Author Newsletter

Author Newsletter

Author Newsletter

Posted on 08/06/2013 Evan Swensen

Anchorage Young Writers Conference

This year’s Young Writers Conference, Generation You: Writers of the Future, will be on Saturday, October 26th, 2013. The conference will be for students in middle and high school (6th- 12th grade). The conference will be at Clark Middle School, again. It’s a beautiful building, plenty of parking and easy to get to. The conference will start at 9:30 a.m. with three sessions: two before lunch and one after. Each session will be about an hour.

If you’d like to be one of the participating author please let us know by return email so you can be part on the registration form and part of the advertising. Please include the following in your response.

How many sessions are you willing to do? 1, 2, or 3
Which session(s)? 9:30 – 10:30 AM, 10:40 – 11:40 AM, 12:50 – 1:50 PM
What is the title of your interactive writing session? (Last year, kids really gravitated towards “catchy” titles.)
Please send a short “blurb” describing your session.

The Mat/Su Young Writers conference will be in the spring next year which allows authors to participate in both conferences.

Alaska Writers Guild Presentation
We have two opening for authors to participate with us at the Alaska Writer Guild meeting on August 20. If you’d like to participate you’ll want to arrive at the Wilda Marston Theater in the library and set up your table at 6:30 PM. The library will furnish the table and chair. You will need to bring your table covering, banner, a few books, and whatever other display items you use at your signings. The guild announcement is attached. All writers, published and unpublished, are invited to attend the free meeting. Let us know by return email if you’s like to participate with our presentation.

Release Parties
We’re attaching invitations to two upcoming release parties. You are cordially invited to attend these author events and help Jim and Lyle celebrate the release of their new books. We encourage authors to support other author’s release parties. Two good ways to do this is to send the attached notices to people on your email mailing list and include the notice in your blog and social media postings; and, by attending the party.

Book Signings
Book signings continue to be a most important way to introduce your book to potential readers and fans and to advance your writing career. To schedule a signing go to our website, click on Book Signings, follow the instructions, and we’ll take it from there.

Dale Wilderness, now living in Colorado, visiting friends and family in Alaska, and author of Drift in Your Pillow’s Eyes, conducted a number of book signings while in the State. We commend him for his signing success. He signed and sold all available books at several of his signings. As always, it’s a mixed emotion experience to sell out at a signing. You feel good about public acceptance of your book, but you wish you had had more books on hand.

Sheldon Gebb, author of In the Footsteps of My Father, began his summer signing tour in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory and included stops in Fairbanks and Anchorage. Sheldon also enjoyed signing success by selling all available inventory. If you like to meet Sheldon, check the signing schedule on our website and join him at one of his remaining signings. Sheldon lives in California.

Speaking of California, David Kunkel, author of Locked Up Abroad, recently moved to California and took up residence on a yacht anchored in a marina. David has continued his successful Alaska Costco signing successes in the area around his yacht with sell-out signings at Costco.

There is always a danger in highlighting an author about their signings as we don’t want to leave anyone out. We appreciate the eagerness with which authors approach signings. If you go to our website and check out the author signing schedule you’ll see a great number of signings by dedicated authors. For example you’ll see Bonnye Mathews’ ambitious signing schedule. Bonnye, author of the Winds of Change series, considers every signing a success and demonstrates an exuberant, excitement at signing. Although she hasn’t sold out at a signing, which is more difficult when you have more than one book, but she has come darn close.

Other authors with ambitious signing schedules include Heather Johnson, author of Hidden Voice, Janet Boylan, author of The Day Trees Bent to the Ground and In the Light of the Night and Dark of the Day, Lyle O’Connor, author of Due Process, Warren Troy, author of Trails, The Last Homestead, and Jester, Bill Hauser, author of Fishes of the Last Frontierand Letters from Alaska, Don Johnson, author of The Lost Tree of Life, Glenda Field, author of Atiska Ataska, Charlie’s in Alaska, Marianne Schlemilgh, author of Coho Waterboy, Raven’s Light, Gaston’s Crow’s Nest, Solo Flight, Driftfeather on the Alaska Seas, Feather from A Stranger, Two Tickets and A Feather, and Slugs Forever!, Monica Estill, author of The Bossy Boulder, Jim Misko, author of For What He Would Become, The Cut of Pride, and The Most Expensive Mistress in Jefferson County, Cil Gregoire, author of Anthya’s World and Crystalline Aura, and Dan Griffin, author of Village of the Full Moon Curse. We also note that Mary Ann Poll, author of Ravens Cove and Ingress, wearing two hats: Author Events Coordinator and author has scheduled signings which will include her new book, Gorgon as soon as it’s released. In addition, Erin Rivard, author of Agattu, The Alaskan Caribou, living in Korea and visiting family in Alaska has conducted a series of successful signings. We also note that Dale Wilderness has scheduled a signing at Barnes & Noble in Colorado Springs for November 16. That’s looking ahead. We express our gratitude and admiration to each of you.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

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