We’re excited about the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, Russia this year. We want you as excited about your very own Olympics: your writing career.
These athletes who have the attention of the world have trained for years, often from childhood, in order to become contenders on the world stage. Every one of them knows what they want. They are going for the gold.
Becoming a published author is one goal. We also encourage you to set other goals. There are many writing contests you can enter. Some even award cash prizes. A writer tends to write more than one type of thing on the way to publication of a book or five. Dig out that poem, that essay you did in college, the short story you finished in one intense weekend, just because someone bet you couldn’t do it.
Dust off your old work, and look at it with your more experienced eyes. Research some competitions, no limits. Look at national level contests. Your librarian can be very helpful in this project, as well as the annual Writer’s Market, which lists prizes in categories you may not have ever thought of, such as the 10 Minute Play Contest and Festival, or the Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction.
Do your homework by studying previous winners. And go for the gold. Let us know of your awards. We’re ready to share that good news with the world.