Author Update
Posted on 02/04/2015 Evan Swensen
Author Campaign Method
We are continuing testing our new sales tool, which we’re calling, Author Campaign Method (ACM), to distinguish our method of sales and marketing books on the Internet from all other methods. The Author Campaign Method is based on these two Internet sales and marketing success principles:
- You must treat your writing as a business requiring your involvement throughout the entire lifecycle of your book.
- Niches are riches.
You are the one that determines the lifecycle of your book. As long as you’re involved, the book has a life—when you become disengaged, the book dies. Your success as a writer and published author will be enhanced once you identify your niche and market to it.
We believe ACM will be the major way you apply these two principles. First, identify your niche. If you’re unsure of your niche, kindly contact me and let’s talk. We do not want to proceed with ACM with you until we have identified your niche. Remember, niches are riches. Second, commit to a daily involvement to your campaign. The minimum time commitment should be at least one hour per day letting people know about your book’s campaign. You do this principally using FaceBook, Twitter, and email. ACM provides an easy way to use and measure your efforts.
There is not a more powerful marketing tool than a personal recommendation. ACM technology leverages your social networks to help spread the word about your campaign; driving qualified and measurable leads resulting in sales. Publication Consultants, as your publisher, is able to provide the environment for the sale of your book, but you, the author, is the brand and readers want to connect with you. The face to the reader is you, the author, not the publisher.
Here’s an article explaining the psychology of sharing so instrumental to a successful campaign. We recommend you study this article and begin now writing your ACM content using what you learned here:
We encourage you to also study and apply what is taught by this article to help you create effective social media posts:
About ten days ago we gave you two URLs for testing ACM. Using what we’ve learned from our test we have changed our test campaigns and invite you to look again at the tests: <> and <>. You will notice subtle, but differences.
Within the next two weeks we will be inviting authors to use Publication Consultants’ Author Campaign Method. If you’re interested, please contact me and let’s talk. We will provide the environment. You provide the time and content.
Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424 Fax (907) 349-2426
Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to