
The Matter of the Departed Diamonds

The Matter of the Departed Diamonds

Subtitle : The Ultimate Locked Room Mystery
Author : Steve Levi
ISBN No. : 9781637471166



Publication Consultants

Book : The Matter of the Departed Diamonds

ISBN Number : 9781637471166
Book Name : The Matter of the Departed Diamonds (The Ultimate Locked Room Mystery)
Book Pages : 158

How can $2 million in diamonds vanish? First, the diamonds were assessed to make sure they were authentic. Then, in front of witnesses, they were placed in a locked cabinet. Under guard, the cabinet with the diamonds was loaded into an armored car and transported to a jewelry assessor. When the cabinet arrived at the secure room of the jewelry assessor in Kansas City, Missouri, the diamonds were gone! Detective Heinz Noonan is called to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to find the departed diamonds. He follows the gems, step by step, from the bank vault to the jewelry assessor’s secure room using witness statements and security footage. His task is to determine who masterminded the theft before the insurance company has to pay for the loss. All of the clues are revealed in the novel to see if you, the reader, can solve The Matter of the Departed Diamonds faster than Detective Heinz Noonan!

Author : Steve Levi

Author Tag Line : Master Of The Impossible Crime

Steve Levi is a commercial and technical writer living in Alaska. He has more than 100 books on the market ranging from history to mystery, self-help to creative thinking, and poetry to biography. He is a member of, a collection of writers whose books are ‘different.' Levi specializes in a unique brand of mysteries: the impossible crime. An impossible crime requires the detective to solve HOW a crime was committed before he can arrest the perpetrators. In nonfiction, Levi specializes in the Alaska Gold Rush. His work, The Human Face of the Alaska Gold Rush, is an on-the-ground, footnoted compendium of interesting people, facts, and events in one of the least studied eras of American history. Based on actual events, his Bonfire Saloon is a collection of narrative poems offering a snapshot of all the interesting people in a Nome saloon on the night of December 3, 1903 – at the height of the Alaska Gold Rush.

Additional Information

Weight .68 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 in


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