This is the sort of book you could call A Dog and His Girl. It’s based on a real dog that Amanda Kirsch had when she was just a child. In fact, she wrote the first version of it when she was five years old, complete with colored crayon pictures.
Amanda writes, in the afterword, “Honor Bound was written with a lot of tears and fond, happy memories. While the story of Robby making his way home is not true, Robby and Nana were real, their adventures and the lessons they taught one another and their Miss were real. I know this because I was Robby’s Miss.”
This chapter book takes the point of view of Robby, a golden-haired black-nosed mutt who gets tumbled out of the back of the family truck near Sutton, Alaska, 300 miles from home on the Kenai Peninsula.
The weather is due to turn cold, even snow soon. Robby’s injured from his fall, but to prove himself a good dog, a dog with honor, he’s determined to make his way back to his Miss.
Along the way, he faces bears and wolves, and traffic in the big city of Anchorage, which he must cross to make it home.
Robby doesn’t get home easily. He’s hungry and tired. His wounds get infected and he almost doesn’t make it. Robby does find a few canine and human friends who help him along the way. But some humans inflict pain, and Robby must learn which people to avoid. The reader will learn these lessons along with Robby.
Not many people use the word honor these days. Amanda Kirsch shows us that even the little girl she once was can recognize and commemorate it. Because even if the real Robby wasn’t able to make it home to her, she knows that he tried.
We think you’ll like this little book for your children and grandchildren. If you’d like the author to inscribe them, just let us know, and we’ll be pleased to arrange it for you.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
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