Author Update

Author Update

Author Update

Posted on 08/14/2014 Evan Swensen

AutoCrit Editing Wizard

Several professional groups we’re members of have comments about AutoCrit Editing Wizard. On the surface it looks like it is an expensive editing tool. We sampled a short piece and it gave helpful information. You can try it for free,  but of course when you click on additional help you’ll be asked to purchase a subscription. The price is reasonable if it will improve your work. We’re not recommending AutoCrit, but asking that if you try it, or already use it, kindly send us a report and we’ll compile the results and pass the information along.

Here’s what the website <> says about AutoCrit:

Improves Your Manuscript. Guaranteed.

The AutoCrit Editing Wizard finds hundreds of problems instantly — even things that you and your critique partners have missed. The Wizard identifies slow pacing, overused words, cliches and many more problems typical of early drafts.

Easy To Use

There is nothing to download and nothing to install. You can get started right now.

You’ll love the Wizard’s easy-to-read reports and the insights it provides on your manuscript. The AutoCrit Wizard makes editing simple.

Saves You Time

The Wizard is available 24 hours a day and you receive your reports in seconds. No more waiting for your critique partner to return your manuscript.

You can have your chapter edited by morning.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

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