To a T

To a T

To a T

Posted on 09/13/2022 Evan Swensen
To a T

Getting a book published has been described as giving birth.

There’s an amount of prenatal care to ensure your book arrives with a good chance of becoming a well-known, respected adult.

Before her baby was born, Sylvia (not her real name) viewed the short release party video <> and started planning her book’s release. She followed every instruction to a T— a small gymnasium with a stage for the release event; tables with seating for more than 100 guests; mailed invitations to everyone on her Christmas card list—more than 200; sent a news release to all local media; placed posters in public places; posted party information and invitation on all her social media sites; and the day before her release party Sylvia sent an email reminder to help get people to attend the event.

When guests entered the hall, one of Sylvia’s friends greeted them. Her friend’s welcome set the tone for an evening celebrating the birth of Sylvia’s new book. Pleasant, appropriate music from a friend’s music group centered on the room’s stage filled the air. Finger food refreshments invited attendees to partake, listen to the music, visit, and linger.

Sylvia took the stage at the party’s midpoint and read from her book. People applauded when Sylvia finished her reading.

Throughout the evening, guests took their turn in line to purchase their personal, autographed copy of Sylvia’s new book—and additional copies for friends and family.

At the release party’s conclusion, a tired, happy Sylvia tallied the number of books sold—Nearly 200.

When asked about the party’s success, Sylvia said, “I didn’t know what I was doing, so I followed the instructions to a T.”

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