Author Update

Author Update

Author Update

Posted on 11/06/2014 Evan Swensen

THE LYIN KINGSThe Lyin Kings: The Wannabe World Leaders

I.S. Petteice has released her new book, The Lyin Kings. In addition to the attached New Book Information, you may view the book’s trailer on the author’s website,

Book Trailer

If you’d like an inexpensive trailer for your book we’ll be pleased to create it for you. All you need do is furnish us with a script (not more than 150 words) and appropriate royalty free pictures. The description on the back cover of your book may be the script, or a good place to begin. If you’d like music in the background, also let us know where we can find a royalty free copy. Kindly let us know if you have questions.

ReadAlaska 2014

We’re finalizing plans for ReadAlaska 2014. We’ve attached the front and back cover of this year’s flyer. There are still a few openings. If you’d like to join us kindly go to our website, click on Book Signings, Author Signing Requests, then follow the prompts. You’ll need to request all three days. We will have enough space so you can make a nice display for your books. The hours are Friday and Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday from Noon to 5 PM. We will display many of our titles, but of course, books that sell are the ones when the author is present and the author can autograph the customer’s copy. You’re encouraged to bring a table covering and small display item for your place on the table to attract people to your space. Bring your banner and stand.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

Publication Consultants
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