A significant number of our authors have served in the military. So, naturally, their experience comes out in their writing, whether fiction or non-fiction.
Some examples include:
A Sound of Freedom by Walter Grant. One of America’s Enduring Patriot Authors. In this novel, a former double agent decides to stop the sabotage, by Soviet agents, of America’s new Peacekeeper missile. If the Soviet Union’s KGB interferes with the test launch, several million United States citizens will die when the missile crashes into the West Coast. Walter’s later books also express his patriotism: The Club Revolution Continues and The Club II: Live Free or Die.
Buffalo Soldier by Owen Hunt was mentioned in an earlier blog. In this memoir, Owen grips the reader with his time in service to his country, from his years in the Civilian Conservation Corps, the United States Army, and after, as a successful businessman, husband, father, and pillar of the community.
Regular Army Corporal by Richard Ellmers. A memoir of a man who grew up during the Depression; in World War II, he struggles for maturity and a relationship with Jesus Christ in the middle of the hell that is war. Ellmers wrestles with the thorny questions of morality, sexuality, alcoholism, ethics, military discipline, and leadership.
T. Martin O’Neil, a retired Naval Captain, is a thirty-five-year veteran of Naval Intelligence, most of which was with Naval Special Warfare. Marty, Operational Intelligence Specialist, Field Operative, and True Patriot, is an author who sincerely loves his country and honors his flag. He has written two books: Into the Fire, Death, Sex Slaves, and Drugs in South Vietnam and The Worth of Souls Abomination of Sex Slaves in Southeast Asia.
Carl Douglas is a retired neurosurgeon who served as a general surgeon during the unpleasantness in Viet Nam. Carl, Neurosurgeon Turned Author Writes With Gripping Realism, has written 27 books for Publication Consultants, including a six-book saga about the chutes and ladders world of medical academia, private neurosurgical practice, and the world of corporate medicine, two six-book novellas, and Trojan Horse in the Belly of the Beast Trilogy. Carl is no stranger to the world of medical malpractice described in his fictional account, All In Jest. All In Jest comes from the heat of his own experience of jousting with avaricious plaintiffs’ attorneys.
Honor our service members by reading some of their books! And they make great gifts. But, again, if you would like a personalized copy, just let us know.