Almost Everything You Need to Know to Self-Publish Your Book

Almost Everything You Need to Know to Self-Publish Your Book

Almost Everything You Need to Know to Self-Publish Your Book

Posted on 09/21/2017 Evan Swensen
Almost Everything You Need to Know to Self-Publish Your Book

Publication Consultants is not able to publish every book that comes to us. The book, or author’s circumstances, does not qualify for our business model. But, if an author doesn’t qualify to be one of our authors, we’d like to help them stay out of shark-infested book publishing waters.

To do this we are offering a free webinar: Publisher’s Guide to Self-Publishing. How to Publish Your Book, On Your Own, Without A Publisher.

This is not a webinar to sell anything. You will not be asked to make a purchase or to become a client of Publication Consultants. However, this free webinar will give you the information you need to self-publish your book.

Let me tell you who this webinar is for so you’ll know if you’re in the right place. If you’ve written a book, if you’re writing a book, if you’re thinking about writing a book, or If you know someone who is writing a book and you’re unable to go forward with confidence, this webinar is specifically for you.

You can become a published author, launch your book, and truly enjoy the agony and ecstasy of writing a book. What you learn at this webinar will positively pave the way toward your book launch!

Following the suggestions you learn will give you the tips, tools, and training to tackle publishing your book with confidence—and to weed out the dishonest and to work with publishing partners who have integrity.

This free webinar will resolve these writer’s concerns:

· How can I be sure the companies I work with have integrity?

· How much will it cost to publish my book?

· Can my book be published with no cost to me?

· Do I need a website and how much does it cost?

· What about a blog, Facebook page, and other social media stuff?

· How do I market my book?

· What about eBooks?

· How do I get my book in Barnes and Noble, on Amazon, and other booksellers?

· What is a Library of Congress number and do I need one for my book?

· How do I launch my book?

· What is an ISBN number, is it necessary, and how do I get one?

· How do I copyright my book?

· And, finally, can I expect to make any money?

The webinar is free. And again, you will not be asked to make a purchase or become a client of Publication consultants.

To see the free YouTube video simply CLICK HERE.

We hope you’ll continue your writing career.

Please send us an invitation to your book’s launch party.

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