Award winning Authors

Should I Write A Book

Should I Write A Book

By Evan Swensen| 03/15/2023
Should you write a book? This is a question that many people struggle with. But, just as every person is different, each book has its reasons for coming across our … 0 More

Ravens Cove

By Evan Swensen| 01/23/2023
I don’t think Author Mastermind Mary Ann Poll intended to become a published author when she began writing Ravens Cove. According to her YouTube, Getting to Know Mary Ann video, it … 0 More

Three Years Later

By Evan Swensen| 12/16/2022
May’s (not her real name) countenance radiated pleasure as she placed her manuscript-containing envelope on my desk’s corner. She was silent but smiling as I opened the package and withdrew … 0 More

The Best Inquiry Letter Ever Written

By Evan Swensen| 12/15/2022
During a writers’ meet and mingle event, I overheard a conversation that went something like this, “I’ve attended more than ten writer conferences. When I do, I pay the $25 … 0 More

Murder Over Kodiak

By Evan Swensen| 10/04/2022
Author Mastermind Robin Barefield’s Murder Over Kodiak has twists and turns aplenty; however, her coming of age as a mystery writer shows other twists and turns—some I’ve been a party to.   … 0 More

Ravens Cove

By Evan Swensen| 10/03/2022
I don’t think Author Mastermind Mary Ann Poll intended to become a published author when she began writing Ravens Cove. According to her YouTube, Getting to Know Mary Ann video, it … 0 More

Family Secrets

By Mary Ann Poll| 02/02/2021
America’s Lady of Supernatural Thrillers Author Masterminds Charter Member I was not raised in a Leave it to Beaver family. We were the outcasts in our neighborhood. Mental illness afflicted … 0 More

The Christmas Beagle

By Valerie Winans| 01/15/2021
by Remington Beagle as told to Valerie Winans: Dog’s Best Friend Member of Author Masterminds My first Christmas was the best Christmas I ever had because I found my forever home … 0 More

Race Track or Freeway

By Magdel Roets| 01/13/2021
Magdel Roets: Writer of Christian Fiction Author Masterminds Member The driver pulls the visor over his eyes. Secured in his seat, he clicks the car into gear, revs a bit, …

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