
Hiking and Wildlife

Hiking and Wildlife

By Evan Swensen| 06/07/2022
In the early 1970s, there was a renewed interest in placer gold exploration and mining in the Nelchina area and the old trails north of Sheep Mountain were used again. … 0 More

Speechless Brothers

By Evan Swensen| 05/30/2022
Our wait at the Homer small boat harbor was not unpleasant while we waited for the arrival of our guide, Kevin Sidelinger. Lars and I witnessed boats of all shapes … 0 More

Bird Creek Trail

By Evan Swensen| 05/23/2022
Bird Creek Trail begins in a birch forest and climbs into an alpine area above Turnagain Arm. It is one of the first hikes open to sufferers of cabin fever. … Con...

Hiking Alaska

By Evan Swensen| 05/09/2022
Which trail is the best trail in Alaska to hike? The one you’re hiking on, of course! Pick out a trail and gear up! Hiking Alaska is like hiking an … Continue ...

Charlie’s Last Flight

By Evan Swensen| 05/02/2022
Eight-five-seven Charlie was a 1948 Stinson model 108-3. She was born red. In the last year of her life, she changed her dress, and she became metallic blue, with a … 0 More

Charlie’s Last Freedom Flight

By Evan Swensen| 04/25/2022
Charlie’s pilot’s son Jesse’s first sheep hunt took place on Mt. Gordon among other snow-capped peaks of the Wrangells. It was in the days before the National Park Service entered … 0 More

Charlie’s Prince or Pauper

By Evan Swensen| 04/18/2022
Charlie’s pilot traveled to Southwest Alaska in the old 1948 Stinson Voyager, 857 Charlie. Charlie’s pilot’s daughter, her friend, and her friend’s father completed the party. They flew through scenic … 0 More

Charlie’s Ghost Moose

By Evan Swensen| 04/11/2022
“Ted,” said Charlie’s pilot, as Charlie pointed her faded red nose north, “I know a place where an old, woods-wise moose hangs out. Let’s motor over there and take a … 0 More

Charlie’s Missing Moose

By Evan Swensen| 04/04/2022
Gravel sprayed off the big tires of 857 Charlie and peppered her horizontal stabilizer. Her aeronautical designers back in 1947 never envisioned her landing on a gravel bar off the … 0 More

Charlie’s Fifth Moose

By Evan Swensen| 03/28/2022
The subsistence hunter’s moose was deposited safely with the hunter’s family, but he was still on the lake, probably spending the night with the lake’s lone resident, a trapper in … 0 More

Charlie’s Denali Moose

By Evan Swensen| 02/28/2022
Ted Pyrah has a heart big as the Matanuska Valley in which he resides. His big heart caused him to agree to accompany a lady senior citizen caribou hunter the … 0 More

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