Are You Self Publishing Books?

Are You Self Publishing Books?

Are You Self Publishing Books?

Posted on 01/31/2013 Evan Swensen

Nowadays, more and more writers are self-publishing books, or finding an independent publisher, such as ourselves, Publication Consultants. Many people don’t even bother to submit their books to the big traditional publishers anymore. Most big publishing houses now can’t afford to risk any money on an unknown author, so they publish the same big names over and over again.  So self publishing books has become more popular.

The old dream of writing the Great American Blockbuster Novel has changed. The rising popularity of non-fiction, including memoir and history, is one reason.

Another reason is that getting your work published by an independent publisher can open doors that the big companies can’t open for you. This is something that our authors tell us over and over again. Success as an author comes in many ways, not just in counting up book sales.

It gives us a quiet satisfaction that one of our authors, Mr. Ollen Hunt, is busy selling the 12th printing of his autobiography, Buffalo Soldier: What I did for my Country, What my Country did for Me, the story of Ollen’s years in the Civilian Conservation Corps, the U.S. Army, as husband and father, and then in business and community service.

At 1000 books per printing, you can guess that he has, indeed, been a very busy man. And a very happy man. Writing and marketing his book has given Ollen the joy of meeting and inspiring many people, and he’s always been a people-person.

He’s shown that regardless of humble beginnings, prejudice, war, and other handicaps and hardships of life, a man can succeed if he adopts the attitude of the early Buffalo Soldier’s slogan: Deeds, Not Words!

We invite you to be inspired to write your own story. Create your own success as an author. Read Ollen’s book if you need a boost, we think you’ll like it.

Keep in touch.

Evan Swensen, Publisher
Publication Consultants
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Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone that is writing a book, go to

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