Make Room For Customers

Make Room For Customers

Make Room For Customers

Posted on 01/02/2023 Evan Swensen
Make Room For Customers

Shawn Rogers, author and illustrator of Salmon and Sockeye: A Spring Day Adventure and Salmon and Sockeye: A Summer Fishing Adventure, planned her public release party at Independent Bookstore (not the store’s real name). She followed the suggestions found in the short release party video and sent invitations to more than 100 family and friends.

Shawn prepared a presentation showing how she had created the art for her children’s book, Salmon and Sockeye: A Summer Fishing Adventure. Independent Bookstore had the perfect place for her signing and presentation—a small stage and seating for about 30 guests.

Almost everything Shawn did to promote her release party worked well.

Shawn’s invited guests began arriving early, so Shawn began her art presentation on time as a reward to punctual interested book buyers.

People fell in love with Shawn’s book and were fascinated with each page’s original art creation.

At the appropriate time, book buyers formed a long line waiting to purchase their autographed copies of Salmon and Sockeye. The line stretched out of the presentation area into one of the bookstore aisles.

During the release party, more than 40 people stood in line. Many people purchased several copies.

At day’s end, Shawn had sold and signed nearly 200 books.

By anyone’s standard; a successful signing.

Shawn was a happy new author, book buyers enjoyed an afternoon meeting and greeting, and Independent Bookstore had played host to more than 100 people who had never been in the store.

However, what should have been a banner day for the Independent Bookstore turned into a big downer.

Instead of putting on their most welcoming, smiling face throughout the afternoon, the store manager came down the aisle briskly proclaiming, “you’ll have to move over and make room for customers.”

People looked at each other, asking themselves, “customers? What are we? Aren’t we customers?

Negative expressions were uttered up and down the line of people.

“Make room for customers, indeed. I’ll never be an Independent Bookstore customer!”

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