Author Update
Posted on 09/10/2015 Evan Swensen
Author Campaign Method (ACM) Update and Upgrade
We take the quote by Marcella Smith, Small Press Business Manager, Barnes & Noble seriously: “The author is essential to the success of the book, giving energy behind the book to make it something that a customer will come in and ask for. That is what makes the difference in a book that sells, that develops legs, and has a life of its own. Otherwise the book goes on the shelf and stays there for three months. Then it gets returned.”
This is Publication Consultants’ motivation for constantly striving to assist authors sell and market their books. ACM is Publication Consultants’ plan to accomplish this so that our authors’ books have a reasonable opportunity for success. We know the difference between motion and direction. ACM is direction! ACM is the process for authors who are serious about bringing their books to market. ACM is a boon for serious authors, but a burden for hobbyist. We don’t recommend ACM for hobbyists.
The six facets of Publication Consultants’ ACM includes: a release party, web presence, book signings, Amazon Author Page, Facebook Page, and Active Social Media Participation.

Release Party
We’re the only publisher we know of assisting and supporting author release parties. Your Publication Consultants’ publishing contract includes our support of your release party. If you’d like more information about release parties, kindly contact us or see the Well Planned Release Party video on our website <>. A well planned release party kick starts the sales and marketing of your book and is well suited for both serious authors and hobbyists. For the serious author, a well planned release party is essential to your ACM’s effectiveness.

Web Presence
We’re the only publisher we know of that creates a web presence for their authors by obtaining a domain name, creating a website, and establishing a blog. Your Publication Consultants’ publishing contract includes establishing your web presence. Keep in mind that your website will do little unless you feed and nurture it by regularly posting to your blog, keeping your events current, and promoting it in your social media offerings. A website is a frustration for the hobbyist and an asset for the serious author. If you want information about establishing your web presence kindly send us an email and we’ll send you the details.
Book Signing
We’re the only publisher we know of that provides authors with book signing opportunities. Book signing are appropriate for hobbyist and essential for serious authors. To schedule a book signing kindly go to our website, <>. Click on Book Signings, then Author Signing Request, follow the prompts, and Author Services will take it from there. Once you’ve made the request you’ll receive confirmation that the request has been received. As soon as the request is approved by the bookseller you will receive notification from Author Services giving you details about the signing.
Amazon Author Page
An Author Page on Amazon Author Central is a serious author ACM requirement and desirable for the hobbyist. Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an Author Page, update information about your books, and view Customer Reviews and sales information for your bibliography. If you don’t already have an Author Page on, Amazon will create one for you when you sign up for Author Central. You can find out more at: or the help site A well maintained Amazon author page is essential for your ACM’s success. You should point all of your social media offerings to your Amazon author page. Your author pages makes it easy for potential readers to purchase your book.
Facebook Profile and Facebook Page
We hear authors complain about all the personal stuff on Facebook. Most of these complaints are because the author doesn’t understand the difference difference between a Facebook profile and a Facebook page. Simply put, a profile is for personal things for friends and family; a page is for business. If your book is just a hobby, then it’s fine to have only a Facebook profile and make your posts for friends and family; however, if you’re serious about your writing, and it’s a business with you, or you want it to be business, then you need a Facebook page as an author. It’s simple to tell if it’s a page or a profile. A profile shows how many friends and a page shows how many likes. Here’s a link <> to a straight forward description on how to set up your author Facebook page.
Active Social Media Participation
Social media marketing is a frustration for most authors: serious ones and hobbyist alike. However, SMM is the serious author’s key to success and the glue holding the other five facets of ACM together. As a published author, you are a celebrity in the minds of your readers. They are interested in you and what you do and what you think. The proper use of social media gives you the opportunity to serve your reader’s desire to be a part of your celebrity status. Regardless of what you’re now doing with social media we have some exciting news. Publication Consultants has partnered with Cortex: Artificial Intelligence for Marketing. Cortex is for serious authors and will probably not be of interest to hobbyists. We’ve been using Cortex for the past 30 days and are prepared to introduce it to you as a tool to maximize your SMM results and minimizing your efforts. We’ll be sending you an invitation to attend our introduction, information, and training webinar in a few days. We think you’ll be pleased with what you learn.