What Are My Chances of Doing Well With My Book

Authors are always interested to hear about the chances of doing well with their books.

There are statistics for this nowadays.

An analysis done by Nielsen Bookscan showed surprising results. [These sales are tracked with the ISBN code unique to each book edition.]

In the year of the study, 1.2 million books were published in the United States. That’s 3,287 books per day. Of these, 950,000 titles sold fewer than 99 books. That’s 79% of books selling fewer than 99 copies.

Another 200,000 sold fewer than 1,000 copies. In other words, more than 95% of books published in the U.S. sell fewer than 1,000 copies.

Only 25,000 books sold more than 5,000 copies.

Fewer than 500 sold more than 100,000 copies.

Only ten titles sold more than a million volumes each.

The average book title in the United States sells about 500 copies.

Here at Publication Consultants, we know these industry facts and that nearly all of our authors have sold, or will sell, 1,000 or more of their book titles. In other words, almost all our authors fall in the top 5% of the sales range as found by Nielsen Bookscan in 2004—well above average!

So, the question, are you serious about selling your books?

The second question follows, are you serious about working hard enough to make it happen?

Work Will Win When Wishy Washy Wishing Won’t!

Note: The chances of your book doing well will increase if you watch this video, How to Publish Your Book, On Your Own, Without A Publisher https://youtu.be/SkQy25JCgyc
This webinar will answer the following questions every self-publishing author has:
*How can I be sure the companies I work with have integrity?
*How much will it cost to publish my book?
*Can my book be published with no cost to me?
*Do I need a website and how much does it cost?
*What about a blog, Facebook page, and other social media stuff?
*How do I market my book?
*What about eBooks?
*How do I get my book in Barnes and Noble, on Amazon, and other booksellers?
*What is a Library of Congress number, and do I need one for my book?
*How do I launch my book?
*What is an ISBN number, is it necessary, and how do I get one?
*How do I copyright my book?
*And, finally, can I expect to make any money?

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