
The Matter of the Dematerializing Armored Car
9781594337512 copy

The Matter of the Dematerializing Armored Car

Author : Steve Levi
ISBN No. : 9781594337512



Publication Consultants

Book : The Matter of the Dematerializing Armored Car

ISBN Number : 9781594337512
Book Name : The Matter of the Dematerializing Armored Car

In The Matter of the Dematerializing Armored Car, Chief of Detectives Heinz Noonan is asked to solve the disappearance of an empty armored car and its two drivers from a tunnel with guards on both ends. Why would anyone want to steal an empty armored car and is it linked the $12 million in cash in the armored car vault under the control of the United States Department of Treasury which vanishes without a trace – legally?  A suspenseful thriller of breathtaking action where the detective must solve an impossible crime before the heist can become an unsolved crime!

Author : Steve Levi

Additional Information

Weight .72 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 in


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