Do You Have What Publishing Companies Are Really Looking For?

Do You Have What Publishing Companies Are Really Looking For?

Do You Have What Publishing Companies Are Really Looking For?

Posted on 08/27/2021 1996.loktyukhin7zj
Do You Have What Publishing Companies Are Really Looking For?

What Publishing Companies Are Really Looking For

You’ve done it! You’ve finished your book. Whew, that was quite the task!

Now you’re ready for the next step: Choosing the proper publication to distribute your work to the rest of the world. But let’s face it. Some of us would instead write a second book than face the arduous job of publishing the first one.

Even many renowned authors have had to deal with a long line of rejection letters. However, the publishing process can be made easier by learning precisely what publishing companies are looking for. 


#1. Understand the Publishing Deal

The publishing process is highly complicated. But understanding the basic mechanics of a publishing deal can help you figure out how to get your bookshelves on thousands of bookshelves. 

The publishing process comprises: 



First-time authors may have a hard time making it through the first step if they are relatively unknown. 

Editing, Design, and typesetting, Proofreading & Printing

The publisher or their in-house publishing support services will now collaborate with you to ensure that your book looks fantastic when printed.

Sales, Marketing & Publicity

Major publishers and publishing services promote books to assure strong sales. 

As you can see, publishing is a multi-stage and challenging process, so it should come as no surprise that it might take at least a year to finish. When a publisher is looking to accept your manuscript, they must keep all of these steps in mind. 

#2 Is your manuscript Marketable?

books on a desk

Publishing is a business. At a basic level, it’s still a business and financial deal. 

So for publishers to make money, you need to be able to sell books. And the broader the appeal, the better your chances. When publishers look at a new project, they’ll likely ask themselves: What is the market potential for this? Who may be interested? How many persons make up that subset of the population?

Before setting out to a publishing house, research the following questions: 

  • Who would be interested in this topic?
  • What is their psychographics? 
  • How large is this market?

#3 Differentiation 

Nobody likes to read the same thing over and over again. Readers desire a new perspective, a news story, or sometimes something entirely original. Publishers aren’t interested in clones of already established authors. You must have a decent concept or narrative, which implies it must be distinctive and essential in its field.

As polished as can be

Make sure the prose is polished. Does your book read like a finished work of art? Ask friends and family to read it and point out any flaws they find i. The less work an editor has to do, the more they’ll like you!

You. Yes, you 

Publishers want their authors to be paragons, in a sense. They prefer writers who will work with them and deliver their work on time. 

Also, having an established platform or brand is essential. The platform is what will get your book in front of readers and generate sales.

The Best Platform For Authors 

A Website: You need to have a well-designed, content-rich website 

Blogs: Blogging lets you create current and fresh content regularly. 

Social Media: Outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, and others let you promote your book and help you stay connected with your audience. 

Speaking Appearances: Experts share their expertise with others, and authors are regarded as experts. Speaking on issues relating to your platform, teaching people the techniques you used to produce your book or exhibit in your book, and appearing on television and radio shows about your topic can all help you engage your audience.

a book on a desk next to a coffee

The Right Publishing Company For You 

You may increase your attractiveness to publishers by finishing as many of the aforementioned components as possible and combining them with excellent text.

Finding the right publisher isn’t going to be easy. You need one that will 

  • Have the platforms necessary to gain attention for your work
  • Understand and cherish what your project means to you 
  • Be filled with perseverance: the literature industry is tough
  • Have vision, imagination, team leadership, and an ability to meet all your expectations
  • of course, have a passion for books!

Start Right Here 

At Publication Consultants, we’re here to turn that rough draft into a masterpiece on display on thousands of bookshelves worldwide. We publish a broad range of genres and titles compared to other publishers. After being in the publishing business since 1978, we welcome this opportunity to acquaint you with our company. Learn more when you visit our website.

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