Author Update
Posted on 03/29/2014 Evan Swensen
Mary Ann Poll
Mary Ann had a uplifting experience at a book signing at the Dimond Fred Meyers. A loyal reader, Lori Atuk, knowing that Mary Ann would be at the signing, found her and purchased a copy of Gorgon, Mary Ann’s latest book. It always nice when you find that your social media offerings and signing schedule is working and a fan takes the time to come to your signing and purchase a book. But, that’s only half of the story. After reading Gorgon, Lori placed the following message on FaceBook:
I finally finished reading Gorgon. I loved it as much as Ravens Cove and Ingress. But I’m so sad it’s over. Can’t wait to read your next book. It’s got to be longer next time. I could only drag this one out a week because I have been so busy. I really enjoy reading your books. I hope you keep writing even after the Ravens Cove saga is over. I haven’t met an author that can keep me so interested and craving to read more. You truly are special. Thank you for the amazing adventures.
Publication Consultants Blogs
As mentioned in a pervious Author Update, Rebecca Goodrich writes our blogs under our direction. Following is our blog number 120. We anticipate sharing our weekly blog with you each week as part of the Author Update.
What Joy for a Writer Exceeds Holding that New Book, Even if it’s the Third Book?
We were happy to deliver to Bonnye Matthews, award-winning writer of prehistoric fiction, the third book in her Winds of Change series. On LinkedIn she immediately posted that she wondered if anything could make her happier than this, her third novel.
Zamimilo’s Story: 50,000 BC continues her controversial saga of the early peopling of the Americas. Hotly debated by archeologists for decades, Matthews’ finely researched novels are beginning to mirror current academic theories and scientific research regarding early human history.
Or perhaps we should say that science and academia are beginning to mirror her novels.
Bonnye Matthews says this is her favorite book. And we’re sure that it is. And we are certain that it will be her favorite until she holds Book Four, Tuksuk’s Story: 35,000 BC, due to be published summer 2015.
You can see for yourself some of the wonderful research and discoveries that pertain to Bonnye’s books by getting in touch with her on social media: (Click on the social media icons)

Twitter: @BonnyeMatthews
Alaskana Books
Alaskana Books sells to new owner, closes doors. What is thought to be the largest private collection of books about Alaska has been sold to an Anchorage collector. Click HERE to read the full story.
Margaret and Midnight
Valerie Boever, author of three Margaret and Midnight books, enjoyed a doubly nice experience by seeing her work in Make a Scene magazine. She was able to write her own review and see it published.

Keep in touch,
Evan Swensen
Publication Consultants
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