
A Light in the City
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A Light in the City

Author : Eva Hillman
ISBN No. : 9781594337130


SKU: 9781594337130 Category:

Book : A Light in the City

ISBN Number : 9781594337130
Book Name : A Light in the City

We had been told of too many tales of modern-day heroes who come in various forms, colors and sizes, and most of them tend to help people discreetly, without asking for anything in return. There are some, however, who are just driven to a life of altruism even without having any knowledge of their past. A Light in the City, a story of an altruist who’s completely clueless about his previous existence is propelled by a mysterious, unknown force, to defy his ignorance of his past and help others in dire need of support and direction in life. The many clouds of mystery make for a unifying theme from the beginning until the last episode. Readers will encounter and be absorbed by questions like: Why did he wake up in a hospital bed? Where did his money come from? Why was he able to discharge himself from the hospital without any trouble? But most likely, what stands out most is why was he suddenly driven to help other people considering he doesn’t have the slightest idea of his history? A healthy mix of riddles, acts of philanthropy, thrilling episodes of dangerous encounters with shady characters—who later became exemplary individuals—and the transformations of peoples’ lives collectively, make A Light In The City worthwhile for readers of all ages.

Author : Eva Hillman

Additional Information

Weight .14 lbs
Dimensions 5.6 × 7.81 in


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