Last Phoenix

Last Phoenix

Last Phoenix

Posted on 09/28/2022 Evan Swensen
Last Phoenix

We’ve published more books by Author Mastermind Carl Douglass than any other author.


Our relationship with Carl began in 1995 when Carl came to our office at the end of a hunting trip in Alaska. At that time, he was a successful, practicing Neurosurgeon, and before he turned author writing with gripping realism.


He was checking us out for publishing his first book, Last Phoenix, a book about, as Carl would say, the unpleasantness in Viet Nam. Publication Consultants was in its infancy, with only three published books to our credit.


Consequently, Carl, the budding author, and Publication Consultants, the barely blooming publisher, made a few mistakes with Last Phoenix. Our most glaring error was publishing the book in two volumes and putting the two books into a box. Carl used a few local cultural words not found in the dictionary that would have proved embarrassing even for a new author.


We’re still fusing and festering about putting Last Phoenix in two volumes. Even though the book was well accepted, and people wrote praising reviews, it would have been better if we’d published it as two different books with two other covers.


One of the local misused words Carl used was renumeration for remuneration when talking about money received.


Writing and publishing Last Phoenix put Carl in danger because some of the culprits he wrote about were still living and may have taken exception to what Carl had to say about them. They were not nice people, and they were in high places. This being the case, the real author of Last Phoenix, Doug Nielson, became Carl Douglass, and so it’s been ever since.


Doug’s been Doug for so long that I have a hard time remembering his real name.


Ngyen, a former lieutenant in the Army of the Republic of Viet Nam, wrote on Amazon, “I was disturbed and fascinated to read LAST PHOENIX. I enjoyed reading a book that portrayed my former country and my people in such a careful and accurate way. The cities and countryside came back to life in my memory. Mr. Douglass seemed to know the real people of Viet Nam, not just the targets, the gooks, of so many American books. I did not like the scenes of the war he described. They were too real and brought back too many frightening memories. It is time that this part of the Viet Nam story be told, honestly, and accurately. Not enough people know about what really happened and must not happen again. LAST PHOENIX does that. Don’t read it if you cannot bear to have your illusions shattered.

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