketing is essential—and exciting! A business savvy authorpreneur, using available social media tools, may become their inch-wide-mile-deep market parade!
Ebook Cards
Here’s how eBook cards works. Authors purchase eBook cards at wholesale prices. The eBook card shows the regular eBook retail price. Authors can use the eBook card in a variety of ways to help them sell more books. For example, authors can simply sell the eBook card for the retail price, or any price they want, or use the eBook card as an incentive to readers to purchase printed books. Authors can bundle eBooks and pBooks. The eBook card is perfect if an author is invited to make a presentation somewhere. Authors can tell the event promoters that they’ll do the event if they allow the author to sell books at the back of the room after the presentation, and if the promoter will purchase a given number of eBook cards to be used as door prizes to promote the event. And, eBook cards are a way to sell eBooks while an author is talking to anyone, anyplace, anytime. Authors may be use the eBook card in any in manner they want; either to sell for full retail, sell at a discount, bundle it with a printed book, or any variety of ways to help establish then as an author and to promote their works. Perhaps the biggest benefit for selling eBooks, by using eBook cards, is that when the customer redeems their card they give us their contact information and we can market to them. And, of course, the author can autograph the eBook card, letting the purchaser know to save the signed eBook card. It may be as valuable someday as a signed baseball card.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
ReadAlaska 2016
ReadAlaska is two months away—but your decision to participate is only days away. Publication Consultants will be participating in the event this year; but this year will be different.
Many authors decided it was in their best interest for them to have their own table and sign and sell their own books. Therefore, for ReadAlaska 2016, Publication Consultants will have only one table. Authors may decide to have their own table or share a table. We are attaching the Sign UP information and form for your consideration and use. It is essential that, if you want a ReadAlaska 2016 table, you make your decision quickly and send your Signup Form to the event promoters.
If you have questions kindly contact:
Edward Bovy & Alissa Crandall
Greatland Graphics
P O Box 141414
Anchorage, AK 9951
(907) 337-1234
We are looking forward to another pleasant and profitable ReadAlaska
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
The Great Alaska Book Fair: October 8, 2016
Publication Consultants, in association with Alaska Book Week, is hosting the Great Alaska Book Fair sponsored in part by The Mall at Sears and Anchorage Public Library. Book fair hours are 10 AM to 6 PM on Saturday, October 8, 2016. Tables will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Authors are responsible for their own sales—and pocket all the money. There will not be a central check out register. There is a charge of $50 per table. Authors may share tables if they’d like.
Other events at the mall include: a Farmer’s Market, a Sidewalk Sale and the Better Business Bureau’s Shred Day, and a Financial Fitness Fair. This is the same day as the The Mall at Sears is featuring their annual sidewalk sale to coincide with the release of Permanent Fund Dividends. This should be a high traffic day when people have expendable money to spend.
If you’re interested you can sign up by going to .
If you’e a serious author and want to sell more books we suggest you consider this event.
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Mary Ann Poll
Mary Ann published her first book with us in 2010 and soon after became our Author Events Coordinator. In addition to writing two more novels she has continued to serve Publication Consultants and our authors. For many booksellers and authors she’s been the face of Publication Consultants. Mary Ann is now finishing her new novel where the setting of her book moves from Alaska to Texas. Mary Ann also moved to Texas a couple of years ago to be closer to family. The move to Texas slowed her writing down a bit, but now she’s completing a new novel and increasing her social media marketing and personal book signings.
A couple of weeks ago we received the email we knew was coming some day, but dreaded on one hand and welcomed on the other. Mary Ann announced that she’s going to start focusing more on her writing and marketing her books—and spending time with family. Of course we’re more than pleased about that, but we were saddened with her notice that in order for her to concentrate her time and resources she’s unable to continue as our Author Events Coordinator.
We’re grateful for Mary Ann—her friendship, her absolute loyalty to us, and her service to our authors and booksellers—and we are pleased and excited about her increased energy to writing and promoting her works. We wish her only the best knowing that as she succeeds our company benefits and our friendship is strengthened.
With this note we also announce that the procedures Mary Ann developed for arranging and tracking author signings will continue. We have appointed Neha Madaan as our new Author Events Coordinator. With Mary Ann’s assistance Neha has the tools required to meet author’s signing needs. We encourage you to be patient as Neha gets to know you, your books, and our booksellers. We ask that you direct author event questions and comments to She will respond promptly and professionally.
You can join with us in expressing your appreciation to Mary Ann by writing her at or posting on her Facebook page: <> Mary Ann Poll: America’s Lady of Supernatural Thrillers.
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Book Signing At Mosquito Books
Jim Misko’s report on his Mosquito Books reads like an award winning author, which he is of course.
“Signing went well at Mosquito Books in C Concourse, Ted Stevens Anchorage International airport yesterday, Monday, June 6th. It was D-Day for ambushing great customers on the concourse. Deborah provided table and chair and free coffee and donuts.
“Had two double sales and 30 interactions with customers.
“Carol and Gwen treated me very well and were helpful . . ..”
Jim sold 28 books and scheduled more Mosquito Books author signings.
The Mall At Sears Author Signings
The mall is proving to be a good venue for authors and more authors are scheduling signings there. Please note that the Mall At Sears signings are for Saturday only and only two authors will be scheduled on any given Saturday.
Other Signing Venues
We are still working on signings at Carrs/Safeway but we do not have the approval and procedure just yet. If you’ve been receiving invitations to signings you’ll notice that a great number of venues are available.
To schedule a book signing kindly go to our website, <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, and Author Services will take it from there. Once you’ve made the request you’ll receive confirmation that the request has been received. As soon as the request is approved by the bookseller you will receive notification from Author Services giving you details about the signing.
If you have questions about book signings please let us know.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
The Mall At Sears
We received a short note from David Kunkel, author of Locked Up Abroad, following his Saturday signing at The Mall At Sears: “Hi Evan; Had a good signing at Sears. Hope it’s as good next Saturday.” We hope so to David.
As you may know we have arranged for book signings each Friday and Saturday at the Mall At Sears. If you’re interested in this signing kindly go to our website and request a signing. We will not schedule more than two authors each day. This venue is available each week except June 3 and 4. The mall would like an author during all hours the store is open; however, this is not a deal-breaker requirement. You can pick your hours and even share time and table with another author. For this signing you will bring your own books, receive and process payment, and pocket the proceeds. To schedule this signing kindly go to our website, <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, (United States, Alaska, Anchorage, The Mall at Sears) and Author Services will take it from there. Once you’ve made the request you’ll receive confirmation that the request has been received and you will receive specific instructions about your signing.
If you have questions about book signings please let us know.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Women In The Locker Room
Maggie Holeman, author of Women In The Locker Room, received a nice review by Glacier City Gazette .
The Mall At Sears
We have arranged for book signings each Friday and Saturday at the Mall At Sears. If you’re interested in this signing kindly go to our website and request a signing. This venue is available each week except June 3 and 4. The mall would like an author during all hours the store is open; however, this is not a deal-breaker requirement. You can pick your hours and even share time and table with another author. For this signing you will bring your own books, receive and process payment, and pocket the proceeds. To schedule this signing kindly go to our website, <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, (United States, Alaska, Anchorage, The Mall at Sears) and Author Services will take it from there. Once you’ve made the request you’ll receive confirmation that the request has been received and you will receive specific instructions about your signing.
If you have questions about book signings please let us know.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Book Signings
In addition to the Talkeetna Alaska Lodge Publication Consultants’ authors can now schedule author signings at the Talkeetna Public Library. Many authors find that some of these less obvious, smaller venues offer more sales than larger ones.
Of course other venues are available: Barnes and Noble, Fireside Books, and Mosquito Books. To schedule a book signing kindly go to our website, <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, and Author Services will take it from there. Once you’ve made the request you’ll receive confirmation that the request has been received. As soon as the bookseller approves the request you will receive notification from Author Services giving you details about the signing.
We’re still working on Carrs/Safeway and it looks like this will be happening before summer. We were encouraged when Costco came back to us and approved book signings; however, they put time of day restrictions, short selling time, and minimum sales. When we looked at it we determined that it was not profitable for either our authors or us. Fred Meyer corporate management has not been receptive to author signings.
Some authors have asked if there was something they could do to help. The answer is yes; wherever you shop ask to talk with a manager and ask them if it is possible to do book signings. Once you find that it’s possible kindly let us know the name of the person and contact information and we’ll take it from there. We’ve found that local management may have altitudes that corporate gives them for local events.
If you have questions about book signings please let us know.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Book Signings
We’re still working on signings for Costco, Fred Meyer, and Carrs. We’ll let you know when we are able to do these again. We hope to have these in place before summer. Please hold your signing requests for these venues until we have things in place.
Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge
Bonnye Matthews stopped in and visited with the folks at Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge and confirmed that it will be a wonderful venue for book signings. We heard back from lodge management that they enjoyed Bonnye’s visit and are looking forward to having author signing events this coming season beginning in June and going through August. Here’s some facts we’ve learned about the lodge. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday’s are projected to be the slowest days of the week. The heaviest days are Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Saturday is medium. A good time for evening is between 5 and 6 into the night until about 8:30 PM. The morning best time, depending on when the coaches leave, is between 7 AM and 9 AM. After that, the folks at the lodge says. “you hear crickets until about 4 PM.” And a important, exciting tidbit they shared with us; “We had 30,000 guests walk through the door last year.” I hope you read that!
Mary Ann Poll
Mary Ann is recovering from her second wrist surgery, so she may not respond in her normal Mary Ann- do-it-now-time to your requests for a couple of weeks. Please be patient if she doesn’t get right back with you.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publisher’s Graphics
We have used the short run printing services of Publisher’s Graphics for more than 20 years. Authors who have been around for a while will remember the case bound books we used to produce for the Mat/Sue Young Writers Conference. Publisher’s Graphics was the company we used for printing these books in addition to many other short run titles. We recently made an agreement with Publisher’s Graphics to sell our titles on their new online bookstore, PG Direct. We have many of our books on this new bookselling site <>.
Kindly review the PG Direct site and confirm that the information about your book is correct. If you don’t see your book, please inform and we’ll let you know how we can add your title. Feel free to include the link to your book on your social media offerings and website.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Mat/Su Young Writers Conference April 30, 2016
We invite you to participate in this year’s Mat/Su Young Writers Conference on April 30, 2016. We need your help if you’re willing to assist. The following authors will be there: Steven Levi, Janet Mc Cart, Rebecca Goodrich, Halene Dahlstrom, Lavon Bridges, Alice Wright, Martin Grossman, Lindianne Sarno, Bonnye Matthews, and Julie Rahm. If you’d like to join these authors and assist young people kindly let us know by return email. Of course, Lois will be hosting participating authors to lunch at a local restaurant.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Talkeetna Alaska Lodge Book Signing Opportunity
We have added Talkeetna Alaska Lodge <> to our Author Signing link on our website. If you’re traveling past Talkeetna, our want to make a special trip, here’s a new signing opportunity. Most guests arrive every evening and depart the next morning. The lodge will promote the signing on the evening of your arrival. You will be the “entertainment” for the evening. Your signing will be the only activity at the lodge that evening. You can create your own presentation, talk, reading, of just signing books. The following morning you will be able to meet guests prior to their departure for a final book signing opportunity. Multiple day signings are possible. You’ll have a new audience every day. The lodge is extremely excited about author signings and will pre-promote your bing there.
To schedule a Talkeetna Alaska Lodge book signing kindly go to our website, <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, and Author Services will take it from there. Once you’ve made the request you’ll receive confirmation that the request has been received. As soon as the request is approved by the Talkeetna Alaska Lodge you will receive notification from Author Services giving you details about the signing.
We’ve included a couple of photos of where your signing event will take place in the lodge.
If you have questions about book signings please let us know.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Mat/Su Young Writers Conference
If you’d like to, and are able, we invite you to participate in this year’s Mat/Su Young Writers Conference on April 30, 2016.. Because of the popularity, enjoyable experience, and opportunity to sell books and help kids, we’ve already heard from some or our authors who have asked to be included in this year’s faculty. You will enjoy teaching students hungry to learn from a published author. Our authors have participated in this wonderful conference for almost 20 years. If you’re able to set aside that Saturday morning for young people please let us know by return email. We only have room for 22 authors.
The Rationale for the conference is to:
· Promote district curriculum and the Alaska Writing State Standards goals related to composition using the six-writing traits and reading.
· Provide instructors with a highly motivating and meaningful activity as a vehicle to encourage creative writing.
· Promote opportunity to fulfill needs of student interest and gifted abilities in the area of composition.
· Provide a shared, common experience for students, staff and parents; and an opportunity to see how different schools approach the activity. This provides a forum for idea sharing for the teaching staff.
· Provide modeling of the writing process and publishing process by known Alaskan Authors.
· Increase community awareness and understanding of the school district efforts to develop writers.
And, the conference gives you opportunity to sell a few books and broaden you customer base.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Costco Book Signings
We have approval from Costco for book signings in the three Alaska stores. If you’d like to do a book signing in Costco in the next six months kindly let us know. Your book will have to be pre approved by the Costco book buyer before you can schedule a signing. Once your book is approved we’ll let you know and you can schedule your signing. We’ll be sending the list for approval on Wednesday, February 17. If you’re interested in a Costco signing, kindly let us know by Wednesday.
eBook Cards
Here’s how eBook cards work. Authors purchase eBook cards at wholesale prices. The eBook card shows the regular eBook retail price. Authors can use the eBook card in a variety of ways to help them sell more books. For example, authors can simply sell the eBook card for the retail price, or any price they want, or use the eBook card as an incentive to readers to purchase eBooks. Authors can bundle eBooks and eBooks. The eBook card is perfect if an author is invited to make a presentation somewhere. Authors can tell the event promoters that they’ll do the event if they allow the author to sell books at the back of the room after the presentation, and if the promoter will purchase a given number of eBook cards to be used as door prizes to promote the event. And, eBook cards are a way to sell eBooks while an author is talking to anyone, anyplace, anytime. Authors can autograph the eBook card and it becomes a keepsake for the purchaser. Authors may be use the eBook card in any in manner they want; either to sell for full retail, sell at a discount, bundle it with a printed book, or any variety of ways to help establish then as an author and to promote their works. Perhaps the biggest benefit for selling eBooks, by using eBook cards, is that when the customer redeems their card they give us their contact information and we can market to them.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
We have enclosed a sample card from Enthrill to give you a better idea of what these will look like (below). It is also attached as a pdf for a larger view.
We have formed a partnership with Enthrill that allows authors to sell eBooks at book signings and author events by using eBook cards. Here’s how it works. Authors purchase eBook cards at wholesale prices. The eBook card shows the regular eBook retail price. Authors can use the eBook card in a variety of ways to help them sell more books. For example, authors can simply sell the eBook card for the retail price, or any price they want, or use the eBook card as an incentive to readers to purchase eBooks. Authors can bundle eBooks and eBooks. The eBook card is perfect if an author is invited to make a presentation somewhere. Authors can tell the event promoters that they’ll do the event if they allow the author to sell books at the back of the room after the presentation, and if the promoter will purchase a given number of eBook cards to be used as door prizes to promote the event. And, eBook cards are a way to sell eBooks while an author is talking to anyone, anyplace, anytime. Authors may be use the eBook card in any in manner they want; either to sell for full retail, sell at a discount, bundle it with a printed book, or any variety of ways to help establish then as an author and to promote their works. Perhaps the biggest benefit for selling eBooks, by using eBook cards, is that when the customer redeems their card they give us their contact information and we can market to them.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
We have formed a partnership with Enthrill that allows authors to sell eBooks at book signings and author events by using eBook cards. Here’s how it works. Authors purchase eBook cards at wholesale prices. The eBook card shows the regular eBook retail price. Authors can use the eBook card in a variety of ways to help them sell more books. For example, authors can simply sell the eBook card for the retail price, or any price they want, or use the eBook card as an incentive to readers to purchase eBooks. Authors can bundle eBooks and eBooks. The eBook card is perfect if an author is invited to make a presentation somewhere. Authors can tell the event promoters that they’ll do the event if they allow the author to sell books at the back of the room after the presentation, and if the promoter will purchase a given number of eBook cards to be used as door prizes to promote the event. And, eBook cards are a way to sell eBooks while an author is talking to anyone, anyplace, anytime. Authors may be use the eBook card in any in manner they want; either to sell for full retail, sell at a discount, bundle it with a printed book, or any variety of ways to help establish then as an author and to promote their works. Perhaps the biggest benefit for selling eBooks, by using eBook cards, is that when the customer redeems their card they give us their contact information and we can market to them.
Enthrall is the method and means to sell eBooks away from the Internet. Before the end of January we’ll announce our partnership with FlexPub which will allow authors to promote their eBooks on the Internet: by email, Facebook, websites, and any social media platform. Coupled with Enthrill, FlexPub gives authors the power to promote eBooks through the Internet, social media, in person, and become entirely professional in their sales and marketing. For example, as part of your email signature you can include a link where the customer may purchase and download your eBook to their reading devise whether it be Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iPad, iPhone, computer, or any other reader. As a result sales will improve and royalties with increase.
Our partnering with Cortex allows authors who are serious about social media marketing to spend less time, post at optimum times, and increase the quality of their posts. If you’re serious about social media marketing, are frustrated with social media marketing, and want to change and do better, kindly contact us and let’s talk Cortex.
Book Signings
We are unable to schedule book signings at stores supplied by Readerlink. However, this is not permanent. We are working to correct this and will let you know as new book signing opportunities develop. In the meantime you can continue to use our website to schedule signings at independent book stores, Barnes and Noble, and Mosquito Books. We’re using this time to make book signings better and more profitable for authors.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Book Signing Schedule
Author services will be unable to confirm book signing requests until January 1. The stores are just too busy to address author requests. Kindly hold scheduling your signings until the beginning of 2016.
Author Campaign Method (ACM)
Publication consultants supports authors who are serious about selling and marketing their books with our Author Campaign Method (ACM) of sales and marketing. ACM is a multifaceted approach to assisting authors to sell more books. ACM includes:
1. Release Party
2. Web Presence
3. Book Signings
4. Amazon Author Page
5. Facebook Profile and Facebook Page
6. Cortex, Artificial Intelligence For Marketing
Beginning in January Publication Consultants will introduce two new facets to ACM.
1. A new program that allows and assists selling and promoting your eBooks directly from your website, Facebook page, and even emails.
2. A new program so authors can give or sell gift cards for free eBooks. For example, author will be able to offer a free eBook gift card at a book signing to encourage customers to purchase a printed book. This is only one of a host of ways this facet may be used to enhance sales.
More to come later.
In the mean time. Lois and I wish you and yours a most merry Christmas.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Lois and I extend our gratitude to the authors who participated in ReadAlaska. There was not as many visitors this year as previous years and sales were down; however, most of the authors did well. All enjoyed the company of Publication Consultants’ authors and the other authors. We made many new friends. As usual, the authors who were present sold books.
Jim Misko
Jim had both a successful signing at Barnes and Noble and a pleasant and unusual signing experience. The first customer of the day turned out to be someone from his high school days. Of course she purchased all five of Jim’s books.
Walter Grant
Walter Grant also enjoyed a successful Barnes and Noble signing. Here’s Walter’s comments: “Everyone at the Spanish Fort store was more obliging than at any place you’ve set me up for a signing. Elizabeth is a sweetheart, she put up a large sign by my table—positioned me in front of the door—kept asking to bring me coffee, brought me a piece of cheesecake. She is a great ambassador for Barnes and Noble.”
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Loren Pitchford
We met Loren for the first time when he submitted an article for Alaska Outdoors magazine. A couple of years ago Loren made a presentation to the Alaska Writers Guild about writing and marketing his book, Alaska Fish Tales. During his presentation he mentioned that we had given him his start in writing and inspired him to go forward with his book. Over the years Loren has been a supportive friend of Publication Consultants. Loren passed away late last month and his memorial will be held this Saturday at 11 AM at Legacy Funeral Home, Heritage Chapel at Angelus, 440 East Klatt Road. Loren’s obituary may be read at .
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Here’s the A Link To Your World attachment intended to be with our latest Author Update.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Benjamin Franklin Award
If your book was published in 2015, you are eligible to enter the Benjamin Franklin Awards. The deadline tented is December 15, 2015. The IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards are regarded as one of the highest national honors in independent and self-publishing. The Awards are unique in that entrants receive direct feedback on their submissions. The judging forms are returned to all who enter. If nothing else, it’s a great way to receive critiques and even positive quotes for marketing. This is the award Jim Misko won last year for his book, As All My Fathers Were. For entry information go to <>.
A Link To Your World
We’ve been asked by A Link To Your World to supply a book review for each of the issues of the magazine. We’re attaching a copy of the first review written by Steve Levi for his book, Walrus With A Gold Tooth. If you’d like an opportunity to have your book, or series of books, reviewed, and your book is published or distributed by Publication Consultants, kindly write a 1,200 to 2,000 word review and send it to us. We will work with the publication’s publisher in determining which review is best for their magazine, but one of our reviews will be published each issue. The magazine is mailed six times a year to addresses throughout South Central and Interior Alaska.
If you have questions about ReadAlaska please let us know.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Jim Misko Book Signing at Barnes and Noble
Jim Misko author of the Benjamin Franklin Award winning book, As All My Fathers Were, understands the purpose of a book signing and how to have a successful one. Jim reports: “Sold 18 books; got 18 names and email addresses; had a wonderful day full of meeting interesting people that confirmed once again that you cannot tell by appearances who will buy your books. If you ask every one, you will be astounded by who asks to buy your book—people you would have written off when they walked in the door. It is like Michael Jordan said; “You miss every shot you don’t take.” Same with book selling. If you don’t ask them to look at your books or ask them to buy, they’ll walk by you with a smile and never get to read the good stuff you wrote, FOR THEM. For whom else did you write it?”
Facebook Pages and Profiles
There is a marked difference between pages and profiles on Facebook. Much of the frustration we hear about Facebook is because the author doesn’t understand the difference.
Personal profiles are for non-commercial use and represent individual people. A personal profile shows how many friends the person has.
Pages look similar to personal profiles, but they offer unique tools for authors. Pages are managed by authors who have personal profiles. Pages show how many likes for the page.
Each author who signs up for Facebook has one account with login information. Each author account has only one personal profile but may have multiple Pages; however, we recommend that authors only have one Page. A Page lets author engage with people on Facebook and offers tools to help you manage and track engagement.
It’s against the Facebook Terms to use your personal account to represent something other than yourself (ex: your business). If you’re using your account to represent something other than yourself, you could permanently lose access to your account if you don’t convert it to a Page.
Facebook Pages enable authors to create an authentic and public presence on Facebook. Unlike your profile, Facebook Pages are visible to everyone on the internet by default. You, and every person on Facebook, can connect with these Pages by becoming a fan and then receive their updates in your News Feed and interact with them.
Hobbyist authors have personal profiles—serious authors have author pages. Simply put—profiles are for friends and family—pages are for business.
Authors can create their Facebook page quickly by following the instructions found at
ReadAlaska is the largest and most popular book event in Alaska. To schedule your time at ReadAlaska kindly go to our website, <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, and Author Services will take it from there. ReadAlaska is just one month away and tables are limited. We are only able to display and sell books published during 2015 and those displayed when the author is present. This is a change from previous years. Another major change is that authors will not be a part of passing out brochures as other arrangements have been made for distribution. To kick start a potential customer’s interest in purchasing one of your books we are again offering a Book for a Buck promotion which has proven very successful in past years. ReadAlaska dates are November 27, 28, 29: Friday and Saturday 10 Am to 6 PM and Sunday Noon to 5 PM.
Cortex is for serious authors and will probably not be of interest to hobbyists. We recorded our Cortex training and information meeting. If you’re a serious author, and did not attend the meeting, and would like to review the training information, kindly let us know. Authors are required to have a Facebook author page to use Cortex.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Website Update
We’ve updated our website <> and invite you to take a look. If you’re a published author, we encourage you to look at your book’s listing and confirm that all is okay.
Holy Cow!
Joan Dodd, author of Cow Woman of Akutan, received another wonderful review <> under the headline:
Holy Cow! Homer woman shares family’s incredible story of starting cattle ranch on Akutan in ’60s
Howard Frank Mosher
Howard Frank Mosher, author of several book, friend of Jim Misko, and not one of our authors, displays his signing schedule on his web site <>. I invite you to see his schedule. He’s a serious author—definitely not a hobbyist.
Bonnye Matthews
Another serious author. Just take a look at Bonnye’s schedule on our website to see what we mean.
Other Serious Authors
We extend our gratitude to both serious and hobbyist authors who attend book signings, book fairs, and are active contributors to social media. We know some who are able to devote very little time to ACM, but they’re giving 100%. We applaud you for your accomplishments.
The Great Alaska Book Fair
We have one more table for The Great Alaska Book Fair on October 10 <>.
There are several openings for ReadAlaska. To reserve your place go to <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, and Author Services will take it from there.
Thanks for allowing us to be your publisher. We continually strive to be worthy of the trust you place in us.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
ReadAlaska 2015
We’re calling for reservations now for ReadAlaska 2015, Saturday, November 27 from 10 AM to 6 PM, Friday, November 28 from 10 AM to 6 PM, and Sunday, November 29 from Noon to 5 PM. This year’s event promises to be even better than previous years and once again dominated by Publication Consultants’ authors and their books. We are again printing a nice brochure to give people as they enter the museum, but we will not be asking authors to hand these out as in years past. People will be hired to distribute the brochures. The brochure invites people to come upstairs and meet the authors. We will also feature the highly successful Book For A Buck promotion of past years.
Here’s how to schedule your reservation. Kindly go to our website, click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Requests or click <> to go directly to the signup page, and then click on the large blue sign up button at the bottom of the page. Follow the prompts, and under the Location field, select ReadAlaska. Then put in your preferred day and beginning and ending times. Most authors choose to arrive when the day’s event opens and remain until closing time. Although we welcome authors whose schedule only allows attendance less than full time on the three days, by necessity, we give preference to authors arriving at opening and staying until closing. When making your reservation please put in the note section if you have location preference or would like to sit next to a given author.
As always, we will have everything set up, including books, ready for your arrival at your scheduled time. We’ll have enough space so you can make a nice display for your books. You’re encouraged to bring a table covering and small display item for your place on the table to attract people to your space. Bring your banner and stand. We will also have a central cash register and check out so you need not worry about taking money or credit cards.
We look forward to ReadAlaska 2015 and once again associating with authors. We hope to see you there.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
ReadAlaska 2015
We’re calling for reservations now for ReadAlaska 2015, Saturday, November 27 from 10 AM to 6 PM, Friday, November 28 from 10 AM to 6 PM, and Sunday, November 29 from Noon to 5 PM. As mentioned above, this year’s event promises to be even better than previous years and once again dominated by Publication Consultants’ authors and their books. We are again printing a nice brochure to give people as they enter the museum and will ask authors to hand these out as in years past. The brochure invites people to come upstairs and meet the authors. We also will have three large banners on stands placed in strategic areas in the museum. In addition, we’ll be producing a flyer authors can print and post on bulletin boards, other appropriate places, and hand out.
Here’s how to schedule your reservation. Kindly go to our website, click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Requests or click <> to go directly to the signup page, and then click on the large blue sign up button at the bottom of the page. Follow the prompts, and under the Location field, select ReadAlaska. Then put in your preferred day and beginning and ending times. Most authors choose to arrive when the day’s event opens and remain until closing time. Although we welcome authors whose schedule only allows attendance less than full time on the three days, by necessity, we give preference to authors arriving at opening and staying until closing. When making your reservation please put in the note section if you have location preference or would like to sit next to a given author.
As always, we will have everything set up, including books, ready for your arrival at your scheduled time. We’ll have enough space so you can make a nice display for your books. You’re encouraged to bring a table covering and small display item for your place on the table to attract people to your space. Bring your banner and stand. We will also have a central cash register and check out so you need not worry about taking money or credit cards.
We look forward to ReadAlaska 2015 and once again associating with authors. We hope to see you there.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
The Great Alaska Book Fair: October 10, 2015
Publication Consultants, in association with Alaska Book Week, is hosting the Great Alaska Book Fair sponsored in part by The Mall at Sears and Anchorage Public Library. Book fair hours are 10 AM to 6 PM on Saturday, October 10, 2015. Tables will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Authors are responsible for their own sales—and pocket all the money. There will not be a central check out register. There is a charge of $50 per table. Authors may share tables if they’d like.
The book fair is held in the mall and is on the same day the mall is featuring their annual sidewalk sale to coincide with the release of Permanent Fund Dividends. There should be a high traffic day when people have expendable money to spend.
If you’re interested you can sign up by going to .
This note just arrived: “We’ve got posters up, and the event is listed on our webpage. We’ll put out social media announcements, as well as post to the various community calendars. The more we can get the word out the better.” Rayette Sterling, Anchorage Public Library, Adult Services Coordinator
If you’e a serious author and want to sell more books we suggest you consider this event.
ReadAlaska: 2015, Saturday, November 27, Friday, November 28, and Sunday, November 29
Here’s how to schedule your reservation. Kindly go to our website, click , and then click on the large blue sign up button at the bottom of the page. Follow the prompts, and under the Location field, select ReadAlaska. Then put in your preferred day and beginning and ending times. Most authors choose to arrive when the day’s event opens and remain until closing time. Although we welcome authors whose schedule only allows attendance less than full time on the three days, by necessity, we give preference to authors arriving at opening and staying until closing. When making your reservation please put in the note section if you have location preference or would like to sit next to a given author.
If you have questions about The Great Alaska Book Fair or ReadAlaska kindly let contact us.
Author Campaign Method (ACM) Update and Upgrade
We take the quote by Marcella Smith, Small Press Business Manager, Barnes & Noble seriously: “The author is essential to the success of the book, giving energy behind the book to make it something that a customer will come in and ask for. That is what makes the difference in a book that sells, that develops legs, and has a life of its own. Otherwise the book goes on the shelf and stays there for three months. Then it gets returned.”
This is Publication Consultants’ motivation for constantly striving to assist authors sell and market their books. ACM is Publication Consultants’ plan to accomplish this so that our authors’ books have a reasonable opportunity for success. We know the difference between motion and direction. ACM is direction! ACM is the process for authors who are serious about bringing their books to market. ACM is a boon for serious authors, but a burden for hobbyist. We don’t recommend ACM for hobbyists.
The six facets of Publication Consultants’ ACM includes: a release party, web presence, book signings, Amazon Author Page, Facebook Page, and Active Social Media Participation.
Release Party
We’re the only publisher we know of assisting and supporting author release parties. Your Publication Consultants’ publishing contract includes our support of your release party. If you’d like more information about release parties, kindly contact us or see the Well Planned Release Party video on our website <>. A well planned release party kick starts the sales and marketing of your book and is well suited for both serious authors and hobbyists. For the serious author, a well planned release party is essential to your ACM’s effectiveness.
Web Presence
We’re the only publisher we know of that creates a web presence for their authors by obtaining a domain name, creating a website, and establishing a blog. Your Publication Consultants’ publishing contract includes establishing your web presence. Keep in mind that your website will do little unless you feed and nurture it by regularly posting to your blog, keeping your events current, and promoting it in your social media offerings. A website is a frustration for the hobbyist and an asset for the serious author. If you want information about establishing your web presence kindly send us an email and we’ll send you the details.
Book Signing
We’re the only publisher we know of that provides authors with book signing opportunities. Book signing are appropriate for hobbyist and essential for serious authors. To schedule a book signing kindly go to our website, <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, and Author Services will take it from there. Once you’ve made the request you’ll receive confirmation that the request has been received. As soon as the request is approved by the bookseller you will receive notification from Author Services giving you details about the signing.
Amazon Author Page
An Author Page on Amazon Author Central is a serious author ACM requirement and desirable for the hobbyist. Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books, and view Customer Reviews and sales information for your bibliography. If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central. You can find out more at: or the help site A well maintained Amazon author page is essential for your ACM’s success. You should point all of your social media offerings to your Amazon author page. Your author pages makes it easy for potential readers to purchase your book.
Facebook Profile and Facebook Page
We hear authors complain about all the personal stuff on Facebook. Most of these complaints are because the author doesn’t understand the difference difference between a Facebook profile and a Facebook page. Simply put, a profile is for personal things for friends and family; a page is for business. If your book is just a hobby, then it’s fine to have only a Facebook profile and make your posts for friends and family; however, if you’re serious about your writing, and it’s a business with you, or you want it to be business, then you need a Facebook page as an author. It’s simple to tell if it’s a page or a profile. A profile shows how many friends and a page shows how many likes. Here’s a link <> to a straight forward description on how to set up your author Facebook page.
Active Social Media Participation
Social media marketing is a frustration for most authors: serious ones and hobbyist alike. However, SMM is the serious author’s key to success and the glue holding the other five facets of ACM together. As a published author, you are a celebrity in the minds of your readers. They are interested in you and what you do and what you think. The proper use of social media gives you the opportunity to serve your reader’s desire to be a part of your celebrity status. Regardless of what you’re now doing with social media we have some exciting news. Publication Consultants has partnered with Cortex: Artificial Intelligence for Marketing. Cortex is for serious authors and will probably not be of interest to hobbyists. We’ve been using Cortex for the past 30 days and are prepared to introduce it to you as a tool to maximize your SMM results and minimizing your efforts. We’ll be sending you an invitation to attend our introduction, information, and training webinar in a few days. We think you’ll be pleased with what you learn.
ReadAlaska 2015
Again this year Publication Consultants will be the major publisher participate in ReadAlaska; our twenty-second year. ReadAlaska is Alaska’s premier book fair. We’ve been working with the event coordinators, Ed Bovey and Alissa Crandall, to make this year’s event even better than past ReadAlaska’s—and better publicized. A ReadAlaska website <> has been created and will include book reviews for participating authors. If you’d like your book reviewed, schedule your ReadAlaska 2015 reservation, send us a copy of the review, and we’ll see that the review gets listed, where possible, with a picture of the cover.
We’re calling for reservations now for ReadAlaska 2015, Saturday, November 27 from 10 AM to 6 PM, Friday, November 28 from 10 AM to 6 PM, and Sunday, November 29 from Noon to 5 PM. As mentioned above, this year’s event promises to be even better than previous years and once again dominated by Publication Consultants’ authors and their books. We are again printing a nice brochure to give people as they enter the museum and will ask authors to hand these out as in years past. The brochure invites people to come upstairs and meet the authors. We also will have three large banners on stands placed in strategic areas in the museum. In addition, we’ll be producing a flyer authors can print and post on bulletin boards, other appropriate places, and hand out.
Here’s how to schedule your reservation. Kindly go to our website, click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Requests or click <> to go directly to the signup page, and then click on the large blue sign up button at the bottom of the page. Follow the prompts, and under the Location field, select ReadAlaska. Then put in your preferred day and beginning and ending times. Most authors choose to arrive when the day’s event opens and remain until closing time. Although we welcome authors whose schedule only allows attendance less than full time on the three days, by necessity, we give preference to authors arriving at opening and staying until closing. When making your reservation please put in the note section if you have location preference or would like to sit next to a given author.
As always, we will have everything set up, including books, ready for your arrival at your scheduled time. We’ll have enough space so you can make a nice display for your books. You’re encouraged to bring a table covering and small display item for your place on the table to attract people to your space. Bring your banner and stand. We will also have a central cash register and check out so you need not worry about taking money or credit cards.
We look forward to ReadAlaska 2015 and once again associating with authors. We hope to see you there.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
New Book Signing Opportunity
We have added a new book signing opportunity to our website’s list of booksellers. Alaskana Raven Books & Things, in downtown Fairbanks, has openings for author signings at their First Friday events. You can schedule a signing in the normal manner by visiting our website and clicking on Book Signings and following the prompts.
Jim Misko
Jim Misko reported on his Fred Meyer book signing, “Had a fine signing yesterday. Logistics worked out well.” In reporting his success Jim always adds the number of interactions, number of questions about eBooks, and how many names and email addresses he obtained. Jim understands the real purpose of book signings. Oh yes, he sold all but three of available inventory. Here’s a photo of Jim and his customer, Bill Tobuk.
Author Campaign Method (ACM)
To fully participate in our ACM of sales and marketing program we encourage you to establish and regularly update your Author Page on Amazon and the Independent Book Sellers site. If you have questions about these two sites or ACM, kindly contact us.
Cow Woman Of Akutan
Joan Dodd, author of Cow Woman of Akutan, visited Homer Book Store recently and found a pleasant, heartwarming surprise; her book was displayed on the store’s best selling wall in the number four position. In addition, she received a glowing review in MENSA Bulletin and Alaska Women Speak. Her review was among some not too complementary ones.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Alaska Outdoors Magazine Podcasts
We invite you to come along with us. Alaska Outdoors Magazine podcasts, earlier radio show recordings, are interesting, informative, and sometimes controversial. The podcast is your window to Alaska outdoors. Evan’s guest on Episode 01 is inventor and biologist, Smiley Shields. Smiley talks about stone bows and a flyreel made from wood. The show includes visiting with Natural Pantry’s, Vicky Solberg, telling us what we should be doing to stay fit and healthy in the outdoors. The show address Subsistence, Scenarios, and Solutions by booing the governor’s approach to subsistence and applauding the legislature for their approach. This episode ends with Evan’s One Last Cast titled, For Kids Only.
We’ve attached an audio file that will give use a quick introduction to the show. Please give it a listen.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Author Campaign Method (ACM)
Since posting our ACM Author Update on Monday we’ve received a number of inquiries indicating that some authors may need more training and reminding. With this as the backdrop I offer the following:
As you may know we take the quote by Marcella Smith, Small Press Business Manager, Barnes & Noble seriously: “The author is essential to the success of the book, giving energy behind the book to make it something that a customer will come in and ask for. That is what makes the difference in a book that sells, that develops legs, and has a life of its own. Otherwise the book goes on the shelf and stays there for three months. Then it gets returned.”
*We know that authors who approach their writing as a business do better than those do who’s purpose in publishing is vanity or a hobby.
*We know that our online video titled, Book Signings are Fun, states a truth; however, book signings are also hard work—but essential to an author’s success.
*We know that social media has leveled the playing field for authors and that social media marketing is demanding work and it takes consistency and a long time for results to develop and mature.
If you want your book to “develop legs” then it’s up to you to give it “a life of its own.” Keeping this in mind, kindly review the following Author Updates found on our website at:
Successful Book Marketing: 26 January 2015
Author Campaign Method: 04 February 2015
All About Book Signings: 29 April 2015
Let’s Talk About Books Signings: 28 May 2015
Author Campaign Method of Sales and Marketing (ACM): 10 June 2015
Author Campaign Method (ACM) of Sales and Marketing: 13 July 2015
I think you’ll find these helpful in developing your inch wide and mile deep place in your book’s genre.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Author Campaign Method (ACM) of Sales and Marketing
If you’d like to participate in ACM it is necessary to have an author page on Amazon and a website. Here’s information about how to establish your Amazon Author Page at Author Central.
Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books on, and view customer reviews and sales information for your bibliography.
If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central.
You can find out more at: or
Several are ACM participants including the following authors:
If you click on any of these unique URLs you’ll be able to see the author’s page on Amazon. Some of the author pages are still being worked on and updated.
Bonnye Matthews and Jim Misko also have functioning Amazon Author Pages; however, they do not have an unique URL:
When an author uses their unique URL in one of their social media posts, and a potential customer clicks on the unique URL, they are taken immediately to the author’s Author Page on Amazon. Once there the potential customer can find out about the author and the author’s books. They can also purchase either the printed book or the eBook.
If you have question about ACM or Author Central, kindly contact me and let’s talk.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Author Campaign Method of Sales and Marketing (ACM)
On the Internet, Niches are Riches. We’re seeing this more all the time.
Publication Consultants wants to assist you with a social media marketing strategy that will allow you to dominate the genre in which you write. However, there are a few things you should be aware of to be successful:
1. You should treat your writing as a business.
2. While Publication Consultants is able to provide the promotional environment, you are the brand and readers want to connect with you. The face to your reader is you, not Publication Consultants.
3. Publication Consultants’ Author Campaign Method (ACM) only works if you actively participate in the promotion of your campaign. The promotional channels are: Facebook, Twitter, Email, Other Social Media Outlets (Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.), Blogs, and offline word-of-mouth.
4. To fully participate using ACM you will need a website. If you don’t have a website Publication Consultants will pay for your domain registration and creation of your website. You will be responsible for the monthly maintenance cost.
5. You will need an Author Page on Amazon Author Central. Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books on, and view Customer Reviews and sales information for your bibliography. If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central. You can find out more at: or the help site
Here’s examples of ACM author pages on Amazon:
6. It will take three months for your campaign to mature.
If you’re ready, we’re ready to proceed with Author Campaign Method of sales and marketing (ACM), and invite you to discuss it with us.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Let’s Talk About Book Signings
Mosquito Books has a new location in the Anchorage international airport and is available for signings with 21 days notice. Jim Misko had a signing there yesterday. His signing report included these words, “Had the best day ever at the airport . . ..”
When you’re ready to have a book signing go to,click on Book Signings, Click on Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, and select the State, City, and Location and enter your request. If your desired venue isn’t listed, please send an email to and let us know the venue, contact person, address, city, state, zip, phone numb, and email address. We’ll add the venue to the form and let you know when it’s available for use.
We’ve been working with Jerry Simmons, a book marketing consultant. We shared the attached Author Event Information sheet with Jerry and asked for his imput. He didn’t suggest any changes, but made this comment: “The Author Event Information is an excellent tool for your authors. Well written and to the point, if they follow your advice they can have successful book signings.” We encourage you to review it and follow the advice for successful signings.
Also on our website if you click on Book Signings and then select Scheduled Book Signings you’ll find a schedule of signings. This way you can see right away if your signing has been approved. You can also see where your fellow authors are signing and if you’ll have company at your signing. We don’t schedule more than two authors at the same venue at the same time.
Once again we express our gratitude for the trust you’ve placed in us and we’ll do all we can to prove worthy of that trust.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Author Book Signing Request
The Author Signing Request feature on our website is open for business. This service for authors is unique to Publication Consultants. No other publisher provides this opportunity for authors to expose their works to the public, to booksellers, and bookseller employees. The procedure for scheduling book signings is simple. Go to our website <>, click on the Book Signing tab near the top of the page, select Author Signing Request, and follow the prompts. Once you complete the request you will receive an email notice that your request has been received. As soon as the request has been approved Author Services will send you a confirming email. It’s just that simple.
Barnes and Noble Open Invitation
When we announce a new book or a release party we send an invitation to our email mailing list which includes booksellers. We received the following note after we set the release party invitation for Northern Verses by Dennis Lattery.
“Wishing you a wonderful event and much success… I was in Alaska fifteen years ago and would LOVE to return again someday.
“Thank you for the invite and the information on this new book by Dennis Lattery. If he is ever in “the states” or any of your other authors, I would welcome them to our Barnes & Noble and would love to host an event for them.
“Lori Peuterbaugh
Community Business Development Manager
Barnes & Noble, Inc.
6510 N. Illinois Street
Fairview Heights, IL 62208”
If you’re traveling to the South-48 and would like to do a signing at this store just go to our website and request a signing. Of course this goes for any Barnes and Noble store as well as all the other booksellers listed under the Book Signing tab on our website.
New Book Signing Opportunities
We just received approval for author signings for all Safeway and Albertson stores in Washington and Idaho. We have not yet added all these stores to the Book Signing tab on our website. However, if you would like to schedule a signing prior to the store being added kindly let us know and we’ll add it. This goes for other stores as well. If you’d like to do a signing in a store not listed under the Book Signing tab kindly send us the store name, address, city, state, zip, and any contact information you may have. And once again, Author Services will take it from there.
Book Signings Are Fun
We encourage you to visit our website, click on the Video tab and watch the Book Signings Are Fun video. You may want to watch this video before you go to your book signing. It’ll get you in a positive mood for your signing.
Book Signing Events
Once a book signing is approved it is added to the Book Signing Events tab under the Author Signing tab on our website. This is the best place to visit to keep track of your signing schedule and to follow other author’s signing schedule.
Book Signing Season
Next to Christmas, the summer signing season is the best time for signings; particularly in Alaska. Alaska’s population triples during the summer. Some say that there are three seasons in Alaska: summer, winter, and construction. How about a fourth season; book signing season?
Thank you again!!
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Jim Misko
Jim Misko’s novel, As All My Fathers Were <> is the GOLD WINNER for Popular Fiction of Benjamin Franklin Awards from Independent Book Publishers Association, a national organization of Indie book publishers.
Jeff Babcock Names Trail After His Granddaughter
We’ve attached a photo of Jeff’s wife, Peg, and his granddaughter, Alexia. They had just put up a sign marking The Alexia Puzzle Trail which was an old mountain bike trail that Jeff and Alexia hike over from time to time in back of their house. The trail is like a maze similar to the puzzles often found on restaurant placemats. Jeff and Peg decided to erect a sign on an old rock pedestal left over from the early fifties. Alexia was quite taken with their naming the trail after her. Next to Peg is their other hiking buddy, Jacques—their family dog.
Jake Jacobson
Jake Jacobson, author of two Alaska books, Alaska Hunting and Alaska Tales, received a nice review in the Alaska Dispatch News. The review is the result of Jake’s persistent followup with the book reviewer of the Alaska Dispatch News. Jake, an Alaska big game guide showed hunter determination to persuade ADN to publish a review of his book.
Facebook Best Practices
Included with this up date is a Facebook Best Practices information PDF. For authors engaged with our new sales and marketing tool, Author Campaign Method (ACM), following these guide are essential for success.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
A Tribute to Don Porter
Here’s a note from Deborah Porter, wife of Don Porter.
Last Saturday my friend Karen Kulik and I set up a booth in the local Bisbee outdoor market — A Tribute to the Author Don Porter. We handed out bags and bags of books and people made generous donations. We talked with many people who knew Don and had bought books from him over the years. I wanted to share the photos we took of Don’s booth.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Book Signings
We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity for book signings. Here’s what Wikipedia says about book signings: “Book signing is popular because an author’s signature increases the value of books for collectors. The author may add a short message to the reader, called a dedication, to each book, which may be personalized with the recipient’s name upon request. . . . Sometimes an author will sign additional copies for future sale. An additional advantage to authors for doing this is that once a book has been signed, it cannot be returned to the publisher for a refund.
Our online author signing request feature is not working correctly. Please use it to identify the store location where you’d like to have a signing, then email your request to Author Services <>. Mary Ann will take it from there and let you know when the signing has been approved. If you’ve made a request using the online request form in the last couple of weeks please email <> and let Mary Ann know. We’ll let you know when the signing request form is functional again.
Obsolete Words
We trust that most of our authors will know what we’re talking about if we were to write, don’t touch that dial, carbon copy, you sound like a broken record or hung out to dry. If you don’t know what these phrases are taking about you probably don’t know what a telex machine is either. I going to make a social media post about these phrases along with some others. Feel free to comment if you’re following us on Facebook or LinkedIn.
Walrus With A Gold Tooth
Steve Levi receive a great review from the February Mensa Bulletin.
Walrus with a Gold Tooth: Crime in Anchorage, Alaska the Pioneer Way: Unorganized! by Steven C. Levi (Publication Consultants). Another entertaining work from our “Alaskan Authority,” this one covers the ups and downs of Anchorage during the two decades between World War II and the Great Alaskan Earthquake, a period when the town grew tenfold. Yet despite the economic boom, Anchorage was one of the few cities in America where the mob never established a firm foothold because the locals banned East Coast families by squeezing them out before they ever made it in. Levi, a 40-year resident of Anchorage, emphasizes that we all live in a transitory world, especially with its rapid technological developments, and that personal economic survival will depend more on reading the future than what is being taught in the classroom from textbooks written decades ago. Or, as he states more succinctly, “History is not the story of the past, it is the study of the future.”
R Mike Harmer
Mike Hammer, Author of How To Go Blind and Not Lose Your Mind, said, “A professional writer is an amateur who did not give up. I have not given up.” Mike’s short statement begs you to ask, “are you a professional or amateur?”
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Young Writers Conference
Saturday, April 25 is the date for the Mat/Su Young Writers Conference sponsored by Mat/Su School District–and strongly supported by Publication Consultants. As presently constituted, each class session will be 40 minutes long consisting of a 20 minute teaching presentation and a 20 minute time for the students to practice what they have learned. Authors will have opportunity to teach two or three sessions depending on the grade level they are working with.
If you’d like to participate in this year’s conference kindly let us know by return email. Also include the subject you anticipate teaching. At a later date his notice will also be sent to members of Alaska Writers Guild if additional authors are needed. We encourage you to respond promptly. Savvy authors view this as an occasion to develop their presentation skills while providing mentoring to young writers.
Again, if you’d like to participate in this year’s conference kindly let us know by return email and include the subject you anticipate teaching.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Author Campaign Method
We are continuing testing our new sales tool, which we’re calling, Author Campaign Method (ACM), to distinguish our method of sales and marketing books on the Internet from all other methods. The Author Campaign Method is based on these two Internet sales and marketing success principles:
You are the one that determines the lifecycle of your book. As long as you’re involved, the book has a life—when you become disengaged, the book dies. Your success as a writer and published author will be enhanced once you identify your niche and market to it.
We believe ACM will be the major way you apply these two principles. First, identify your niche. If you’re unsure of your niche, kindly contact me and let’s talk. We do not want to proceed with ACM with you until we have identified your niche. Remember, niches are riches. Second, commit to a daily involvement to your campaign. The minimum time commitment should be at least one hour per day letting people know about your book’s campaign. You do this principally using FaceBook, Twitter, and email. ACM provides an easy way to use and measure your efforts.
There is not a more powerful marketing tool than a personal recommendation. ACM technology leverages your social networks to help spread the word about your campaign; driving qualified and measurable leads resulting in sales. Publication Consultants, as your publisher, is able to provide the environment for the sale of your book, but you, the author, is the brand and readers want to connect with you. The face to the reader is you, the author, not the publisher.
Here’s an article explaining the psychology of sharing so instrumental to a successful campaign. We recommend you study this article and begin now writing your ACM content using what you learned here:
We encourage you to also study and apply what is taught by this article to help you create effective social media posts:
About ten days ago we gave you two URLs for testing ACM. Using what we’ve learned from our test we have changed our test campaigns and invite you to look again at the tests: <> and <>. You will notice subtle, but differences.
Within the next two weeks we will be inviting authors to use Publication Consultants’ Author Campaign Method. If you’re interested, please contact me and let’s talk. We will provide the environment. You provide the time and content.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Successful Book Marketing
There are two governing principles involved in the success of your book:
1) You should treat your writing as a business that requires your involvement throughout the entire lifecycle of the book. You are the one that determines the lifecycle of your book. As long as you’re involved, the book has a life—when you become disengaged, the book will die.
2) Niches are riches.
Your success will be enhanced once you identify your niche and market to it.
We’re in the process of testing a new social media sales tool to help sell books. The key to the tool’s success is becoming involved by spending at least an hour a day with social media. It will require you to write a weekly blog and be engaged with your friends and followers on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media pages you may have. Of course it will mean using your email as well. You can see two examples of the new tool by going to:
After you’ve seen the examples and have questions and/or comments kindly let us know.
We’ll let you know as soon as we’ve proven this new sales tool.
Rejection Letter
Have you ever been tempted to write something like this note by Greg Levin?
Dear (name of agent or publisher), Thank you very much for your recent rejection notification. Unfortunately, I am unable to accept your rejection at this time. Please understand that I receive a high volume of rejection notifications and must be highly selective in choosing those that I am able to handle. The acceptance of rejection notifications is a highly subjective process. The fact that I have decided to pass on your rejection in no way signifies your rejection is sub-par, and I encourage you to continue rejecting authors’ queries and submissions. Just because I have decided to pass on your rejection doesn’t mean there aren’t numerous other authors who’d be happy to be rejected by you. I wish you the best of luck in your future rejection endeavors and want to thank you for allowing me to review your work. Sincerely,
Time and Tide
Dick Shellhorn received a nice review in the Cordova Times of his book, Time and Tide. Dick is in the process of preparing for a second printing.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Bonnye Matthews
Bonnye received a glowing, informative review of her new book, Tuksook’s Story, 35,000 BC. You can see the review by going to and click on the cover, then go to page 25, you’ll see the piece that introduces Tuksook’s Story, 35,000 BC, the signing Saturday at Fireside, and other signings coming up.
Jim Misko
Jim received several complimentary reviews for his new book, As All My Fathers Were. Jim did a two week book signing tour in Nebraska, the setting for his new book. Here’s the links to just two of his reviews:
Alaska Wholesale Gift Show
Several authors have asked about the Alaska Wholesale Gift Show indicating that they may like to partner with other authors and display their books at the show. You can find the information about the show by going to <>. If you’re interested, kindly let us know and we’ll get interested author together.
Dick Shellhorn
The Cordova Times gave Dick some good press when his book, Time and Tide, was released earlier this winter. Dick has worked hard to get his book in the hands of as many readers as possible and it looks like his efforts have paid off. He’s talking about a second printing after the first of the year.
Amazon Author Central
Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books on, and view Customer Reviews and sales information for your bibliography.
If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central.
You can find out more at: To learn more about Author Central, visit the help pages:
Marthy Johnson
Marthy sends her Word for Word piece out each month to interested authors. You can view her latest offering at I’m sure if you sent Marthy an email <> she would send you her amusing and helpful author information each month.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
ReadAlaska 2014
We look forward to being with authors and readers at this year’s ReadAlaska at the Anchorage museum the three days after Thanksgiving; November 28, 29, and 30.
Earlier today we sent the following to all authors scheduled for this event:
1: A list and times of participating authors
2: ReadAlaska Signing and Selling Tips
3: Brochure Distribution Schedule
4: Brochure
If you’re planning on signing and selling your book at ReadAlaska, and you didn’t receive a copy of these items, we do not have you on the schedule. If you’re planning on participating in ReadAlaska 2014, and did not receive these items, kindly contact us by return email.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
ReadAlaska 2014
We look forward to being with authors and readers at this year’s ReadAlaska at the Anchorage museum the three days after Thanksgiving.
Earlier today we sent copies of their days and times to all authors scheduled for this event. If you’re planning on signing and selling your book at ReadAlaska, and you didn’t receive a copy of the scheduled date and times, we do not have you on the schedule. This is your last chance to register for the event. You can sign up for ReadAlaska by going to our website, click on Book Signings, Book Signing Requests, follow the prompts to ReadAlaska.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
The Lyin Kings: The Wannabe World Leaders
I.S. Petteice has released her new book, The Lyin Kings. In addition to the attached New Book Information, you may view the book’s trailer on the author’s website,
Book Trailer
If you’d like an inexpensive trailer for your book we’ll be pleased to create it for you. All you need do is furnish us with a script (not more than 150 words) and appropriate royalty free pictures. The description on the back cover of your book may be the script, or a good place to begin. If you’d like music in the background, also let us know where we can find a royalty free copy. Kindly let us know if you have questions.
ReadAlaska 2014
We’re finalizing plans for ReadAlaska 2014. We’ve attached the front and back cover of this year’s flyer. There are still a few openings. If you’d like to join us kindly go to our website, click on Book Signings, Author Signing Requests, then follow the prompts. You’ll need to request all three days. We will have enough space so you can make a nice display for your books. The hours are Friday and Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday from Noon to 5 PM. We will display many of our titles, but of course, books that sell are the ones when the author is present and the author can autograph the customer’s copy. You’re encouraged to bring a table covering and small display item for your place on the table to attract people to your space. Bring your banner and stand.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Amazon Author Central
Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books on, and view Customer Reviews and sales information for your bibliography.
If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central.
You can find out more at: To learn more about Author Central, visit the help pages:”
Time and Tide
Dick Shellhorn had a successful release party for his new book Time and Tide. He made his release party an event by making a presentation about his book and the Cordova area. The first book was signed to his granddaughter, Ellie. Ellie’s signed copy was soon joined by more than 70 other signed copies. You can see more photos and learn abut Dick’s website at
Meeting With The Well Known
Like Dick Shellhorn’s release party, Carey Cossaboom’s release party, for Meeting With The Well Known, at the Sourdough Mining Company Restaurant was more event than release party. There are more photos of his release party event on his website at You can also read his first blog.
Lawless Measures
Dressed as Walter Eloy Goe, the book’s character, Lyle O’Connor, author of Lawless Measures held his book release party at the same location as he did for his first book, Due Process. For reason’s unknown, Lyle’s guests asked that he not smile for their photo. Perhaps their image of Walter was one of a more serious person than the almost always smiling author. More information about Lyle’s books and photos may be found at Walter’s dark side can be found at
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Book Signings And Author Events
If you’d like to see what author book signings and author events are scheduled, kindly go to, click on Book Signings-News & Events, then click on the drop down, Book Signings & Events. Here you can see your scheduled events and the scheduled events of other authors.
If you’d like to do a book signing, kindly go to, click on Book Signings-News & Events, then click on the drop down, Author Signing Requests, and follow the prompts. We’ll take it from there.
Independent Book Stores
We recommend you put your books on the Independent Book Stores website. There are hundreds of ABA booksellers with websites and storefronts. These stores want to know about you and about your books. They welcome authors for book signings and will promote the author event if your book is listed on the ABA’s website. Here’s how to make sure your book is listed and is for sale at ABA member bookstores.
Adding titles or cover images to the ABA database:
First, log in to using your personal account. If you don’t have an account on, please create one at
Once you are logged in, kindly search for your title first, by ISBN, using the search form in the upper right of the site (13 digits only, no dashes or spaces). If your title is already listed, it does not need to be added. If you see that information is missing or incorrect, please email the necessary changes to (be sure to include ISBN and Title).
If your title (or cover image) cannot be found in the database, use the links below to add it:
1) To add a complete book listing, including a cover image, go
2) To add a missing cover image to an existing book, go to
Just enter your data, upload an image, and submit!
Please allow time for approval by someone at ABA. You will receive an email when your book is approved. Once approved, it can take up to 24 hours for your book to appear in search results and on, but it will be available on individual store websites, in book lists, etc. immediately.
Keep in mind that adding a book to the ABA shared database does not necessarily make the title available for purchase. If a customer clicks to purchase your title, they will be taken to one of the ABM member bookstores. It is then up to each bookstore to obtain the book for their customer. However, if a store cannot find your title available from the publisher or a distributor, they may inform their customer that the book is not readily available. The easier it is for the bookseller to find and obtain your title, the likelier that a store will fill an order for your book.
ABA also has an affiliate program where you can actually earn money for referring people to member’s stores.
Jim Misko
Jim is conducting a book tour later this month in Nebraska, the setting for his new book, As All My Fathers Were. Here’s a link to a book review in the local paper announcing the new book and Jim’s book tour. We mention this for two reasons: 1) we know you are interested in what authors are doing, and 2) Jim has pre-sold a great number of books to booksellers in Alaska and Nebraska and you may learn how he did it so you can follow his path with your book.
Rejection Letters
We thought you’d enjoy Greg Levin’s rejection letter response.
Dear (name of agent or publisher),
Thank you very much for your recent rejection notification. Unfortunately, I am unable to accept your rejection at this time. Please understand that I receive a high volume of rejection notifications and must be highly selective in choosing those that I am able to handle. The acceptance of rejection notifications is a highly subjective process. The fact that I have decided to pass on your rejection in no way signifies your rejection is sub-par, and I encourage you to continue rejecting authors’ queries and submissions. Just because I have decided to pass on your rejection doesn’t mean there aren’t numerous other authors who’d be happy to be rejected by you. I wish you the best of luck in your future rejection endeavors and want to thank you for allowing me to review your work. Sincerely, (Your name here. Or a made-up name – to ensure that you have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever having another agent or a publisher even THINK about accepting your manuscript.)
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Five Minutes With Marianne Schlegelmilch
Marianne received a most complementary review of her writing as a result of her reaching out with social media. We think you’ll be interested in seeing her five star review <>.
As All My Fathers Were
If you’d like to see and review Jim Misko’s new novel please go to NetGalley to receive a free review copy.
Embed this URL in any HTML coding:
Alaska Writers Directory
For any of you who aren’t listed and are Alaska writers, you might want to check out <> to be listed. It’s not a time consuming process. Don’t know what the value is, but it’s gotta be better’n a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Bonnye Matthews: Award Winning Writer of Prehistoric Fiction
The Back Story on Marketing Fiction
An interesting piece for fiction writers is attached to today’s Author Update.
Amazon Author Central
Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books on, and view Customer Reviews and sales information for your bibliography.
If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central.
You can find out more at: To learn more about Author Central, visit the help pages:
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
ReadAlaska 2014
We’re calling for reservations for ReadAlaska 2014, Saturday, November 28 from 10 AM to 6 PM, Friday, November 29 from 10 AM to 6 PM, and Sunday, November 30 from Noon to 5 PM. This year’s event promises to be even better than previous years and once again dominated by Publication Consultants’ authors and their books. We are again printing a nice brochure to give people as they enter the museum and will ask authors to hand these out as in years past. The brochure invites people to come upstairs and meet the authors. We also will have three large banners on stands placed in strategic areas in the museum.
As always, we will have everything set up, including books, ready for your arrival at your scheduled time. We’ll have enough space so you can make a nice display for your books. You’re encouraged to bring a table covering and small display item for your place on the table to attract people to your space. Bring your banner and stand. We will also have a central cash register and check out so you need not worry about taking money or credit cards.
Here’s how to schedule your reservation. Kindly go to our website, click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Requests, follow the prompts, and under the Location field, select ReadAlaska. Then put in your preferred day and beginning and ending times. Most authors choose to arrive when the day’s event opens and remain until closing time. Although we welcome authors whose schedule only allows attendance less than full time on the three days, by necessity, we give preference to authors arriving at opening and staying until closing. When making your reservation please put in the note section if you have location preference or would like to sit next to a given author.
ReadAlaska is not only the best book event in Anchorage for selling books and meeting people, it’s a wonderful social event for authors. We look forward to this year’s ReadAlasks and once again associating with authors. We hope to see you there.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Readerlink and Book Signings
Readerlink is our major book distributor. From Readerlink’s home page we read: “ReaderLink is the largest full-service distributor of hardcover, trade and paperback books to non-trade channel booksellers in North America, including the biggest names in retail across multiple retail channels.
“This broad customer base is unique in the industry and highlights our unmatched ability to service many different types of retailers: mass merchants, warehouse clubs, department stores, drug stores, grocery stores and others.”
We now have Readerlink’s procedure in place for book signings in Alaska and other locations. If you’re interested in doing a book signing anywhere in the United States kindly go to our website <>, click on Book Signings, News, and Events, select Author Signing Requests, and follow the prompts. If you don’t see the store you’re interested in please let us know. We’ll add it.
If you live Outside, or are traveling Outside, and would like to do signings in locations other than bookstores, we suggest you go to <> and review some of Readerlink’s customers. If your book is appropriate for any of Readerlink’s customers, and you’d like to do a signing, kindly let us know about the store you’re interested in. We need to know the store name, address, city, state, zip, and if you know it, the person to contact and their telephone number and email address. The more information you can give us the better the chances we have of scheduling a signing for you.
You can continue to request signings at bookstores listed on our website.
We’re doing our best to have your book in as many locations as possible. However, if you don’t see your book in the store, it’s because the bookseller elected to fill their shelf space with other titles. The best way we know for getting your book on bookseller shelfs is to have a successful signing at the bookseller’s store.
We express our gratitude for your kind patience while Readerlink was establishing themselves in Alaska. We trust that the wait will be well worth it.
Publication Consultants
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Words of Wisdom
We’re seeking words of wisdom to use in our Social Media offerings so we can promote your books and you as an author. Following are three examples from three authors. If you’d like to contribute some of these bits we’ve be please to use them. They can be your original thought, something from your blog or SMM offering, or something a character from your book said. In our SMM offerings we’ll credit you and include an image of your book or of you.
A good writer is like a good mechanic in a sense. Faulty work causes poor performance. It’s like a movie with a good cast or lead character, but the script sucks. The potential for something good is there, but it isn’t brought forth. If someone doesn’t know good language, how can they fault someone else? Warren Troy, Alaska Wilderness Adventure Author,
I wouldn’t buy the services of someone who didn’t care to learn his craft, whatever that craft might be. I wouldn’t go to a mechanic for heart surgery, no matter how good the mechanic is. A writer should know the rules of grammar. If he or she breaks them, they should break them knowing what they do. For example, I use fragments all the time—in dialog. People speak in fragments frequently. I use contractions. People use contractions in speech. If a writer doesn’t know the rules, serious people will not take that writer seriously. Using the rules and having something to say can move mountains. Bonnye Matthews, Award Winning Writer of Prehistoric Fiction,
According to Kayla Hunt, author of CagedEagles, there are six qualities of good writing. One of the six qualities is to read. Read as many books as possible. Reading teaches different styles, ways to develop plots, and expands vocabulary. Authors that read often are better at their craft. Kayla Hunt,
Jim Misko
I had a book signing at Costco on Saturday. Sold out the 40 books. Had two doubles, two triples and one quadruple. The advantage of having more than one book on the table. Thought you’d enjoy seeing what one buyer said just two days later. Don’t you just love good readers? May it go well with you. Alaska Jim
From: Carol Odinzoff Date: Monday, August 4, 2014 8:32 PM To: Jim Misko
• Subject : For What He Could Become
• Message : Bought your book and conversed with you at Costco in Anchorage this week. Thought I would start the book before the next semester of (Grad) school starts. Big mistake! I started it and it was only when he started drinking I put it down. But picked it up again the next morning and finished it that night. Well written, thrilling, thoughtful and threaded with truth. Handles the alcohol issue with grace and empathy. Hooray for Bill. Thanks for tackling it. Carol Odinzoff
From Bonnye Matthews
For any of you who aren’t listed and are Alaska writers, you might want to check out <> to be listed. It’s not a time consuming process. Don’t know what the value is, but it’s gotta be better’n a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Bonnye Matthews: Award Winning Writer of Prehistoric Fiction
We’re still working with Readerlink, but the progress is slow. They just bit off more than they could chew and it’s taking them longer than anticipated to put their system in place in Alaska. We don’t see any real movement for at least one more month. We’ll keep you posted.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
AutoCrit Editing Wizard
Several professional groups we’re members of have comments about AutoCrit Editing Wizard. On the surface it looks like it is an expensive editing tool. We sampled a short piece and it gave helpful information. You can try it for free, but of course when you click on additional help you’ll be asked to purchase a subscription. The price is reasonable if it will improve your work. We’re not recommending AutoCrit, but asking that if you try it, or already use it, kindly send us a report and we’ll compile the results and pass the information along.
Here’s what the website <> says about AutoCrit:
The AutoCrit Editing Wizard finds hundreds of problems instantly — even things that you and your critique partners have missed. The Wizard identifies slow pacing, overused words, cliches and many more problems typical of early drafts.
There is nothing to download and nothing to install. You can get started right now.
You’ll love the Wizard’s easy-to-read reports and the insights it provides on your manuscript. The AutoCrit Wizard makes editing simple.
The Wizard is available 24 hours a day and you receive your reports in seconds. No more waiting for your critique partner to return your manuscript.
You can have your chapter edited by morning.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Alaska Writer’s Guild
We express our thanks to the Alaska Writers Guild for highlighting two recent releases of Publication Consultants’ books: Walrus With A Gold Tooth, by Steve Levi and Tiny Pine Above Tree Line by Erica Malouf.
We also thought you may be interested in the guild’s newsletter and the upcoming writers conference.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
TNG/ReaderLink Update
The sale of TNG’s book business to ReaderLink was completed as expected on June 2, 2014. However, we’re still waiting for our first purchase order and book signing procedure. The few weeks after the purchase ReaderLink concentrated their efforts on determining the best way to proceed by either keeping the book inventory of TNG or beginning anew. Last week they made the decision to keep the inventory currently on the shelves in stores—but not purchase any of the warehoused books. Of course this meant that we received a huge number of returned books. As a result many author’s July royalty report will show returns. For some authors, book sales will mitigate all or some of the returns. Consequently, we’re asking that if your July royalty report shows an amount owing, and it’s more than $25, kindly send us your payment. This will be particularly important for this month’s royalty. As always, if your royalty is more than $25 we’ll send you a check.
Book signing are still available at Costco, Walgreens, Barnes and Noble, and most independent book stores. We encourage you to continue participating in events like craft fairs, markets, and other book selling opportunities.
We have a contract with ReaderLink and expect that they will begin purchasing books within the next few weeks. That’s what our Reader Link account representative tells us.
Thanks once more for your continued, loyal support.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Alaska Book Week
We express our thanks to Steve Levi, author of Cowboys of the Sky and Walrus with a Gold Tooth, for making us aware of Alaska Book Week, October 4-11, 2014. We attached the information to this email.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Book Signings
Publication Consultants’ authors are now able to schedule book signings at Walgreens in Alaska. If you’d like to schedule a signing at Walgreens kindly go to our website <>, click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Requests, and follow the prompts.
You may also schedule signings at Costco in Anchorage. When scheduling a signing at Costco please schedule the signing to begin at 11 AM and end at 1 PM. This is the requirement of Costco corporate management. However, we have local management permission to remain in the store until all books or sold, and nearly all available books are sold. We’ll give you further instructions after your signing is scheduled and approved. We will furnish Costco a poster advertising your signing and they will post it in an appropriate place several days prior to your signing.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
2014 Independent Publisher Book Awards Results
We extend our congratulations to David Jensen for his Independent Publisher Gold Award
It’s Important to Paws was created as a way to encourage readers to pause, breathe and reconnect with the most important things in life. In my life, that means spending quality time enjoying the company of my family and friends. By family, I of course mean a home full of large, mature dogs (and our cat Oliver) that entertain us every day.
I came up with the title It’s Important to Paws while sitting upon a rock on top of Flattop Mountain in Anchorage, Alaska with my golden retriever mix, Layla. That accomplishment and remarkable connection with nature reminded me how important it is to pause every once in awhile. Layla and I realized at that moment that we have an incredible bond. Or maybe it was just me who had not
Gold: It’s Important to Paws: Lessons Learned from Animal Companions, by David Jensen (David Jensen Photography)
Bonnye Matthews Radio Interview
Bonnye Matthews, Award Winning Writer of Prehistoric Fiction and author of Ki’ti’s Story, 75,000 BC, Manak-na’s Story: 75,000 BC, andZamimolo’s Story, 50,000 BC enjoyed the radio show interview opportunity on Radio Free Palmer earlier this month. You can hear the interview by going to You may want to listen, learn, and ask the station for an interview with you about your books. Now Bonnye is able to use this link on all her social media marketing (SMM) offerings. It’s a positive way to increase reader awareness in your writing.
Rick Mystrom Radio Interview
Rick Mystrom, author of Kenni Psenak interviewed former Anchorage mayor Rick Mystrom about what he has learned over a lifetime of living with Type 1 diabetes. Mayor Mystrom discusses the two books he has authored, My Wonderful Life with Diabetes andWhat Should I Eat?, with particular emphasis on the second, What Should I Eat? The interview was broadcast on 89.5 FM on May 8 and 9, 2014. You can listen to the interview by going to
BISAC Subject Headings
Once again we remind you of the importance of having four BISAC code numbers for your book to promote your book. Here’s what we recommend: Select four BISAC code numbers and send them to us. You select the code numbers and we’ll do the rest. To select your code numbers go to BISG, determine the major heading which best describes the content of your book, click on a heading for more specific headings within that category, cut and paste the number into an email, and send it to us. Example: BIO003000 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Business. Be sure to send us four BISAC code numbers for your book. This will increase the opportunity of your book being discovered by a prospective reader.
Possible Venues For Book Sales
If you’re interested in selling books in venues other than bookstores and retail outlets, here’s a list of possibilities and their contact information.
Dimond Mall, $100 per day in a kiosk, call Shirley/Tanya/Mary at 344-2581
Sears Mall, $275 for 1 week, no single days, 264-6695
Elmendorf AAFES, must sign up for a week at a time, 20% of total sales, 753-6145
Saturday/Sunday Markets in Anchorage 05/10 to 09/07/2014, $95, 272-5634/
Tuesday Market, Eagle River 06/03-09/30, VFW Post 9785, $15, Lynn 696-4839
Wednesday Market in Northway Mall 06/25-10/01, $50,, 272-5634 for information or
Friday Fling in Palmer front of Visitor’s Center 05/23-08/29, $25-45 for 10×10, 355-9415
Wasilla Saturday Marketplace, $25, 5/17 to 8/30, Suzette Lord 357-2433
South Anchorage Farmers Market Wednesdays Dimond Mall,
Soldotna Central Peninsula Farmer’s Market on Saturdays, $10 season/$5 day, 262-5463
Homer Saturday Market & Wednesday Market, Janet 235-4288
Author Update Response
We have a favor to ask; when you read this Author Update kindly send us an email and let us know you received it. All your email needs to say is “I received it.”
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Book Signing Alert–Follow Up
We have been in communication with ReaderLink, and although they haven’t a firm procedure for book signings in Alaska, things are progressing. We’re confident that book signings and author events will be to our liking in Alaska and elsewhere. The ReaderLink connection should open the door to a host of possible venues hereto before not available to our authors.
Costco Book Signings
We have met with Anchorage Costco store management and they have been disappointed that there have not been author signings in their stores for nearly six months. They want author signings, so we worked out a way to meet Costco corporate requirements and local needs and desires. Therefore, we announce that authors are free and encouraged to schedule Costco signings in either or both Anchorage Costco stores. When you go to our website and request a store and date, please schedule your signing time for 11 AM to 1 PM. In the event all available books have not sold in the two hour period, store management encourages you to stay until all books are sold. So, when you schedule your signing kindly arrange your time so you can remain in the store until your books have all sold. If you have questions kindly contact me or Mary Ann Poll. There is an eight week advance notice requirement. We recommend that you schedule your signings now. You’re free to schedule multiple signings at the same store. Your signings just needs to be three months apart. Mary Ann is eager to schedule your Costco signing.
Publication Consultants Weekly Blog
SELL LIKE MARK TWAIN [Would you sell your book door-to-door?]
Samuel Clemens, who wrote as Mark Twain, became one of America’s most famous authors. He also sold a lot of books, and they’re still selling well.
Just exactly how did he do this?
He used the social media marketing of his day: He became a journalist. One of his California stories [think: blogs], “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” became an international hit. This led to a newspaper asking him to go to Europe and the Holy Land and send back stories [blogs] from that part of the world.
All expenses were paid for the 163-day tour, and the ever more famous correspondent [blogger]. He delivered his stories by the revolutionary telegraph, which took only minutes to send. This was the Internet of its day, linking all parts of the world.
But even Mark Twain, best-selling author, couldn’t support himself from book sales alone. In that day and age, most authors couldn’t.
So Twain did something different from the usual bookstore sales. A little daring, but well-targeted. The middle class, becoming affluent after the Civil War, was his best audience.
When he published those overseas blogs as the book The Innocents Abroad, it would become a hit. But you couldn’t find it in bookstores.
In November of 1867, publisher Elisha Bliss contacted Samuel Clemens about writing a book based on his travel correspondence from his 163-day tour of Europe and the Holy Land. That book, The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrim’s Progress, would be both a critical and a popular success, selling more than 70,000 copies in its first year of publication. It would also be Mark Twain’s best-selling work during his lifetime.
The subscription publication industry blossomed in post-Civil War America. Tens of thousands of sales agents, many of them veterans and war widows, canvassed small towns and rural areas armed with a sales prospectus and a “book” containing sample pages and illustrations, and offering multiple binding options to fit every décor and price range. Prospective buyers selected a binding and signed an agreement to pay for the book when it was delivered to their door.
. . . but [Twain] had to contend with the lower status that subscription authors were accorded. Disguised as popular entertainment, his books were bought by the masses—“who never knew what good literature they were.”—
Twain’s other strategy was to do speaking tours, which of course made his book sales spike.
Ben Taroff in his book The Bohemians: Mark Twain and the San Francisco Writers Who Reinvented American Literature says “ . . . And Twain and other authors of his day were rarely able to make a living just from writing books. In fact, he made most of his money from the lecture circuit, booking the largest lecture hall in a city and then boisterously promoting and selling tickets to his lecture.”
Would you sell your books door-to-door? Would you arrange speaking events to drive your sales higher?
It worked for Mark Twain.
Bonnye Mathews Radio Interview
Bonnye recorded an interview with the talk show host on Radio Free Palmer. The show will air on KVRF 89.5 FM on May 5 at 5:30 PM and May 7 at 8:30 AM. You can also hear the interview after May 7 on
Bonnye also was interviewed at her signing at Fireside books in Palmer. You can see and here this interview by going to
Young Writers Conference
We express our appreciation to the following authors: Valerie Boever, Ken Bottcher, Lavon Bridges, Anne Canterbury, Mike Dillingham, Rebecca Goodrich, Cil Gregoire, Heather Johnson, Chris Kiana SR, Steve Levi, Bonnye Matthews, Tom Myers, Lizzie Newell, Lori Oswald, Krista Petersen, Julie Rahm, and Alice Wright. We enjoyed a wonderful morning with young writers in Palmer and then lunch with the authors at the Turkey Red Cafe. Thanks again for giving up your morning to lift a youth. We’ve heard from many of these authors talking about the conference. Here’s the response from Valerie Boever who’s note is representative of all the author’s offerings.
Thank you and Lois for a lovely day.
I enjoy the Conference and already look forward to another. To interact with young minds who desire the information is a rewarding experience. After having taught Jr. High English, with those who did not want to be there, the Conference reminds why I chose teaching as a career.
Lunch was delicious. It is nice to meet other authors in our group. I appreciate the opportunity.
Cheers! Valerie Boever
Marianne Schlegelmilch received a number of reviews for her new novel, Feather for Hoonah Joe. Here’s the latest one:
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Full Text: Feather for Hoonah Joe is the fourth in Ms. Schlegelmilch’s Feather series and, to my way of thinking, each one has been better than the last, making this one the best yet. The books make no pretense of being serious literature. They are fun mystery/adventures in an Alaskan setting, and anyone who appreciates a light read with interesting characters and plenty of plot twists and surprises—and especially any Alaskaphiles out there—should enjoy them. This latest one displays Ms. Schlegelmilch’s talent at its peak. She writes about Alaska with the authority of one who knows it well, even delving into the salvage of Japanese tsunami debris. She has obviously lived with these characters for a long time, knows who they are as people, and feels a good deal of affection for them. That affection shines through on the page and made this reader love them too (except for Elzianne, who is despicable but interesting like a good villain should be). I very much enjoyed the warmth that the main characters shared among themselves. I look forward to more from this author.
More NetGalley
If you’d like to review Break Point Down by Marthy Johnson, just click on the link. Feel free to pass the link on to others who may want to review the book.
John and Mary Ann Poll
Yes, it is true, John and Mary Ann are moving to Texas. No, they are abandoning us–they’re only moving their office.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
First Something Fun
Steve Levi sent us a list of words with the question, what do each of the words have in common with each other? If you think you know the answer kindly send us what you think. Along with your answer, tell us which of our eBooks you’d like as a free gift. If you have the correct answer we’ll send you a free eBook of your choice.
Here are the words: 1. Banana 2. Dresser 3. Grammar 4. Potato 5. Revive 6. Uneven 7. Assess
Internet Presence/Social Media Marketing Management (SMMM) Bundle
We have attached a PDF file to this update titled: Internet Presence/Social Media Marketing Management (SMMM) Bundle. This bundle is primarily for authors who have the will, wisdom, and resources to advance their writing career and promote their works. It’s for authors with vision for themselves and their works and who are willing to invest in their future. Obviously there is a cost associated with the Internet Presence/SMMM Bundle.
If you’re serious about writing and about promoting you and your works, don’t just read the Bundle information one time. Read it as many times as it takes until you have a grasp of how important the Bundle can be to establish you as an author. Once you have the revolution vision, kindly contact us and let’s talk.
Independent Book Stores
There are eight independent book stores in Alaska with websites and storefronts who are members of American Booksellers Association.
Gulliver’s Books in Fairbanks:
The Homer Book Store in Homer:
Fireside Books in Palmer:
UAA Bookstore in Anchorage:
River City Books in Soldotna:
UAF Bookstore in Fairbanks:
Parnassus Books in Ketchikan:
Old Harbor Books in Sitka:
Hearthside Books & Toys in Juneau:
University of Alaska SE Bookstore:
Plus, there are hundreds of other ABA booksellers with websites and storefronts. These stores want to know about you and about your books. They welcome authors for book signings and will promote the author event if your book is listed on the ABA’s website. Here’s how to make sure your book is listed and is for sale at ABA member bookstores.
Adding titles or cover images to the ABA database:
First, log in to using your personal account. If you don’t have an account on, please create one at
Once you are logged in, kindly search for your title first, by ISBN, using the search form in the upper right of the site (13 digits only, no dashes or spaces). If your title is already listed, it does not need to be added. If you see that information is missing or incorrect, please email the necessary changes to <> (be sure to include ISBN and Title).
If your title (or cover image) cannot be found in the database, use the links below to add it:
1) To add a complete book listing, including a cover image, go to:
2) To add a missing cover image to an existing book, go to to:
Just enter your data, upload an image, and submit!
Please allow time for approval by someone at ABA. You will receive an email when your book is approved. Once approved, it can take up to 24 hours for your book to appear in search results and on, but it will be available on individual store websites, in book lists, etc. immediately.
Keep in mind that adding a book to the ABA shared database does not necessarily make the title available for purchase. If a customer clicks to purchase your title, they will be taken to one of the ABM member bookstores. It is then up to each bookstore to obtain the book for their customer. However, if a store cannot find your title available from the publisher or a distributor, they may inform their customer that the book is not readily available. The easier it is for the bookseller to find and obtain your title, the likelier that a store will fill an order for your book.
ABA also has an affiliate program where you can actually earn money for referring people to member’s stores.
Amazon Author Central
We encourage you to utilize Amazon’s Author Central.
Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books on, and view Customer Reviews and sales information for your bibliography.
If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central.
You can find out more at: or the help site
Lastly, Something Else Fun: Ten Things I Know About You
1) You are reading this.
2) You are human.
3) You can’t say the letter ”P” without separating your lips.
4) You just attempted to do it.
6) You are laughing at yourself.
7) You have a smile on your face and you skipped No. 5.
8) You just checked to see if there is a No. 5.
9) You laugh at this because you are a fun loving person & everyone does it too.
10) You are probably going to send this to someone else.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Book Signing Alert
We announce a major change in the way books are distributed and the effect it will have on book signings at Fred Meyer and SafeWay. TNG, our major book distribution and book signing partner in Alaska has sold their book business to ReaderLink, effective June 2, 2014. In preparation for the change of ownership, both TNG and ReaderLink have asked that we not schedule any book signings after April 30,2014. This will also effect placing new titles in distribution. We have visited with the folks at ReaderLink and are enthused about new possibilities for expanded distribution of our books and increased venues for book signings. We also know that all change comes with a bit of stress and usually takes longer than expected. Kindly bear with us as we go forward working with ReaderLink. There will be no change in our relationship with other national distributors, Barnes and Noble, and independent booksellers. We’ll keep you informed as we learn more and the dust settles.
Here’s what ReaderLink says about themselves: ReaderLink is the largest full-service distributor of hardcover, trade and paperback books to non-trade channel booksellers in North America, including the biggest names in retail across multiple retail channels. This broad customer base is unique in the industry and highlights our unmatched ability to service many different types of retailers: mass merchants, warehouse clubs, department stores, drug stores, grocery stores and others.
The Fussy Librarian
If you have an eBook, the Fussy Librarian may be a way to promote you as an author and let more people know about your books. Just go to <>, scroll to the bottom of the page, click on For Authors, and follow the instructions. If you need our help in anyway kindly contact us.
Publication Consultants Weekly Blog
Net Galley: a New Service for our Authors
Here at Publication Consultants, we are always looking for ways to improve our authors’ reach into the world at large.
Getting books into the hands of reviewers nationally and internationally is now a little easier. We have found Net Galley, a fast and simple way for a reviewer or media person to find your book and read it for review, or to plan an interview, have you write an article or send them approval to publish an excerpt; whatever they would like.
Back in the old days, postage and personnel were cheap, so sending out a flock of books to the best reviewers was easy. And that was partly because only about 50,000 books a year were published. Now, more than a million are published in the United States alone, every year.
On the plus side, there are many more media, with many more reviewers, editors, and interviewers who need material each and every day, and often around the clock.
When you agree to make your books available to such media professionals, you fulfill a need of theirs. You become their book supplier, someone they can depend upon. Electronic means through the Net Galley site just makes it easier for them to review each of your new books.
We announce the availability, and those reviewers or TV and radio people can request a copy for a limited amount of time, usually about a month.
If this new service is of interest to you for your books, kindly send us an email right away.
Sleeping Through A Revolution
In June of 1965 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr gave the commencement address at Oberlin College. In part he said, “I’m sure that you have read that arresting little story from the pen of Washington Irving entitled Rip Van Winkle. The thing that we usually remember about this story is that Rip Van Winkle slept 20 years. But there is another point in that story that is almost always completely overlooked: it was a sign on the inn in the little town on the Hudson from which Rip went up into the mountain for his long sleep. When he went up, the sign had a picture of King George III of England. When he came down, years later, the sign had a picture of George Washington, the first president of the United States. When Rip looked up at the picture of George Washington, he was completely lost; he knew not who he was. This reveals to us that the most striking fact about the story of Rip Van Winkle is not that he slept 20 years, but that he slept through a revolution.”
There’s another revolution taking place right now involving authors. For centuries authors have been at the mercy of a few large publishers. But that changed when personal computers, the Internet, and new and ever changing technology opened the door for print on demand, self publishing, and publishers like Publication Consultants. But this wasn’t a revolution; it was a door opener. The revolution I’m talking about is the social media revolution that levels the playing field for authors. Through social media marketing (SMM) an author today can reach readers in the author’s genre like never before in the world’s history. If you’re an author of more than one book, or have plans to further your writing career with more titles in print, you can have your own SMM revolution.
Publication Consultants has put together a SMM package for serious authors who have published, or desire publishing more than one book. Working with John Poll, of Authors Internet, and Lwasampijja Baker, Founder and Director at Tera Tech Ltd., we’ve tested the package’s principles with four authors for four months and are beginning to see positive results. We don’t expect to see immediate, big sales results; revolutions take time. However, here’s what the four authors told us:
“The most obvious way in which the program has helped is giving people from all over the world the information they need to see and potentially purchase my works. Since the program started, sales of my books, especially eBooks from Amazon and B&N have increased.”
Warren Troy, Alaska Wilderness Adventure Author, author of: Jester, Trails, The Last Homestead, and Wilderness Reckoning
“Baker is very responsive to anything I ask him to do, is always looking for more places to spread the word, and is technically adept and helps me understand social media.”
Marianne Schlegelmilch, One of America’s Most Gifted Writers, author of: Feather From A Stranger, Two Tickets and A Feather, Driftfeather on the Alaska Seas, andFeather for Hoonah Joe.
“I appreciate Baker’s work. I like that he posts on a consistent basis in my social media accounts; he has given me an idea for a blog when I’m stuck; he thinks all the time and frequently makes good changes; he is willing to help with items like getting my blog to feed through Author Central. He’s easy to work with and willing to help wherever he can. He takes a burden off me. I haven’t got as much time as I’d like to work the social media angle. So nice to know it’s happening with an hour or so from me a week. I can concentrate on writing . . . .”
Mary Ann Poll, America’s Lady of Supernatural Thrillers, author of: Ravens Cove, Ingress, and Gorgon.
“I am pleased that Baker has been prompt to respond to requests and suggestions, that he makes good and useful suggestions, and that he needs no prompting to keep the social media stream running. I get good feedback from readers.”
Carl Douglass, Neurosurgeon Turned Author Writes With Gripping Realism, author of: Last Phoenix, The Young Coyote, Anything Goes, Heaven and Hell, The Long Climb, ACADEMIA: The Law of the Jungle, The Vulture and the Phoenix, All in Jest, Gog and Magog, Sheep Dog and the Wolf, Finders Keepers, Losers Weep, Though They Come from the Ends of the Earth, Dancing with the Devil, The Trojan Horse in the Belly of the Beast, The End of the Beginning, and Uncharted Country, Uncertain Future
If you’re serious about advancing your writing career and marketing your works to the world, kindly contact us and let’s talk about your personal social media marketing manager package. But whatever you do, don’t sleep through the SMM revolution.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Mary Ann Poll
Mary Ann had a uplifting experience at a book signing at the Dimond Fred Meyers. A loyal reader, Lori Atuk, knowing that Mary Ann would be at the signing, found her and purchased a copy of Gorgon, Mary Ann’s latest book. It always nice when you find that your social media offerings and signing schedule is working and a fan takes the time to come to your signing and purchase a book. But, that’s only half of the story. After reading Gorgon, Lori placed the following message on FaceBook:
I finally finished reading Gorgon. I loved it as much as Ravens Cove and Ingress. But I’m so sad it’s over. Can’t wait to read your next book. It’s got to be longer next time. I could only drag this one out a week because I have been so busy. I really enjoy reading your books. I hope you keep writing even after the Ravens Cove saga is over. I haven’t met an author that can keep me so interested and craving to read more. You truly are special. Thank you for the amazing adventures.
Publication Consultants Blogs
As mentioned in a pervious Author Update, Rebecca Goodrich writes our blogs under our direction. Following is our blog number 120. We anticipate sharing our weekly blog with you each week as part of the Author Update.
What Joy for a Writer Exceeds Holding that New Book, Even if it’s the Third Book?
We were happy to deliver to Bonnye Matthews, award-winning writer of prehistoric fiction, the third book in her Winds of Change series. On LinkedIn she immediately posted that she wondered if anything could make her happier than this, her third novel.
Zamimilo’s Story: 50,000 BC continues her controversial saga of the early peopling of the Americas. Hotly debated by archeologists for decades, Matthews’ finely researched novels are beginning to mirror current academic theories and scientific research regarding early human history.
Or perhaps we should say that science and academia are beginning to mirror her novels.
Bonnye Matthews says this is her favorite book. And we’re sure that it is. And we are certain that it will be her favorite until she holds Book Four, Tuksuk’s Story: 35,000 BC, due to be published summer 2015.
You can see for yourself some of the wonderful research and discoveries that pertain to Bonnye’s books by getting in touch with her on social media: (Click on the social media icons)
Twitter: @BonnyeMatthews
Alaskana Books
Alaskana Books sells to new owner, closes doors. What is thought to be the largest private collection of books about Alaska has been sold to an Anchorage collector. Click HERE to read the full story.
Margaret and Midnight
Valerie Boever, author of three Margaret and Midnight books, enjoyed a doubly nice experience by seeing her work in Make a Scene magazine. She was able to write her own review and see it published.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Bumppo, author of Everlasting:Adventures of an Alaskan Déné Girl, received an outstanding review of his book by Kirkus Reviews. Although the reviewer doesn’t know the difference between dog-sled puppies and sled dog puppies, it’s still a great review <>. Congratulations Bumppo.
Ollen Hunt
Ollen Hunt’s funeral was today and he was laid to rest with full military honors at the Fort Richardson National Cemetery. The ceremony included a 21 gun salute. It was fitting service for a wonderful man and friend. I was pleased to offer the eulogy at the funeral.
BISAC Subject Headings and Author Bios
We express our thanks to you who responded to our request for four BISAC numbers. If you have not sent us your four BISAC code numbers please send them as soon as possible. Perhaps this is the most important thing you can do to promote your book.Here’s what we recommend
1: Rewrite your bio and send it to us. Your bio should be more about marketing than about you. This is where you have opportunity to let your readers and potential readers know your passion, motivation, and qualification for writing your book.
2: Select four BISAC code numbers and send them to us. You select the code numbers and we’ll do the rest. To select your code numbers go to BISG <>, determine the major heading which best describes the content of your book, click on a heading for more specific headings within that category, cut and paste the number into an email, and send it to us. Example: BIO003000 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Business. Be sure to send us four BISAC code numbers for your book.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Computer Spell Checkers
The following was sent to us by Steve Levi. Thanks Steve.
Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew
BISAC Subject Headings and Author Bios
The Nielsen Reportrecorded a 55% increase in sales when all metadata was furnished to booksellers. This includes the Author Bio and more than one BISAC code. “The bare minimum (ISBN, Title, Author, Publisher, etc.) just doesn’t cut it anymore.” Especially for Ebooks, where the bibliographic data is the consumer’s only source of information, a marketing centered bio and multiple BISAC code numbers are essential for increased sales. In this fast-paced digital age, there’s just a second to grab the customer’s attention and you can increase your opportunity by updating your bio and selecting four BISAC code numbers for your book. Perhaps this is the most important thing you can do to promote your book.
Here’s what we recommend
1: Rewrite your bio and send it to us. Your bio should be more about marketing than about you. This is where you have opportunity to let your readers and potential readers know your passion, motivation, and qualification for writing your book.
2: Select four BISAC code numbers and send them to us. You select the code numbers and we’ll do the rest. To select your code numbers go to BISG <>,determine the major heading which best describes the content of your book, click on a heading for more specific headings within that category, cut and paste the number into an email, and send it to us. Example: BIO003000 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Business. Be sure to send us four BISAC code numbers for your book.
Young Writers Conference
We could still use a couple more authors interested in participating in the Mat/Su Young Writers Conference on April 26, 2014. You will enjoy teaching students hungry to learn from a published author. And, the conference gives authors opportunity to sell a few books and broaden their customer base. Following the conference we’ll all meet at the Turkey Red Cafe and Bakery, 550 South Alaska Street in Palmer and enjoy a buffet lunch together complements of Lois. If you haven’t already told us you’re a participant, kindly let us know now so we can finalize the buffet reservation and conference assignments.
Seven Things I Learned From a Foreign Email
We think you’ll be interested in reading Bonnye Matthew’s blog post <>. Bonnye is the award winning writer of prehistoric fiction and author of Ki’ti’s Story, 75,000 BC, Manak-na’s Story, 75,000 BC, and her new, at the printers, book, Zamimolo’s Story: 50,000 BC.
2014 Spirit of Youth Awards
Heather Johnson will receive a Business & Government award for her recently published book, Hidden Voice: A Story of Discovering Strengths, about helping youth build self-esteem and deal with bullies and negative comments. The 15-year-old Mat-Su Central School student is a delegate to the People to People Ambassador Program, member of the National Association of Professional Women and an instructor at this year’s Alaska Young Writers Conference.
Samuel Allred, 14, is being honored in the Overcoming Challenges Award. Allred has battled a rare kidney disease since he was a toddler. He created the non-profit organization Project Comfort that makes travel-sized pillows and distributes them to hospitalized children all over the United States. During the past three years he and his community have made more than 3,000 pillows. He is also the author of Opening Hearts, a book that aims to provide hope and encouragement for kids who are chronically ill.
Book Signings
When we compute royalty report it’s obvious which authors are scheduling book signings. And some authors are doing signings independent from us. For example, Burt Bomhoff, author of Iditarod Alaska, sent us a photo and signing report for a recent signing he conducted in the Valley where he sold 46 books.
We suggest you go to our website and schedule as many signings as possible to fit your time and marketing plans for your book. Although we’re not able to schedule Costco signings right now, there are ample opportunities in other venues. Perhaps your enthusiasm for signing will increase if you view the Book Signings Are Fun video on our website. Book signing really are fun–and profitable! Just ask Burt Bomhoff.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Heather Johnson
Heather Johnson, author of Hidden voice, will be interviewed by Mari Frank on Prescriptions For Healing Conflict on Monday, February 3 at 8:30 AM (California Time), 2014, on KUCI 88.9 FM and streaming on WWW.KUCI.ORG. Heather will discuss the following topics and more: 1. Issues of Bullying, 2. A Teen’s Perspective, and 3. Rising Above Bullies. This should prove to be a fascinating interview.
Sheldon Gebb
Sheldon Gebb, author of In the Footsteps of My Father, received recognition for his generosity and a nice review for his book in the Whitehorse Star. We express our congratulations to Sheldon and our appreciation to him for sharing the Whitehorse Stararticle.
Marcela Hubard
We feel that book signings are the best way to promote your book and you as an author. New author, Marcela Hubard, who wrote the children’s book, Black Bear, is living proof. Marcela introduced her book with three successful signings in Fred Myers, Carrs, and Walgreens. Her success is due to her enthusiasm and table set up. Notice the bear and salmon in both in front of Marcela’s table and also behind her. We don’t know if we’ve ever talked with a more pleased first time author about book signings.
Book Signing
We encourage you to take advantage of the many signing opportunities available through Publication Consultants. Just go to our website <>, click on BOOK SIGNINGS, click on Author Signing Request, and follow the prompts. Feel free to request any listed venue (except Costco) and we’ll take it from there. Also, it may be good if, while you’re at our website, you click on VIDEO and watch the Book Signings Are Fun video.
We extend or gratitude to you for you continued support of Publication Consultants. We had our best year ever in 2013 with more than 52 books; an average of one new book a week. Thanks to our new authors and to seasoned authors who recommended us to your friends.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Blog Talk Radio
In a recent Blog Talk Radio show, two of our authors, Bonnye Matthews, author of Ki’ti’s Story, 75,000 BC andManak-na’s Story: 75,000 BC and Polly Bigelow, author of When Raven Dances,explore the distinction between writers and authors. We also discuss the benefits of becoming a published author, some of the pitfalls to avoid and much more. If you’d like to listen and learn kindly click HERE.
Publication Consultants Blog
As you may know we’ve enlisted the services of Rebecca Goodrich’s, Ghostwriters, to assist us with our blog. We are pleased
with the regular stream of information important to us, our authors, and potential authors contained in these blogs. Our most recent blog may be read by clicking HERE.
We’ve also packaged two books together as an Author Publishing Starter Kit. Bringing Your Book to Market explains how Publication Consultants works with authors. Becoming A Published Author is the first person account of more than 30 of our authors about how they became a published author. If you’d like a free copy for your self or would like us to send a free copy of the Author Publishing Starter Kit to someone else just click HERE. When you check out kindly enter Getting Started in the coupon area. All we ask is that you pay the postage.
Book Signings
We know of no better way to keep your book before the reading public than book signings and other author events. However, signings continue to be the agony and ecstasy of book marketing. For example one of our authors had a promising Christmas season signing at one of the big box stores and circumstances proved to make it a bust. On the other hand, Randy Zarnke, author of Alaska Tracks, sold 30 books at a recent signing at Barnes and Noble in Fairbanks. He would have sold more, but that’s all the books that were available. The store has invited Randy back and have placed an order for more books. It’s pretty difficult to predict how successful a signing will be. But, like fishing, you need to keep your line in the water. We encourage you to go to our website and view the video, Book Signings are Fun; and keep your line in the water by scheduling a few signings.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Homographs and Heteronyms
Homographs are words of like spelling but with more than one meaning. A homograph that is also pronounced differently is a heteronym.
No wonder good writing is difficult.
Book Review: When Raven Dances
Polly Bigelow’s book received a wonderful review in the Seward City News <>. Polly’s positive book review demonstrates the success an author has by contacting the media, giving them a copy of the book, and being available for an interview. An author is a celebrity in the mind of many and the media is willing and anxious to report and advance the author’s celebrity status.
Autographed Copy Stickers
Booksellers and market savvy authors know that autographed copies help sell books. When finishing up at a book signing, offer to autograph remaining copies and ask if the store has autographed copy stickers. If the store doesn’t have stickers, you should have a supply of your own to put on your books. Also, when you’re in a store and see your book displayed, ask store personnel if they’d like you to autograph the books; and again ask if the store has autographed copy stickers. If they don’t, then be prepared to supply your own autographed copy stickers. If you don’t have autographed copy stickers you can order them through AAA Label Company. The cost is $7.25 for a roll of 1,000 stickers with a three roll minimum order, plus $6 shipping.
Book Signings
We continue to encourage authors to schedule book signings. Just go to our website, click on Book Signings, follow the prompts, and schedule your signing. We’ve attached a PDF file copy of Tips For Making A Book Signing Successful. You should find this helpful, not only about what to do at a signing, but also pre and post signings tips. When scheduling a signing at Costco please be wise in selecting the date and time. All Costco signings are for two hours only. Of course you may ask to stay longer if the 20 book sales requirement has not been achieved. There are no time restrictions at other signing venues with the exception of Barnes and Noble. It’s beneficial if you’ll let us know how the signing went and include a photo with you and a purchaser with your banner in the background.
We extend our gratitude to the 29 participating authors at this year’s highly successful ReadAlaska. Daryl Pederson, of D & M Photography, who provided the photos for his daughter’s book, A Is For Alaska, graciously photographed all of the authors who were present one afternoon at ReadAlaska. We’ll be sending you your copy of Daryl’s ReadAlaska photo in a personal email.
Author Personal and Publicity Photograph
Every author needs a professional publicity photograph. This is especially important for authors with a new book which requires a professional photo for the back cover. Professional photos are expensive–real expensive. However, we’ve arranged with Daryl for a special price of $95 for author’s publicity photos. This is a bargain. To schedule a photo session for your professional publicity photo kindly contact Daryl for an appointment. Daryl understands what is needed.
Daryl Pederson
D & M Photography
1411 West 33rd
Anchorage AK 99503
Phone 907-563-8072
Cell 907 717-5999
For the special price, just let Daryl know that you’re a author with Publication Consultants.
Thanks again for allowing us to be your publisher.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Perhaps one of the most important traditions associated with Thanksgiving has been lost to history. We in America have been blessed so abundantly we forget the humble circumstances surrounding the first feast of thanksgiving. Even the poorest of our circle of friends, family, and associates have more wealth than the Pilgrims could even dream of.
Those who gave thanks at Plymouth by sharing a feast of gratitude left us another part of their heritage. As they approached the harvest season, they would determine if they had had a bounteous year or a lean harvest. If the storehouse was full, they had a feast of thanksgiving. If the larder contained less than what was adequate for winter, they had a fast. For them it was either feast or fast.
As we look back at 2013 with the perspective of 12 months, we pause and reflect on our many blessings at this season of thanksgiving. We find that our harvest has been ample. Even if our circumstances were otherwise, we’d still celebrate this Thanksgiving with as much feast as we can muster. As we partake of the foods of the holiday and offer our prayers of appreciation, we’ll remember our real blessings. If all we had were but water and a cracker to eat, we could not fast. We would call it a feast because our of association with so many fine people like you.
We wish you and your’s the a most Happy Thanksgiving.
A friend sent this to us and we thought you would enjoy it.
Homographs are words of like spelling but with more than one meaning.
A homograph that is also pronounced differently is a heteronym.
1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
2) The farm was used to produce produce.
3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4) We must polish the Polish furniture..
5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert..
7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10) I did not object to the object.
11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13) They were too close to the door to close it.
14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17) The wind was too strong for me to wind the sail.
18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear..
19) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
20) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
We invite you to visit us at ReadAlaska and meet many of our published authors. We also ask that you send a copy of the attached brochure to your mailing list so others will be aware of the event.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Promoting Your Book
Here’s a comment from best selling author, Trish LaSage: All three of my books have been best sellers on Amazon. What has been successful for me is to write books that are helpful to people in some way, educational, or books that make people curious to find out more about the subject material. I would then say that PR is extremely important. I only spend 6 weeks writing each book. I have only written one or two books per year since I started writing professionally two years ago. I spend the rest of the year on PR (writing blog articles and placing them on the walls of the more than 150 groups that I’m a member of on Facebook with a copyright notice on the bottom that includes a link to my website so as to not get reported for spam for advertising, writing magazine articles, appearing on radio shows, participating in other authors’ book launches as a joint venture partner, leaving my comments on other authors’ articles, etc.).
Anchorage Daily News
Here’s the ADN website address where you can list your book signings and author events for free: <>. You can also pay for increased coverage, but at least take advantage of the free listing of all of your book signings and other author events.
Don and Lanna Langdok
Don and Lanna, authors of Cheechako Sunrise, Sourdough Sunset, sell out every time at their book signings. We asked them to tell us their secret. Here’s what they told us.
1. Neve, ever sit down! Greet all prospective buyer on your feet. Approach them and let them look at your book–put it in their hands. I’ve stood for 4-6 hours at every signing. My husband sits at the table with the inventory and handles the money exchanges. If you need to rest, use a stool by the side of the table to lean on. Be ready to get up when someone approaches.
2. Be friendly! Engage them into the conversation regarding the book. Regardless of who they are; male, female, young or old. We’ve sold book to an 80-year-old Eskimo man, a 16-year-old, rapper kid, a big burly Homer fisherman, and to a professional women on her lunch break. Treat them all the same regardless of their financial appearance–with dignity and with a smile.
3. Peak their interest. Give them key lines regarding chapters in the book, and/or show them pictures relating to the stories. Always listen to their comments and answer any of their questions. Those who con’t purchase right away may want to buy the book in the future. Give them a business card with your website address. Always thank them for taking the time to look at your book!
4. Have a carton of your books signed ahead of time with a sincere quote and your signature. Do the personalizing for the purchaser at the time of you sell the book. This saves valuable time and allows you to sign multiple books for several buyers. Always use an erasable jell pen to correct mistakes–misspelled manes or poor penmanship on our part. (This has been an invaluable tool. Keep two on hand.)
5. Tell the, without a doubt, that they will enjoy reading your book. Share previous reviews with them. Once they’ve made the purchase ask them to go online and make a comment. Encourage them to share the book with others. It’s all good advertising for the next sale. Finally, and most importantly, thank them sincerely for buying your book.
Note: These techniques must work because our sales have been really good. At every book signing we’ve sold a case of 20 books–plus. One one signing we sold 35 books. We normally average five books per hour on a four hour signing. This is all new to us as we’ve never had a book published before. Each signing has been a lot of fun and we enjoy meeting so many people of different backgrounds. All leave as friends!
Don and Lanna Langdok 2013 new authors of Cheechako Sunrise, Sourdough Sunset.
Rick Mystrom
Rick Mystrom’s new book, My Wonderful Life with Diabetes, received a wonderful review in the Frontiersman this week. Here’s the address where you can read the full article, <>
Everlasting:Adventures of an Alaskan Déné Girl by Bumppo was reviewed in the Homer News prior to his release party. The review was most complementary about the book written by, as Bumppo’s tag line reads, Alaskan sea captain writes bold tales of culture and spirit. <>.
Blog Talk Radio
Here’s another comment from an author who listened to my interview on Blog Talk Radio <> with Cherilynn Stone. “I listened to the Blog Talk Radio and I felt like I got to know you in that hour. Thank you for doing that. I loved your stories. My book isn’t published yet but I was inspired to start another one.” Pam Hefley, author of A Blueberry Deer
Ron Walden
In the last week Ron Walden, Alaskan True to Life Crime Writer, author of five novels including his latest book, Poachers Paradise, has conducted four book signings: Soldotna at the Fred Meyer store, Costco on DeBarr, Costco on Dimond, and Fred Meyer in Anchorage. Sales were slower at the Fred Meyer store in Anchorage, but on the other three occasions, Ron sold all of the books available (at least 32) for him at the signings.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
It’s Important to Paws
Wired for Story, Blog Talk Radio with Cherilynn Stone
Your Ever Evolving Self
Author’s Book Signing Banner
It’s Important to Paws We extend our congratulations to David Jensen, author and photographer, for his extended full page coverage in the Anchorage Daily News <> about him and his new book, It’s Important to Paws. David’s release party is Friday at Admiral’s Place Banquet Room – 9359 Independence Drive Anchorage, Alaska from 6 to 8 PM. All authors are invited. Wired for Story Here’s some comments from authors who participated in our Wired For Story webinar:
I agree that learning only one thing is worth the time and the small amount of money. Lisa is very good and was able to pour a lot of information into an hour.
Mary AnnPoll
America’s Lady of Supernatural Thrillers
Author of Ravens Cove, Ingress, and Gorgon I did enjoy the webinar. I’m glad I took it. She is well organized and speaks well. I used the points as she progressed to judge my third book. It was helpful. My third book, I already know, is my best so far. Part of the reason is that I’ve met the points she was making. There is much tension. The question I asked deals with the last point she made. My story twist at the end will be that his action which was finally delivered after he was white headed, virtually reflexively after many years of withholding vengeance, results in the death of the very woman whose abduction affected him so severely. He ends up unaware of the consequence of his action, while his friend finds out about it and decides it will avail nothing to tell him. I was happy to hear that the ending I plan, which is realistic if not happy, is plausible for a decent story.
Bonnye Matthews,
Award Winning Writer of Prehistoric Fiction
Author of Ki’ti’s Story, 75,000 BC and Manak-na’s Story, 75,000 BC The webinar was great. Ms. Cron communicated very useful information in an attention holding and vivacious way. She is a keeper.
Carl Douglass
Neurosurgeon Turned Author Writes With Gripping Realism
Author of eleven published novels
Thanks so much for making this webinar. Lisa’s knowledge and love of her craft will help me acquire the necessary skills so that my Protagonists are viewed as characters who conquer their giants.
Judi Johnson
Aspiring Author
Blog Talk Radio with Cherilynn Stone, Your Ever Evolving Self Thanks to Cherilynn for inviting me to be her guest on her radio program. I enjoyed the opportunity to visit with Cherilynn and her two co-hosts. It was an enjoyable hour. If you missed the program and would like to hear the interview you can go to <>. After the interview we received a few comments from listeners. Here’s a couple of them.
I listened to your broadcast interview and I was impressed. I almost called in to say that your initial response to new authors is outstanding. I feel wanted with you – part of the family.
Merle Martin
author of I’m Only Her Father Hi Evan, our dear friend.
I just finished listening to your interview on blog spot and felt like I was right there in the room with you. It was very good, enjoyable, informative, well presented, and I felt like I was right there in the room with you. Your voice, your photo, and great common sense information to us listeners. Just wanted to remind you, what big fans Weston and I are of you and Lois, and all you do for everyone.
Diane Fields, wife of Weston Fields, author of The Dead Sea Scrolls, a short history and The Dead Sea Scrolls: Volume 1, A Full History.
Author’s Book Signing Banner
Here’s another testimony of the effectiveness of our Author’s Book Signing Banner:
The banner seems to be what really attracts people’s attention, as even if they’re not interested, nearly everyone walks by and looks at the banner. Some walk buy, stop and look at the banner, then look at my books on the table and scratch their heads and think. lol. It gives me an opportunity to say hello, give them a card, and tell them about my book etc. Not everyone buys, but they are being made aware of it at least.
Dan Griffin, author of Village of the Full Moon Curse Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426 Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Here is the attachment we referred to.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Social Media Marketing
Here’s an article from Book Business magazine that may enlighten you about social media marketing. It’s the best we’ve read so far. This is a low resolution copy. If you’d like a high resolution copy kindly let us know.
We’d enjoy your comments after you’ve read it.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Book Signings Are Fun
We placed our Book Signings Are Fun video presentation on our website. Just click on Videos in the menu, make sure the sound is on, and enjoy seeing yourself and other authors at book signing. Or click the button below.
Click Here
We want to do more of these types of videos and will appreciate your suggestions for improvement.
Burt Bomhoff spent successful signing time at the Saturday Market, Ron Walden, frequents gun shows and enjoys selling and signing books at these events, Bonnye Matthews enjoyed her signing at Barnes and Nobel in Anchorage, Heather Johnson associated with the Channel 2 TV personalities at the Alaska State Fair, and Lois and I visited with Mary Ann Poll during her recent Fred Meyer signing. All are pictured here. To create your own signing fun, visit our website, click on Book Signings, and follow the links.
By working with Mary Ann Poll, and other authors, we developed a new Tips For Making A Book Signing Successful. We think it will be worth your time to review and apply the suggested signing tips given by experienced authors. We have attached a PDF copy of the suggestions to this email. Once again, if you have any suggestions that will help other authors, or will improve Tips For Making A Book Signing Successful better, kindly let us know.
Release Party Video
We were invited by the Alaska Writers Guild last month to make a presentation about release parties. We were joined by six authors: Tom Myers, Mary Ann Poll, Bonnye Matthews, Jim Misko, Ollen Hunt, Bill Hauser, and Peggy McMahon. It was also nice to have Lois helping out to introduce Becoming a Published Author and Bringing Your Book to Market to the assembled writers. She also brought along AlaskaAlaska, a fun card game we invented. All are pictured here. The six authors set up a table, complete with their books and banner, as they would at a release party. Guild members asked many questions following the presentation and the authors shared their release party and becoming a published author experience and knowledge in answering the questions. We extend our warmest word of appreciation to the six authors who gave of their time and their expertise in assisting us.
We also introduced our new audio visual Release Party instruction video. The audio follows the release party printed presentation we’ve been using to assist new authors to better prepare for their release party. The printed presentation is a result of the good work and assistance of Kayla Hunt, who has consented to help authors with their release party. The printed presentation, along with the audio video is a powerful tool for new authors–as well as more experienced ones. We recommend that every author view the audio visual on our website. Here’s the direct link.
Click Here
The presentation promises to help authors with every book signing, not just release parties.
We thought you’d enjoy the four following emails from Randy Zarnke, author of the new book, Alaska Tracks.
On August 12, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Randall Zarnke, author of Alaska Tracks, wrote:
I might be getting ahead of myself, but I’m curious about the process for ordering more books. I’m getting nothing but positive reports from folks who have read the book. I’m hopeful that the momentum will increase following our signing event here in Fairbanks on September 6.
On August 26, 2013, at 3:41 PM, Randall Zarnke, author of Alaska Tracks, wrote:
Local interest for our book has been high here in Fairbanks and seems to be building. Do you have any feel at this early stage for the level of interest in our book among retailers around the State?
On September 5, 2013, at 4:35 PM, Randall Zarnke, author of Alaska Tracks, wrote:
You outlined a campaign and provided materials (posters, invitations, etc) to help make it happen. It’s working. We’ve gotten coverage by radio, TV and newspaper all week. People are calling, e-mailing and stopping me on the street to talk about the book. I have high hopes for a successful event tomorrow evening.
On September 6, 2013, at 10:23 PM, Randall Zarnke, author of Alaska Tracks, wrote:
Tonight’s event was overwhelming (in a positive way). Sold 225 books in three hours. I never stopped signing during that period. We definitely want to order another batch. The only question now is how many.
We’re including a photo of Randy’s release party and him signing books. Notice the line of people waiting for their turn to talk with the author and receive their signed copy.
Do we need to say more about following the pattern for release parties?
Atiska Ataska, Charlie’s In Alaska Book Review
Anne Canterbury and Glenda Field were the recipients of an outstanding review in the Frontiersmen of their book, Atiska Ataska, Charlie’s In Alaska. You can read the complimentary review by going to:
Click Here
When you have a book signing, release party, or other author event, kindly send us a photo. We enjoy seeing you and what you’re doing.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Awards and Contests
We’re in the process of establishing a place on our website to list author’s awards and contests. If your book has received an award or won a contest kindly let us know:
Author’s Name
Book Title
Name of the Award or Contest
Date of Award
We’d like to showcase recognition for your book including Battle of the Books. We’re also in the process of establishing ways to assist you to apply for awards and recognition.
Release Party
During our presentation at the Alaska Writers Guild general meeting on Tuesday, August 20 at the library we’ll introduce a new audio visual production outlining Publication Consultants’ release party suggestions for a successful beginning for new books. Following the guild presentation we’ll fine tune the production and have it available for new authors and for authors with new books. As part of the fine tuning we’ll be able to replace some of the visuals. If you have a good photo of your release party, and would like to have it included in our new production, kindly send it to us. We’d love to include it. We’ll need it by Wednesday, August 21.
Words From Steven Wright
David Brown, former president of Alaska Writers Guild, sent us interesting and entertaining words and definitions we thought you’d enjoy reading. We have attached the list to this note. Thanks David; it was fun.
Becoming a Published Author
At the conclusion of our guild presentation we’ll be autographing copies of the second edition of Becoming A Published Author. Everyone who attends the guild’s meeting, and our presentation, will receive a free autographed copy. If your story is part of Becoming a Published Author, you’re invited to join us and autograph your story.
Costco Book Signings
We’ve adjusted the hours for signings at Costco stores. Authors signing at Costco may now schedule signings for three hours instead of 10 AM to 6 PM. Of course the goal for any signing is to sell the most books possible–or sell out and go home early. Most authors signing books with the 10 AM to 6 PM Costco schedule sell out and go home early. Authors scheduling the shorter times will be allowed to stay longer if available inventory has not sold. Shorter hours and flexible times may make signings at Costco more available for authors.
Book Signing Note
Not only with Costco, but with almost all other signings, if all books have not sold during the scheduled signing times, if your personal schedule permits, we encourage you to stay longer if you’d like. Just ask store personnel. Most of the time the store is willing.
Barnes and Noble Signings
We’re enjoying many signings at Barnes and Noble and have a great many locations listed on our website under the tab, Book Signings. If you’d like to have a signing at Barnes and Noble, and you don’t see the desired location listed, just let us know and we’ll add it, and then you can request the signing. Our Author Event Coordinator, Mary Ann Poll, will take your request and schedule your signing if possible. Please note that the Anchorage Barnes and Noble is not accepting requests until April 2014. We’ve attached a photo of Jim Misko at a recent Barnes and Noble signing. Jim calls this a “triple.” The happy customer purchased all three of his books.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Book Signing Emergency Notice
Our wholesaler, the firm who delivers books for signings, let us know that their employee vacation schedule will impact book signings for a couple of weeks at the end of august. Any signings you would like to schedule through September 2nd needs to be requested no later than Tuesday, (tomorrow) August 13th. We encourage you to act quickly to schedule signings for the last two weeks in August. Beginning August 14, you will need to schedule signings to occur on or after September 12th. To summarize, if you’d like to schedule a signing to occur prior to September 12, kindly schedule it by the close of business tomorrow, August 13. This does not impact Barnes and Noble and Costco signings.
Fun With Your ISBN Number
You can have exciting fun with your book’s ISBN number by placing it in the address bar of your web browser. What we’re saying is do a Goggle search for your book’s ISBN number. Don’t put anything else in the space–just the ISBN number without any dashes; i.e., 9781888125801. We think you’ll enjoy the ride. We’d like to hear from you about what you found.
Hidden Voice Media Success
Heather Johnson, author of Hidden Voice, has, and is, enjoying a great deal of media play. We’re attaching a copy of her scheduled appearances and an example of her new news release.
Blog Number 77 How to Hold a Book Launch Party? [Guild meeting August 20, 2013]
Following is another blog created in my behalf by Rebecca Goodrich.
Come on down to Anchorage’s ZJ Loussac Library on August 20th, if you’re in the neighborhood. I was volunteered to do a talk on book launches for the monthly Alaska Writers Guild meeting. It’s open to the public, free of charge, so even if you’re not a writer, you can satisfy some curiosity about book launch parties. (Note: we still have space for two more authors who would like to join us at the guild meeting by setting up their book signing display and showcasing their book. No need to bring your table. Just your banner, table covering, and display items is all you need bring. Oh yes; books for course.)
I suppose they asked me because I’ve produced more than 100 of the dang things, and have learned something about what works, and what doesn’t. As for book signings, we’re doing more than 120 this month alone.
I’ll tell you how we evolved to the simple and effective program we’ve had in place for our authors for some time now. It’s easy. They tell us where they want to have an event, and when, and we set it up. [Well, it’s easy now, but there was a lot of unseen work and trust-building that went into developing the relationships we now have with Costco, Walgreen’s, Fred Meyer, and many other stores.]
Bookstores, too, by the way. Fireside Books in Palmer, Mosquito Books at the Ted Stevens Airport, and Barnes and Noble.
Not just in the Anchorage, Alaska area, either. Just because we’re the largest state in the Union doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten the other 49. Nor have our authors. They’re all over the place, having events and selling their books, and so are the book events we arrange.
If there’s a venue an author wants that we haven’t already set up a relationship with, we ask for just a little more lead time to set that up.
To demonstrate a good book-signing table at a launch party, several authors have agreed to come and set up in the first floor lobby of the library. They’ll have their tables, banners, business cards, and of course they will have their books.
So come a little early and meet some real live authors and take a look at their books for yourself. You’ll even be able to buy them and get them autographed.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Anchorage Young Writers Conference
This year’s Young Writers Conference, Generation You: Writers of the Future, will be on Saturday, October 26th, 2013. The conference will be for students in middle and high school (6th- 12th grade). The conference will be at Clark Middle School, again. It’s a beautiful building, plenty of parking and easy to get to. The conference will start at 9:30 a.m. with three sessions: two before lunch and one after. Each session will be about an hour.
If you’d like to be one of the participating author please let us know by return email so you can be part on the registration form and part of the advertising. Please include the following in your response.
How many sessions are you willing to do? 1, 2, or 3
Which session(s)? 9:30 – 10:30 AM, 10:40 – 11:40 AM, 12:50 – 1:50 PM
What is the title of your interactive writing session? (Last year, kids really gravitated towards “catchy” titles.)
Please send a short “blurb” describing your session.
The Mat/Su Young Writers conference will be in the spring next year which allows authors to participate in both conferences.
Alaska Writers Guild Presentation
We have two opening for authors to participate with us at the Alaska Writer Guild meeting on August 20. If you’d like to participate you’ll want to arrive at the Wilda Marston Theater in the library and set up your table at 6:30 PM. The library will furnish the table and chair. You will need to bring your table covering, banner, a few books, and whatever other display items you use at your signings. The guild announcement is attached. All writers, published and unpublished, are invited to attend the free meeting. Let us know by return email if you’s like to participate with our presentation.
Release Parties
We’re attaching invitations to two upcoming release parties. You are cordially invited to attend these author events and help Jim and Lyle celebrate the release of their new books. We encourage authors to support other author’s release parties. Two good ways to do this is to send the attached notices to people on your email mailing list and include the notice in your blog and social media postings; and, by attending the party.
Book Signings
Book signings continue to be a most important way to introduce your book to potential readers and fans and to advance your writing career. To schedule a signing go to our website, click on Book Signings, follow the instructions, and we’ll take it from there.
Dale Wilderness, now living in Colorado, visiting friends and family in Alaska, and author of Drift in Your Pillow’s Eyes, conducted a number of book signings while in the State. We commend him for his signing success. He signed and sold all available books at several of his signings. As always, it’s a mixed emotion experience to sell out at a signing. You feel good about public acceptance of your book, but you wish you had had more books on hand.
Sheldon Gebb, author of In the Footsteps of My Father, began his summer signing tour in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory and included stops in Fairbanks and Anchorage. Sheldon also enjoyed signing success by selling all available inventory. If you like to meet Sheldon, check the signing schedule on our website and join him at one of his remaining signings. Sheldon lives in California.
Speaking of California, David Kunkel, author of Locked Up Abroad, recently moved to California and took up residence on a yacht anchored in a marina. David has continued his successful Alaska Costco signing successes in the area around his yacht with sell-out signings at Costco.
There is always a danger in highlighting an author about their signings as we don’t want to leave anyone out. We appreciate the eagerness with which authors approach signings. If you go to our website and check out the author signing schedule you’ll see a great number of signings by dedicated authors. For example you’ll see Bonnye Mathews’ ambitious signing schedule. Bonnye, author of the Winds of Change series, considers every signing a success and demonstrates an exuberant, excitement at signing. Although she hasn’t sold out at a signing, which is more difficult when you have more than one book, but she has come darn close.
Other authors with ambitious signing schedules include Heather Johnson, author of Hidden Voice, Janet Boylan, author of The Day Trees Bent to the Ground and In the Light of the Night and Dark of the Day, Lyle O’Connor, author of Due Process, Warren Troy, author of Trails, The Last Homestead, and Jester, Bill Hauser, author of Fishes of the Last Frontierand Letters from Alaska, Don Johnson, author of The Lost Tree of Life, Glenda Field, author of Atiska Ataska, Charlie’s in Alaska, Marianne Schlemilgh, author of Coho Waterboy, Raven’s Light, Gaston’s Crow’s Nest, Solo Flight, Driftfeather on the Alaska Seas, Feather from A Stranger, Two Tickets and A Feather, and Slugs Forever!, Monica Estill, author of The Bossy Boulder, Jim Misko, author of For What He Would Become, The Cut of Pride, and The Most Expensive Mistress in Jefferson County, Cil Gregoire, author of Anthya’s World and Crystalline Aura, and Dan Griffin, author of Village of the Full Moon Curse. We also note that Mary Ann Poll, author of Ravens Cove and Ingress, wearing two hats: Author Events Coordinator and author has scheduled signings which will include her new book, Gorgon as soon as it’s released. In addition, Erin Rivard, author of Agattu, The Alaskan Caribou, living in Korea and visiting family in Alaska has conducted a series of successful signings. We also note that Dale Wilderness has scheduled a signing at Barnes & Noble in Colorado Springs for November 16. That’s looking ahead. We express our gratitude and admiration to each of you.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to
Here’s a portion of a note sent by Burt Bomhoff, author of Iditarod Alaska, to Deborah Bonito, Manager Mosquito Books. “Thank you for the book signing event Jim and I participated in at Mosquito Books. I’m new at this so it was a special treat to work with your staff and to interact with many people traveling through the airport. I hope the event was profitable for you and not too much extra work for your staff. I would be honored to participate in another book signing any time you wish.” Burt’s thank you note is representative of thank you notes sent by other grateful, professional authors when ever they have a signing.
Sherry Ellis, book reviewer for Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman, recently reviewed Burt’s book under the headline: “Bomhoff book reads like stories told around the campfire.” She concluded the review with. “The behind the scenes look at the preparation, knowledge and tenacity these mushers must possess is absolutely a treat for the reader. The “chicanery” (a term Bomhoff often used) that several of the mushers would pull off is a fascinating read in itself, and then the fact that the author honestly never held it against any of his buddies over the years is amazing.”
Webmaster, John Poll, gave us information about an article titled, Physical Books Are Dead — Long Live Physical Books. If you’re an author interested is knowing about what some see as the future of books, you’ll be interested in this article.
Here’s a comment about Author Signings procedures on our website. “I finally went on the website and registered for a few signings. What a user-friendly process it is! Alice Wright, author of Alaska Animals We Love You.”Alice’s comment is typical of comments we receive. Alice’s “few signings” contributed to the more than 120 scheduled author book signings Mary Ann Poll, author events coordinator, is currently managing for Publication Consultants’ authors.
Included with this note are two more release party notices–one immediate and one in the future. We encourage authors to support other author’s release parties. Two good ways to do this is to send the attached notices to people on your email mailing list you think will be interested in attending and meeting the author; and, by attending the party if you’re able.
Marianne Schlegelmilch, author of seven books published by Publication Consultants, will soon release her eighth book, Slugs Forever!, a fund raiser for the Independent Living Center. Marianne’s illustrator is confined to a wheelchair and created the illustrations by drawing with the brush held between her teeth. Slugs Forever! made national and international news a few weeks ago and now illustrator, Maggie Winston, does it again:
And finally, here’s the kind of note all author like to receive.
“I have enjoyed reading Courtrooms, Cartridges, and Campfires. I treasure it! I can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable books I have ever read! … You are a great writer and your humor is so vividly exhibited in your writings! The hell with being a lawyer – be a writer all the time!
“John E. Frampton
“Interim President and CEO
“Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports”
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to <>.
We extend our congratulations to Erin Rivard and Heather Lehe. Their books were selected for the 2013-2014 Battle of the Books.
Erin’s book, Agattu: The Alaskan Caribou, was recently released. The back cover reads: Agattu is the biggest animal around, and proud of it! Until Mr. Moose confronts him and Agattu’s worst fears come true—he’s no longer the tallest. Agattu takes drastic measures to be taller than Mr. Moose, and ends up in the middle of a lake! It isn’t until he see’s his reflection that he realizes he is special just the way he is.
Heather’s book, Colony Kids, came on the market in time to be selected as an alternate battle book last year. The back cover reads: It’s 1935, during the Great Depression, and Paul’s family is out of work and out of money. They have nothing but a little ramshackle farm in Minnesota. Now that’s gone, too. Suddenly, an incredible opportunity opens up for 202 families, including Paul’s, but it means moving far away, to a land few people know anything about. Will his family go? Will Paul have to leave his friends, family, and beloved dog, Rascal? Then Paul meets tomboyish Maggie and adventurous Erik, also kids of new colonists, and together they face the unique realities of living in the far north. Based on true stories, follow the trials and adventures of Paul, Maggie, and Erik as their families start over in hopes of building a new life in a strange land so far away. Will they make it?
Mat/Su Young Writers Conference
This year’s Mat/Su Young Writers Conference is schedule for Saturday, April 27. Because of the popularity, enjoyable experience, and opportunity to sell books and help kids, we’ve already heard from some or our author who have asked to be included in this year’s faculty. Our authors have participated in this wonderful conference for almost 20 years. If you’d like to participate kindly let us know by return email.
The Rationale for the conference is to:
· Promote district curriculum and the Alaska Writing State Standards goals related to composition using the six-writing traits and reading.
· Provide instructors with a highly motivating and meaningful activity as a vehicle to encourage creative writing.
· Promote opportunity to fulfill needs of student interest and gifted abilities in the area of composition.
· Provide a shared, common experience for students, staff and parents; and an opportunity to see how different schools approach the activity. This provides a forum for idea sharing for the teaching staff.
· Provide modeling of the writing process and publishing process by known Alaskan Authors.
· Increase community awareness and understanding of the school district efforts to develop writers.
We’ve attached more information about the conference to this note. Again, please let us know by return mail if you’d like to participate in this year’s conference.
Book Signings
There is not substitute for a face to face conversation with your readers and potential readers. Simply put, if you don’t plan on having book signings you’re planning on not selling books. As an author, you can not be a spectator in the marketing of your book. If you want to advance your writing career, you must become the parade. Book signings assist you to become the parade! It’s all about sharing your book with readers and potential readers. To schedule a signing for you and your book, go to our website,, click on Book Signings, select Author Signing Request, and follow the prompts. While you’re on the website you may want to select Scheduled Book Signings and see when and where authors have scheduled signings.
We remind you about Mary Ann Poll, our new Author Events Coordinator. Already we’re receiving positive comments from authors telling us how easy and good it is working with Mary Ann. Sign up for a book signing and you’ll experience Mary Ann’s professional hand holding all the way to the signing table in the store. Mary Ann also walks the talk. You can see her signing schedule on our website. And did we mention, Mary Ann’s third book is in the polishing process.
New Books
Peggy McMahon’s third book, Mama Will You Read To Me, went to the printer this week. We’re excited for Peggy. It’s a thrill for us and an author to see the work finally come to an end and know that soon the book will be in the hand’s of readers.
We have more new books in the publishing process than we’re every had before at one time-a lot more! We look forward to these new titles coming to market and sharing the joy with the authors.
Best Regards,
Evan Swensen
Heather Johnson
Heather John, age 15 and author of a new book, Hidden Voice, received a fine review in the Frontiersman on March 14. Heather will have her release party Friday March 22. Heather’s website <>, is maturing and her book may be purchased directly from the site. The review, by Heather Resz, begins: “WASILLA — Where other teens struggle in silence to find their way through the tangle of pre-teen and teenage years, Heather Johnson, 15, found her voice and is offering to show her peers the way forward. Johnson will launch her book at a signing event from 2 to 5 p.m., March 22 at Piccolino’s Restaurant, 551 West Parks Highway, in Wasilla.”
If you’d like to see and read theFrontiersman’s release you can find it at <>.
Author Signing Request Form
Some authors have reported trouble scheduling signings using the Author Signing Request Form on our home page. If you are experiencing difficulty here’s how to solve the problem in almost every instance. If you’re using Internet Explorer, and unable to use the Author Signing Request Form, usually, simply updating Internet Explorer resolves all issues. Many authors are successfully using Chrome, a free download from Goggle. Fire Fox work fine as well as Apple’s Safari.
As you review the Scheduled Book Signings on our home page you’ll notice that the number of signings are increasing. Most authors use the Author Signing Request Form and find it a pleasant, satisfactory way to schedule signings. We think you will too.
Book Signing Report From Jim Misko
Had a fantastic day at Palm Desert Costco. Sold all 40 books in 6.5 hours. That is one every 9.74 minutes. Not quite as good as John P. Hagen, who sells one every 5 minutes at golf tournaments, but his is a specialized book and his affection ado’s come through the gate at 165,000 per tournament.
Total statistics: Sold 40 books, 10 For What He Could Become, 10 The Most Expensive Mistress in Jefferson County, and 20 The Cut of Pride
I had 3 doubles; 4 triples and six e-book requests. I interacted with 42 people so the doubles and triples boosted my averages. I got 40 names and email addresses to add to my buyers list. Every buyer today gave me freely their name and email. Good.
I did not take any pictures because I forgot to do that. Hmmm.
An interesting thing. A woman came by and said she had bought my book THE CUT OF PRIDE in Hawaii at a book signing at Costco in Kauilui and that I signed it for her. I have not been there for 20 years. She described the book and the plot, said it was new, and the author was signing it. I have her telephone # and we will contact each other to resolve this.
Thanks for making this opportunity available to me and others.
Book Signing Follow Up
We’re refining the book signing request procedures, scheduling and confirmation systems, and follow up. We appreciate your feedback and returning the after signing survey.
Once again, we enjoy publishing books and bringing them to market and grateful for the trust placed in us by authors.
Battle of the Books
Alaska’s Battle of the Books selection will be finalized this Friday in Valdez. Two of our authors have books on the working list: Heather Lehe’s, Colony Kids and Erin Rivard’s, Agattu the Caribou is being considered. Colony Kids was an alternate last year. We offer our congratulations to Heather and Erin and wish them well.
Social Media Marketing
We’ve arranged with Cherilynn Stone for 50% discount for Publication Consultants author for her Seven Step Social Media Marketing Workshop. The price offered to the public is $499. Our authors can participate for the reduced price of $199. To register for the workshop for the special price, call Cherilynn, (907) 250-7425 and let her know you’re coming by way of Publication Consultants. To receive the negotiated, reduced price, you will need to call Cherilynn and register by Friday, March 22. This is a wonderful opportunity to kick start your social media efforts.
Best Regards,
Evan Swensen
Many of you have been receiving emails from Mary Ann Poll about book signing schedules. We are pleased to announce that Mary Ann has accepted the appointment of be our new Author Events Coordinator, replacing Dawn Swensen. Dawn pioneered the position and faithfully served our authors for many years. Dawn is completing her education and obtaining her teaching certificate. She’s been helping out in the classroom for the past three years and will be a full-time teacher this fall. We wish Dawn well in her new career. And with equal enthusiasm we welcome Mary Ann. Mary Ann comes with a business office history and author signing experience. Already she’s applied her skills to the scheduling process and streamlined the approval procedure.
Concurrent with Mary Ann’s appointment and streamlined approval procedure, we confirm that we have polished the Author Signing Request Form on our website, and it is fully functional. You’ll find it a delight to use. When you’re ready to have a book signing go to the form and select the State, City, and Location and enter your request. If the venue isn’t listed, please send an email to and let us know the information. We’ll add the venue to the form and let you know when it’s available for use.
We reported several months ago that Costco’s book signing contract company was experiencing serious personnel problems. They seem to have the problems resolved and are now scheduling author signings again for Costco. The Costco store on Dimond is being remodeled and will not be available for signings until after the May 1. But, now is a good time to schedule your signing. Again, if you’d like a signing outside of Alaska let us know if the location you’re thinking of is not on the website and we’ll add it.
We’ve been working with Jerry Simmons, a book marketing consultant. We shared our Author Event Information sheet with Jerry and asked for his impute. He didn’t suggest any changes, but made this comment: “The Author Event Information is an excellent tool for your authors. Well written and to the point, if they follow your advice they can have successful book signings.” We encourage you to review it and follow the advice for successful signings.
Marianne Schlegelmilch, Author of Original Alaska Fiction, was recently recognized in the Homer News about her new book, Slugs Forever! A tale from an Alaskan Backyard: We have published seven of Marianne’s books.
Also featured in the Homer News was an article about Steve Wolfe. The headline read: Coach Wolfe to be inducted into National Wrestling Hall of Fame: Steve is the author of three wonderful books with a wrestling theme from his years as a high school wrestling coach.
Sam Allred, author of Opening Hearts, was recently honored with The Prudential Spirit of Community Award
Since our last author update new books have arrived in our warehouse:
Warren Troy, Alaska wilderness adventure author, continues the Alaska homestead adventures with his new book, The Last Homestead: Further Adventures of Denny Caraway, Alaskan Homesteader. He held his release party at Great Northern Guns.
Former Eagle River resident, Erin Rivard, is the author and illustrator of her new children’s book, Agattu: The Alaskan Caribou, A Story About Self-Worth. Erin held her release party near her hew home in Lakewood, Washington.
David Kunkel, author of Locked Up Abroad: An Alaskan’s True Story of Adventure, Incarceration, and Escape, published the second edition of his book which included 16 more pages than the first edition.
Ollen Hunt received books from his ninth printing of Buffalo Soldier,
Carl Douglass completed the six book series of his Saga of a Neurosurgeon when we received the last four titles: Heaven and Hell: Garven Wilsonhulme takes on all comers in the jungle of modern competition; The Long Climb: Young M.D., Garven Wilsonhulme, engaged in a social poker game of winner takes all; ACADEMIA: The Law of the Jungle: Surgeon in training, Garven Wilsonhulme, fang-and-claw competition for glory; and The Vulture and the Phoenix: Neurosurgeon, Garven Wilsonhulme, the final great fight.
Burt Bomhoff, author of Iditarod Alaska: Life of a Long Distance Sled Dog Musher, saw his book for the first time last week just a few days after the start of the Iditarod. Burt will announce the date and time for his release party in a few days.
We are taking a new approach to social media marketing training. We’ve discovered that the most productive training is one on one or in small groups with about equal skills. Keeping this in mind we’ve arranged with Cherilynn Stone to provide each of our authors with a free one-hour consultation to develop their social media marketing procedure. In just a few days Cherilynn will have an online assessment you can fill out to begin your free consultation. Cherilynn says, “In this consultation, we will discuss your business goals as they relate to social media and your online marketing. I will answer questions and tailor an internet/social media marketing plan tailored to you.” We encourage you to take advantage of this free consultation. We’ll let you know when the assessment form is up and running.
We’ve added a new feature to our website. If you click on Book Signings and then select Scheduled Book Signings you’ll find a schedule of signings. This way you can see right away if your signing has been approved. You can also see where your fellow authors are signing and if you’ll have company at your signing. We don’t schedule more than two authors at the same venue at the same time. Kindly let us know what you think about this new feature.
Once again we express our gratitude for the trust you’ve placed in us and we’ll do all we can to prove worthy of that trust.
Best Regards,
Evan Swensen
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