Author Update

Author Update

Author Update

Posted on 01/09/2014 Evan Swensen
Author Update

litiravenBlog Talk Radio

In a recent Blog Talk Radio show, two of our authors, Bonnye Matthews, author of Ki’ti’s Story, 75,000 BC andManak-na’s Story: 75,000 BC and Polly Bigelow, author of When Raven Dances,explore the distinction between writers and authors. We also discuss the benefits of becoming a published author, some of the pitfalls to avoid and much more. If you’d like to listen and learn kindly click HERE.

gettingstartedPublication Consultants Blog

As you may know we’ve enlisted the services of Rebecca Goodrich’s, Ghostwriters, to assist us with our blog. We are pleased
with the regular stream of information important to us, our authors, and potential authors contained in these blogs. Our most recent blog may be read by clicking HERE.

We’ve also packaged two books together as an Author Publishing Starter Kit. Bringing Your Book to Market explains how Publication Consultants works with authors. Becoming A Published Author is the first person account of more than 30 of our authors about how they became a published author. If you’d like a free copy for your self or would like us to send a free copy of the Author Publishing Starter Kit to someone else just click HERE.  When you check out kindly enter Getting Started in the coupon area. All we ask is that you pay the postage.

alaskatracksBook Signings

We know of no better way to keep your book before the reading public than book signings and other author events. However, signings continue to be the agony and ecstasy of book marketing. For example one of our authors had a promising Christmas season signing at one of the big box stores and circumstances proved to make it a bust. On the other hand, Randy Zarnke, author of Alaska Tracks, sold 30 books at a recent signing at Barnes and Noble in Fairbanks. He would have sold more, but that’s all the books that were available. The store has invited Randy back and have placed an order for more books. It’s pretty difficult to predict how successful a signing will be. But, like fishing, you need to keep your line in the water. We encourage you to go to our website and view the video, Book Signings are Fun; and keep your line in the water by scheduling a few signings.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

Publication Consultants
Publishing the works of authors worldwide!
8370 Eleusis Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
(907) 349-2424  Fax (907) 349-2426

Publication Consultants, book publishers, has established a legacy of providing authors opportunities for expression, preserving histories and stories, and bringing joy to readers and writers; and, doing so in an atmosphere of mutual respect and integrity. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or if you know someone who is writing a book go to

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