Have You Written a Cookbook?

Have You Written a Cookbook?

Have You Written a Cookbook?

Posted on 11/16/2022 Evan Swensen
Have You Written a Cookbook?

In the 40-plus years, we’ve been book publishing, we’ve published only three cookbooks total, with two in our active catalog. Most publishers attract cookbooks of all kinds, so we’re not sure why we haven’t been approached with more cookbook manuscripts. We know they’re out there somewhere!

So, if you have written a cookbook, kindly keep us in mind. We’d be happy to look at the manuscript. And feel free to send along some cookies or brownies so we can taste-test.

You Put What in my Dessert? by Alicia Loveland

After judging a World Federation of Competitive Eaters cabbage-eating contest in Palmer, Alaska, a few years ago, Alicia decided You Put What In My Dessert? needed to be written. She felt sorry for contestants eating plates of plain, boiled cabbage. “I wish I could have spiced it up for them with a little caraway seed, dill, mint, mustard seed, savory, or tarragon. And topped it off with a piece of Cabbage Hooch Cake.”

Cabbage is a cancer inhibitor, loaded with vitamin C, only 11 calories per serving, and can enhance almost any recipe. It can be fried, boiled, baked, frozen, canned, or dried, and then ground in a food mill and used to thicken soup. Making sauerkraut is a bonus because it is ready to use. More than 2,000 years ago, laborers building the Great Wall of China pickled cabbage in wine to supplement their diet. Genghis Khan took it back to fortify his Tartars as they plundered their way through Europe. Captain Cook carried sauerkraut on his ships to ward off scurvy. But you don’t have to plunder Europe to enjoy the many faces of cabbage. Just enjoy reading this cookbook and history of the homely cabbage. And give the Cabbage Hooch Cake recipe a try.

Diesel Dining by Kathleen Szalay and Cecil Jorgensen

Yes, you, too, can cook healthy, satisfying, hot meals on your truck’s manifold! Amaze your friends and save thousands of dollars by avoiding fast food when you travel with your family. It also includes tips, tricks, stories, and trucking folklore. So if you’re a long-haul trucker and want a hot meat and potatoes dinner at the end of your day’s drive, Diesel Dining is the only cookbook you’ll ever need. It’s guaranteed to be soon dog-eared and stained with a variety of sauces, as it sits within easy reach by your interstate maps and daily logbook.

We’ll look closely at your manuscript with or without baked goods and let you know our publishing decision within ten days.

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