
Author Masterminds

Author Masterminds

Author : Author Masterminds
ISBN No. : 9781594339127



Publication Consultants

Book : Author Masterminds

ISBN Number : 9781594339127
Book Name : Author Masterminds

Author Masterminds, a refreshing eclectic collection of the musings and insights of a group of superb published authors, gives the reader a kaleidoscopic look into the thinking of very bright, insightful, and sometimes whacky writers. Within these covers you’ll find deeply perplexing ideas, creative and zany inspirations, arguments, and different ways of viewing the world from what you might think apparent. Author Masterminds’ authors think, react, and create; catch a glimpse of what goes on in their dynamic minds. Author Masterminds is a potpourri of everything from Christian horror to impossible crime; forensics to murder mystery; and sled dogs to political thrillers. From The Tale of Grady Dellaneaux to A Feather in Your Heart there is something for every reader’s taste. And then there’s: Dad Was A Democrat, Do You Think I’m Crazy?, It’s Best To Park Your Car Above The High Tide Mark, Mrs. Zucherberg, The Matter of Timber Trickery, The Time Travel App, and much more.

Author : Author Masterminds

Additional Information

Weight .78 lbs


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