Author Update

Author Update

Author Update

Posted on 02/16/2016 Evan Swensen

Mat/Su Young Writers Conference
If you’d like to, and are able, we invite you to participate in this year’s Mat/Su Young Writers Conference on April 30, 2016.. Because of the popularity, enjoyable experience, and opportunity to sell books and help kids, we’ve already heard from some or our authors who have asked to be included in this year’s faculty.  You will enjoy teaching students hungry to learn from a published author. Our authors have participated in this wonderful conference for almost 20 years. If you’re able to set aside that Saturday morning for young people please let us know by return email. We only have room for 22 authors.

The Rationale for the conference is to:
·      Promote district curriculum and the Alaska Writing State Standards goals related to composition using the six-writing traits and reading.
·      Provide instructors with a highly motivating and meaningful activity as a vehicle to encourage creative writing.
·      Promote opportunity to fulfill needs of student interest and gifted abilities in the area of composition.
·      Provide a shared, common experience for students, staff and parents; and an opportunity to see how different schools approach the activity.  This provides a forum for idea sharing for the teaching staff.
·      Provide modeling of the writing process and publishing process by known Alaskan Authors.
·      Increase community awareness and understanding of the school district efforts to develop writers.

And, the conference gives you opportunity to sell a few books and broaden you customer base.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

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