Alaska Outdoors Magazine Podcasts

Alaska Outdoors Magazine Podcasts

Alaska Outdoors Magazine Podcasts

Posted on 07/18/2015 Evan Swensen
Alaska Outdoors Magazine Podcasts

Alaska Outdoors Magazine Podcasts

We invite you to come along with us. Alaska Outdoors Magazine podcasts, earlier radio show recordings, are interesting, informative, and sometimes controversial. The podcast is your window to Alaska outdoors. Evan’s guest on Episode 01 is inventor and biologist, Smiley Shields. Smiley talks about stone bows and a flyreel made from wood. The show includes visiting with Natural Pantry’s, Vicky Solberg, telling us what we should be doing to stay fit and healthy in the outdoors. The show address Subsistence, Scenarios, and Solutions by booing the governor’s approach to subsistence and applauding the legislature for their approach. This episode ends with Evan’s One Last Cast titled, For Kids Only.

We’ve attached an audio file that will give use a quick introduction to the show. Please give it a listen.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

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