Author Update

Author Update

Author Update

Posted on 07/13/2015 Evan Swensen

Author Campaign Method (ACM) of Sales and Marketing

If you’d like to participate in ACM it is necessary to have an author page on Amazon and a website. Here’s information about how to establish your Amazon Author Page at Author Central.

Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books on, and view customer reviews and sales information for your bibliography.

If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central.

You can find out more at: or

Several are ACM participants including the following authors:

If you click on any of these unique URLs you’ll be able to see the author’s page on Amazon. Some of the author pages are still being worked on and updated.

Bonnye Matthews and Jim Misko also have functioning Amazon Author Pages; however, they do not have an unique URL:

When an author uses their unique URL in one of  their social media posts, and a potential customer clicks on the unique URL, they are taken immediately to the author’s Author Page on Amazon. Once there the potential customer can find out about the author and the author’s books. They can also purchase either the printed book or the eBook.

If you have question about ACM or Author Central, kindly contact me and let’s talk.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen

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