Royalty Report and Royalty Statement

Royalty Report and Royalty Statement

Occasionally, authors ask for clarification of an item on their Royalty Report and Royalty statement. It is important to us that you understand your monthly report and statement. If you do not understand your report and statement or have any questions about any item on your statement, kindly contact us, and let’s discuss it.

Each month, we send out two forms comprising your royalty accounting for the given month: a Monthly Royalty Report and a Monthly Royalty Statement. At the top of your Monthly Royalty Report, you will see a line showing your name and the month’s name. At the top of your Monthly Royalty Statement, you will see your name, contact information, and date. Your Monthly Royalty Statement will list each month as the month occurs. If there is a balance, or credit balance, at the end of the year, it is shown as Amount Forward on January’s Statement.

Your Royalty Report details all sales activity for the month. If there were returns, the return shows as a minus and appears in the column under Returns. The thing to remember about your Royalty Report is that it details books sold and paid for. If a book is sold and paid for, it appears on your Royalty Report. If it is a return, it shows as a minus. Your Royalty Report shows only books sold and paid for by a bookseller, wholesaler, or other customer. You may have had a book signing where you sold books, but the credit for those sales may not appear for as long as three months. Most booksellers receive 90-day billing status.

Your Monthly Royalty Statement also shows amounts you may owe us. Therefore, amounts owed you are shown as a minus. It’s just like the statement you receive

from the gas, electric, or any other company. You look at the bottom link and that is the amount you owe. If there is a credit balance, it is shown as a minus.

We do not write royalty checks for less than $25, so no check is written each month in which the royalty is less than $25. If there is royalty due, and the amount is less than $25, the amount will show on your Monthly Royalty Statement as a minus (your account has a credit balance). Royalties are combined with previous month’s royalties until the amount exceeds $25, and a check is written.

Your Monthly Royalty Statement will always have a statement showing the amount we owe you or you owe us—or a zero balance. If the Monthly Royalty Statement shows a balance due, we ask that you send your check for that amount. We expect that you follow our $25 policy and not send a check if the balance owed is less than $25. Generally speaking, future royalties will offset balances less than $25.

The other thing that may influence your Monthly Royalty Statement balance is if you purchase books. If you purchase books, the amount will appear on your Monthly Royalty Statement as owing. Again, we expect you to follow the $25 rule and remit your check if the amount due exceeds $25. Your Monthly Royalty Statement should never show a balance, or a credit balance, of more than $25 unless we have discussed it.

I trust this discussion has helped you understand your reports and statements. Again, if you do not understand any part of them or have any questions, kindly contact us. We want you to understand your Monthly Royalty Report and Monthly Royalty Statement.

8073 Eleusis Drive · Anchorage, Alaska 99502 · (907) 349-2424 · (907) 349-2426 ·

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