Author Update

Author Update

Author Update

Posted on 10/20/2014 Evan Swensen
Author Update

Amazon Author Central
Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books on, and view Customer Reviews and sales information for your bibliography.

If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central.

You can find out more at: To learn more about Author Central, visit the help pages:

dickellieTime and Tide
Dick Shellhorn had a successful release party for his new book Time and Tide. He made his release party an event by making a presentation about his book and the Cordova area. The first book was signed to his granddaughter, Ellie. Ellie’s signed copy was soon joined by more than 70 other signed copies. You can see more photos and learn abut Dick’s website at

Meeting With The Well Known
Like Dick Shellhorn’s release party, Carey Cossaboom’s release party, for Meeting With The Well Known, at the Sourdough Mining Company Restaurant was more event than release party. There are more photos of his release party event on his website at You can also read his first blog.

Lawless Measures
Dressed as Walter Eloy Goe, the book’s character, Lyle O’Connor, author of Lawless Measures held his book release party at the same location as he did for his first book, Due Process. For reason’s unknown, Lyle’s guests asked that he not smile for their photo. Perhaps their image of Walter was one of a more serious person than the almost always smiling author. More information about Lyle’s books and photos may be found at Walter’s dark side can be found at

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

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