Writing Tips

San Francisco Book Festival

San Francisco Book Festival

By Evan Swensen| 03/20/2014
San Francisco Book Festival—Call for Entries. April 25, 2014 Deadline We are always looking for ways to help our authors, and so we are passing on this opportunity to you. … 0 More

Copywriting Tips

By Evan Swensen| 11/07/2013
Within this article today on copy writing tips, we’ll look at how you can acquire more clients as well as improve your writing skills. Improving these two skills will allow …

Social Media/Social Networking—Must I?

By Evan Swensen| 10/31/2013
Social media—newsletters, blogs, webinars, articles. Each of these is a medium through which you send messages about yourself and your books. Social networking. Social media. Aren’t they the same thing? … 0 More

The WAR Cycle for Writers

By Evan Swensen| 10/24/2013
In one of his acts, comedian Chris Rock tells a joke where he calls a certain class of men, “Low-expectation-having folks.” (Of course, that’s not the word he used.) At … 0 More

Write in Chunks to Write Effectively

By Evan Swensen| 10/10/2013
Professional writers are often admired or envied for the end products they create. Yet, few look at the process of writing as an exciting career choice. And, for good reason. … 0 More

The Business of Publishing

By Evan Swensen| 10/03/2013
Congratulations, you’re published! But what exactly does it mean to be “published”? Besides the fact that your work is finally in print and your college alumni has asked to interview … 0 More

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