
Feather for Forever

Feather for Forever

Subtitle : Alaska
Author : Marianne Schlegelmilch
ISBN No. : 9781594336485


SKU: dfd241d903d0 Category:

Book : Feather for Forever

ISBN Number : 9781594336485
Book Name : Feather for Forever (Alaska)
Book Pages : 224
Book Size : 6X9
Book Weight : 0.9

A missing feather, the strange appearance of a series of gray bandanas with orange volcano icons on one corner, a mysterious connection with the son of Doug William’s right hand man, old alliances, new alliances, broken alliances, and renewed allegiances take Mara and Doug Williams skyrocketing into the path of danger and uncertainty once again.

Will this last book in the Feather Series spell the end of their troubles, or the beginning of an eternity on the run? Will Mara finally face the future of her past for the last time or will the protection of the feather remain as elusive as has been the peace and solitude she so longed for when seeking a new life in Alaska. Can our collective belief in finding a happy ending guide the final storyline in the feather series to its ultimate place as a beacon of hope in our troubled times, or will the evil that has plagued one family finally and unequivocally prevail?

The answer lies within these pages of Feather for Forever ~ Alaska, and in the hearts and minds of all those who believe in the goodness in life.

Author : Marianne Schlegelmilch

Author Tag Line : One of America's Most gifted Writers

Marianne Schlegelmilch has pretty much wrapped up her lifelong career as a registered nurse and has just completed her fifth and final book of mystery/ adventure novels in what has been dubbed by her fans The Feather Series. To say that the completion of this last book in the series is not bittersweet would be to do a disservice to the passion and commitment Marianne pours into not only stumping her readers, but also leaving them guessing until literally the last word. ?I just know this book, like all the others, will be passed on to my reader's mothers, sisters, and friends. I know, too, as soon as they have read it, they will want more?my readers are just that loyal. For that I am humbled and grateful.? And so, as she settles into retirement from both nursing and the Feather Series, Marianne turns her sights on taking her writing in new and exciting directions,?knowing she has done her best to bring the series to the fitting?conclusion it deserves. ?My characters have become like real people to me,? she says, ?And as much as I will miss them, it's time to let them go.? Marianne lives in coastal Alaska with her amazing husband, Bill, and the super duper afghan hound of their lives, Chauncey.

Additional Information

Weight 0.9 lbs


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