
Sell Your Book—Before, During, and After Your Book Event

The WAR Cycle for Writers

By Evan Swensen| 10/24/2013
In one of his acts, comedian Chris Rock tells a joke where he calls a certain class of men, “Low-expectation-having folks.” (Of course, that’s not the word he used.) At … 0 More

How Many Books?

By Evan Swensen| 08/13/2013
How many books have we published here at Publication Consultants? People have been asking me this for a while. It took me a bit to figure it out. We’ve been … Con...

Book Promotion Woes?

By Evan Swensen| 07/24/2013
Too many new authors believe that once their book is written the sales will just come pouring in and they will make a bundle. Sadly, this disillusionment is shattered when …

Are You Self Publishing Books?

By Evan Swensen| 01/31/2013
Nowadays, more and more writers are self-publishing books, or finding an independent publisher, such as ourselves, Publication Consultants. Many people don’t even bother to submit their books to the big … 0 More

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