
Gog and Magog

Gog and Magog

Subtitle : Yawm al-Qiyamah, Yawm al-Din The Day of Judgment
Author : Carl Douglass
ISBN No. : 9781594333798


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Book : Gog and Magog

ISBN Number : 9781594333798
Book Name : Gog and Magog (Yawm al-Qiyamah, Yawm al-Din The Day of Judgment)
Book Pages : 516
Book Size : 6X9
Book Weight : 1.9

Gog and Magog, Yawm al-Qiyamah, Yawm al-Din, The Day of Judgment opens with a meeting of highly secretive Islamic jihadists who have a well-organized and ingenious plan to cripple the United States and Europe. The leader cautions his followers–true believers all–to be patient. On the other side of the world, a former federal prosecutor named Elizabeth Rowan is beginning the first of many steps in a meteoric rise up the federal ladder which will culminate in her being appointed president. First, however, highly placed people have to be proved to be corrupt, and some to die, to open her way. Her predecessor is an idealist whose life’s ambition is to achieve world peace. He makes unprecedented compromises with Islam’s rulers and its jihadists in order to achieve that goal. The leader of the jihadists recognizes an opportunity to lull the American president and his people into a stupor by offering them belief in an end to terrorism and the promise of real peace. While the West sleeps, the terrorists plan and put into place a nuclear holocaust to bring about a permanent crippling to America and Europe.

Author : Carl Douglass

Author Tag Line : Neurosurgeon Turned Author Writes With Gripping Realism

Carl Douglas is a retired neurosurgeon who served as a general surgeon during the unpleasantness in Viet Nam. Carl is the author of Saga of a Nuerosurgeon: a Novel in Six Books, Last Phoenix, A Story of the CIA's Phoenix Program in Viet Nam?A Story of Betrayal and Revenge, and All in Jest: Renowned Neurosurgeon in the Fight of Her Life, a story of uncivil justice in and out of the courtroom, which again features a neurosurgeon, but this time a powerful woman at the peak of her career. Douglass now lives in peace, well away from that stressful arena. He and his wife enjoy a busy and active outdoors life in the rural setting of their home in the West. He spends his retirement years in a satisfying career of writing.

Additional Information

Weight 1.9 lbs


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