Barnes and Noble and the Self-Published Author

Barnes and Noble and the Self-Published Author

Barnes and Noble and the Self-Published Author

Posted on 07/11/2016 Evan Swensen

Book Business magazine’s July 8, 2016 issue, under the headline: In An Interesting Twist, B&N to Sell Self-Published Books In Stores .

The underling message here is that B&N has established a procedure that few self-published authors can ever meet. Thus, B&N personnel don’t have to deal with inquiries. It’s all spelled out in the procedure. My concern is that many authors will concentrate their time and effort chasing an unrealistic B&N opportunity and forget just what it takes to be successful as an author.

Publication Consultants is most fortunate that, years ago, we had a top management executive at B&N who believed in our authors and in us. She walked us through the process and signed an exclusive distribution contract for all of our titles.

Many of our authors are unaware of how precious this privilege is and how difficult it is for new publishers or self published authors to duplicate a distribution contract with Barnes and Noble like we have.

Also, coupled with this exclusive privilege, authors have the singular opportunity to schedule book signing at Barnes and Noble through the Publication Consultants’ website. To schedule a book signing kindly go to our website, <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, and Author Services will take it from there.

We value our Barnes and Noble association and encourage authors, when occasion arises, let anyone associate with Barnes and Noble know how much we like Barnes and Noble.

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