Book Signings

What Should You Expect At Book Signings?

Make Room For Customers

By Evan Swensen| 09/15/2022
Shawn Rogers (her real name) planned her public release party at Independent Bookstore (not the store’s real name). She followed the suggestions found in the short release party video  and sent … 0 More

To a T

By Evan Swensen| 09/13/2022
Getting a book published has been described as giving birth. There’s an amount of prenatal care to ensure your book arrives with a good chance of becoming a well-known, respected … 0 More

San Francisco Book Festival

By Evan Swensen| 03/20/2014
San Francisco Book Festival—Call for Entries. April 25, 2014 Deadline We are always looking for ways to help our authors, and so we are passing on this opportunity to you. … 0 More

Are Book Signings Fun?

By Evan Swensen| 09/09/2013
If your book signings aren’t fun, you’re doing them wrong. I know, because Publication Consultants and I have helped put on more than 100 of them. For your viewing pleasure, … 0 More

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