Author Update

Author Update

Author Update

Posted on 12/21/2014 Evan Swensen

Bonnye Matthews
Bonnye received a glowing, informative review of her new book, Tuksook’s Story, 35,000 BC. You can see the review by going to and click on the cover, then go to page 25, you’ll see the piece that introduces Tuksook’s Story, 35,000 BC, the signing Saturday at Fireside, and other signings coming up.

Jim Misko
Jim received several complimentary reviews for his new book, As All My Fathers Were. Jim did a two week book signing tour in Nebraska, the setting for his new book. Here’s the links to just two of his reviews:

Alaska Wholesale Gift Show
Several authors have asked about the Alaska Wholesale Gift Show indicating that they may like to partner with other authors and display their books at the show. You can find the information about the show by going to <>. If you’re interested, kindly let us know and we’ll get interested author together.

Dick Shellhorn
The Cordova Times gave Dick some good press when his book, Time and Tide, was released earlier this winter. Dick has worked hard to get his book in the hands of as many readers as possible and it looks like his efforts have paid off. He’s talking about a second printing after the first of the year.

Amazon Author Central
Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books on, and view Customer Reviews and sales information for your bibliography.

If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central.

You can find out more at: To learn more about Author Central, visit the help pages:

Marthy Johnson
Marthy sends her Word for Word piece out each month to interested authors. You can view her latest offering at I’m sure if you sent Marthy an email <> she would send you her amusing and helpful author information each month.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

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