Author Update

Author Update

Author Update

Posted on 07/22/2014 Evan Swensen

TNG/ReaderLink Update

The sale of TNG’s book business to ReaderLink was completed as expected on June 2, 2014. However, we’re still waiting for our first purchase order and book signing procedure. The few weeks after the purchase ReaderLink concentrated their efforts on determining the best way to proceed by either keeping the book inventory of TNG or beginning anew. Last week they made the decision to keep the inventory currently on the shelves in stores—but not purchase any of the warehoused books. Of course this meant that we received a huge number of returned books. As a result many author’s July royalty report will show returns. For some authors, book sales will mitigate all or some of the returns. Consequently, we’re asking that if your July royalty report shows an amount owing, and it’s more than $25, kindly send us your payment. This will be particularly important for this month’s royalty. As always, if your royalty is more than $25 we’ll send you a check.

Book signing are still available at Costco, Walgreens, Barnes and Noble, and most independent book stores. We encourage you to continue participating in events like craft fairs, markets, and other book selling opportunities.

We have a contract with ReaderLink and expect that they will begin purchasing books within the next few weeks. That’s what our Reader Link account representative tells us.

Thanks once more for your continued, loyal support.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

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