Author Update

Author Update

Author Update

Posted on 07/15/2015 Evan Swensen

Author Campaign Method (ACM)

Since posting our ACM Author Update on Monday we’ve received a number of inquiries indicating that some authors may need more training and reminding. With this as the backdrop I offer the following:

As you may know we take the quote by Marcella Smith, Small Press Business Manager, Barnes & Noble seriously: “The author is essential to the success of the book, giving energy behind the book to make it something that a customer will come in and ask for. That is what makes the difference in a book that sells, that develops legs, and has a life of its own. Otherwise the book goes on the shelf and stays there for three months. Then it gets returned.”

*We know that authors who approach their writing as a business do better than those do who’s purpose in publishing is vanity or a hobby.

*We know that our online video titled, Book Signings are Fun, states a truth; however, book signings are also hard work—but essential to an author’s success.

*We know that social media has leveled the playing field for authors and that social media marketing is demanding work and it takes consistency and  a long time for results to develop and mature.

If you want your book to “develop legs” then it’s up to you to give it “a life of its own.” Keeping this in mind, kindly review the following Author Updates found on our website at:

Successful Book Marketing: 26 January 2015
Author Campaign Method: 04 February 2015

All About Book Signings: 29 April 2015

Let’s Talk About Books Signings: 28 May 2015

Author Campaign Method of Sales and Marketing (ACM): 10 June 2015

Author Campaign Method (ACM) of Sales and Marketing: 13 July 2015

I think you’ll find these helpful in developing your inch wide and mile deep place in your book’s genre.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

Publication Consultants
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Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to

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