For Kids Only

For Kids Only

For Kids Only

Posted on 08/01/2022 Evan Swensen
For Kids Only

This is for kids only. If you want to go fishing more next summer, begin planning right now. Maybe you could ask for a fishing rod and reel for your birthday. Best yet, save money and give your dad or mom fishing equipment for their birthdays. Don’t just quit at birthdays. Remember parents have anniversaries: a good time to give a few flies or a new daredevil or two. Have your own “kids take parents fishing” day, and do something special for them. Take out the garbage or sweep the walks without being asked. They’ll remember you when fishing season rolls around if you remember them now.

Remind your folks that you will be a year older this year, more mature; and let them know you will not cry with cold feet. Show them you will take better care of the fishing gear next season by taking better care of your things now. Offer to clean out the tackle box and oil the reels. Keep your bedroom clean.

Call around or write and get brochures and information on different trips you think they would like to go on. Determine the price. Find out which guides and what services will accept kids. See if they have special rates for you. Encourage making reservations early. Try to earn money to help pay your share.

Let other interested adults know you like to fish. Write a letter to grandparents telling them of your interest in fishing. Send them a subscription to Alaska Outdoors® magazine. Talk to neighbors who fish. Do something nice for them. Find out when National Fishing week is. Ask your parents, grandparents, and neighbors, and find out who took them fishing when they were young. Get them to talk about their fishing experiences when they were growing up. Let them know how important it is to take a kid fishing.

Try these things, because if you don’t get to go fishing this year as much as you want, it’s your fault.

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