What’s the difference? A book. But book is easier said than done. A lot of sweat and agony goes into a manuscript and then all you have are bytes on a computer. So what do you do next? What can you do? What are the options? Do you even know? Well, there is not a dollar in an unpublished novel and no sense in hoping you can find an agent who has connections to a New York publisher who might, if sun dogs were circle both blue moons, take a book on Alaska.
But there is a Plan B: get a copy of Becoming A Published Author. This is not a how-to book; rather, it’s a compendium of essays by writers who became authors. It’s snapshots of real writer’s struggle to make the leap from bytes to ink-and-paper – and beyond! If you have a book on your kamagrawiki.org computer, this is a must-read before you lose another drop of sweat worrying about what to do next. Learn from the mistakes of others. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel. What are the nuts-and-bolts of getting published? How to you market your book? What publishing bear traps are laying in wait for the unwary? You will learn the answers to these questions and many more for about the cost of a movie ticket – and there have not been a lot of good movies lately! If you’ve written a book, writing a book, or thinking about writing a book, put your money where your manuscript should be.
Becoming A Published Author is available where good books are sold, Amazon.com, and publicationconsultants.com.